The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Delayed menstrual periods - Dr Kadwa pls help
To Dr Kadwa,Requesting you to please prescribe remedy to
start my wife's menstrual periods as they have been delayed. Below is the case.
Since last 2 months my wife is not getting her menstrual periods. Pregnancy test is negative and I am sure that she is not pregnant. During the time of periods cramps come but periods do not start. Before this her monthly periods used to be normal and on time.
As per me this problem started after she took few doses of Calcarea Carb 30c and Rhus Tox 30c for some of her other health problems. After that when she started getting abdominal cramps during the time her periods were due, she took mag phos 6x with hot water about 4-5 doses to reduce the cramps after which the cramps subsided. But then her periods did not start after the cramps subsided. After that since last 1 month she has not taken any homeopathic remedy. This month also her periods did not start and like before cramps started coming during the time of her periods, then cramps subsided and again periods did not start.
Can you please prescribe any homeopathic remedy to restore her menstrual periods and make them come at normal time and not get delayed.
[Edited by vjhos on 2017-09-15 07:46:38]
vjhos on 2017-09-15
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please give her Pulsatilla 200 twice a day for 3 days and see how that affects over a week.
♡ kadwa 7 years ago
After taking pulsatilla 200 if her periods starts in less than 3 days then does she need to stop taking it furthur or need to complete 3 days dose? Please confirm.
vjhos 7 years ago
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