The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Severe skin reaction chemicals
Taking sulphur 6c but not helping., what potentcy do I take? I get itching when around chemical poisons or ate once UNorganic strawberries. IF I itch the itching goes to the max my skin turns hot & red "under the skin you could see a rash" travels up from both hands at the same time, sometimes will start at both ears at the same time & travel down my neck to arms, down my spine sometimes and once to my feet! My blood pressure went very high. Hadn't had one in about 7-8 years till now and they used to last a hour. This is my 2nd day and my arms itch but I am not itching but want to but don't want to suffer the consequences! 2 nights ago I was in a deep sleep when I itched violently but didn't wake up to take anything. Remembered when I woke up still itching and saw the scratches. I did a case study and; sulphur is the predominate remedy. Agar was next. I was told a few years ago that I have mercury in my blood. I am 67 I had had my amalgam fillings removed 22 years ago. My body has light tremors but my hands and legs worse.I am hoping someone will tell me what potencies of sulphur.
When cured when I can add mercurous solubility 30c or if so, what other Mercury remedy do I need?
Please help as the itching is constant and I need to get to the root of this problem and make sure it does not resurface!
I worked 20 years with our offices chemically sprayed a non odor spray that gave me migraines. I have not worked for 7 years now. I can't tolerate most any perfume sprays & some essential scented oils which produce bad headaches.
Thank you kindly.
[Edited by HelpNeeded1 on 2017-09-25 16:27:13]
HelpNeeded1 on 2017-09-25
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
♡ kadwa 7 years ago
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