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Need to know about the best homeopaths in Mumbai

I have had 2 very big anxiety attacks. The first one went on for almost 2 months and now I am going through the second one also stretching for almost more than 2 months. I am trying to recover from the second one as well on my own.

I also have some fungal and east infection along with feeling physically very low and also I am mentally very depressed and worried.

I am not at all comfortable and very scared treating my self on my own so any such suggestions will not help.

What I want is to visit a nice homeopath personally. So I want to know which are the best homeopaths in Mumbai.
  WitchIcono on 2017-10-06
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Try dr umalkar in Mumbai- you can consult online or go to the clinic . Fungal and yeast infection- look up candida diet as you have to also change the diet to not feed the yeast. Everyone has yeast bacteria but after antibiotics which kill gut flora the yeast get out of control.

If you have had antibiotics in the last year,
Try taking a simple probiotic once a day for 2 months to restore your gut flora,
At least try a cup of plain yoghurt once a day to help replenishment of good bacteria.
simone717 7 years ago
Pl take
1. Arsenic Alb-200 6 pills twice a day for one week and then give feedback
homeo helper
homeo_helper 7 years ago
How is Dr Habbu in Sion. I also have a little stress and anxiety so will he be good.
[Edited by WitchIcono on 2017-11-10 09:36:25]
WitchIcono 7 years ago
simone717 said Try dr umalkar in Mumbai- you can consult online or go to the clinic . Fungal and yeast infection- look up candida diet as you have to also change the diet to not feed the yeast. Everyone has yeast bacteria but after antibiotics which kill gut flora the yeast get out of control.

If you have had antibiotics in the last year,
Try taking a simple probiotic once a day for 2 months to restore your gut flora,
At least try a cup of plain yoghurt once a day to help replenishment of good bacteria.

Are you talking of Dr Vidyasagar Umalkar.
[Edited by WitchIcono on 2017-11-10 09:55:31]
WitchIcono 7 years ago

The best homeopaths in the perception of wider audience would be expensive. And the judgement about BEST is subjective.

It'd do plenty of good if you can see a homeopath who would transparently discuss issues and reveal the name of medicine he/she dispenses and sticks to basic principles of homeopathy or atleast close to the basic principles. This type of h'paths can do more good to anyone than the best tagged ones.
maheeru 7 years ago
Yes- that is the dr.
simone717 7 years ago
Just want to reconfurm will Dr Vidyasagar Umalkar successfully cure me from leaky Gut and Candida infection.
WitchIcono 7 years ago
No one can guarantee that anyone can be cured of anything. On candida,
Allopathic drs give you a harsh med (hard on liver) that kills all the yeast.
Then you have to change diet and stop sugar and eat protein and vegetables
For a month or two so that candida yeast does not grow out of control
Again. Everyone has candida in the gut- it stays In the right
Amount if you have the right other bacteria in the gut.

Too much sugar feeds candida so it grows more
And antibiotics kill off much of the good other bacteria in the gut
And there is not enough left to have the gut run right.

People cure candida by themselves by following
The candida diet. Please google that and see
What you need to change in your diet.
You have to do your part.
simone717 7 years ago
What do you think is advisable to do.

Should I do a "homeopathic treatment + candida diet".

Or will " candida diet" alone be sufficient.
WitchIcono 7 years ago
A good homeopathic consult and prescription and monitor of your reactions can boost your entire system, you may feel stronger, have more energy and this will help.But homeopathy can not take the place of proper food and diet and lifestyle. In your case , the candida diet has to
Be done regardless.
[Edited by simone717 on 2017-11-16 15:19:53]
simone717 7 years ago
Is there a way to diagnose Candida overgrowth or east infection in your body.
WitchIcono 7 years ago

"10 signs you have candida overgrowth"
By amymeyersmd

She lists a comprehensive stool test to be ordered by dr.
And a urine test.
simone717 7 years ago
It is that even I fell pray to dr rajesh shah his many fancy websites and the clinic. It made me feel that I am going to a profesional homeopath. I was taking treatment from one of his lifeforce assistant clinics.

The assistants very much gave an unprofessional feel but I was not willing to accept it probebally due to brain fog and also because I was told in the house by my mother many times that nothing is wrong with me it is just your inactive lifestyle and also because I did go first to a general physician who told me to get some basic blood tests done. But he could not find any thing wrong with me in spite of me being so unwell inside.He just went on to say everything is fine.

I was experiencing the following symptoms before starting with their medicines-

1) I had a lot of inside fever which could not be seen on a thermometer,

2) constant pesperation which used to increase during evenings.

3) lot of joint pain in my elbows and under side of my knees,

4) I used to feel cold in the evenings,

5) Mild head aches which increased if I went in sunlight,

6) Full body pain,

7) Back pain,

8) Lot of physical weakness,

9) Loss of weight,

10) Unable to sleep at night,

11) Reduced appetite,

12) Constant bad throat with a feeling of swelling and pricking.

13) I also had a lot of brain fog and anxiety.

All of these symptoms have gone with those medicines.

I was under their treatment for 10 months and I must say those 10 months of my life were very pleasent. I was feeling so energetic, lively, happy and positive with those medicines. I was feeling like my oldself again. I was feeling like I am now cured.

I also have experienced physical changes in my body with those medicines like my chest and shoulders have become broder and stronger. My arms and legs have become fater and muscular almost double the size than what they were, my skin looks healthier and has become much lighter and my hair texture has also improved.

I was really liking all that was happening to me until June of this year when I stopped taking their medication as I was told that these medicines contain steroids. I then Googled homeopathy and steroids and could see only the side effects of steroids which gave me a big jolt of a shock.

But I then found out that if your homeopathic medicines are sweet then they are safe which gave me a bit of comfort and ease.

I then again did an internet research on Google based on the many symptoms I am still experiencing in a milder way and discovered that I have Candida east infection.

I now realize what kind of MURDERS THESE PEOPLE ARE. They did not disclose what illness I am suffering from, I also was not asked to get any diagnose done, nor did they tell me any special diet to follow. I was simply told that I have a low immune system disorder. That is it.

All they were after was my wallet and they just wanted to keep me for as long as they could.
[Edited by WitchIcono on 2020-03-15 05:35:44]
WitchIcono 7 years ago
Did they ever tell you what medicines you were taking?

I really doubt that a homeopathic clinic is going to give non homeopathic medicine.

Homeopathy is based on matching your symptoms with a remedy that will cause the same symptoms in a healthy person.
If you get a good match to your state, the human body will not accept two similar things. The body reacts- it raises your life force to get rid of the
Remedy and then it also gets rid of the underlying problem.

Usually the cure follows a path- google herings law of cure.

If you have to keep taking the remedy/remedies
And go back to original complaints ? Then the match was not right.

If you came there with a serious disease- perhaps treatment would be different and they would want tests. But in your case,it seems they did normal prescribing matching remedies to your symptoms.
simone717 7 years ago
Herbal/nutritional support for your problem - if you'd like to try:

For candida overgrowth, buy some good organic oil of wild oregano and run a course with it (you might like to make pause after like 2 weeks because it might lower iron). Dose is 2-4 drops daily in 1 tbsp of some cold pressed oil, best coconut. Over the counter medicines wipe the beneficial microbes out, candida gets much worse after them.

Kefir has more diverse bacteria than yogurt and colonizes your gut (yogurt just supports while it's there), yogurt is more available but if you can get a hold of the kefir grains, this is best. You need to feed the good bacteria and avoid what feeds candida. Like Simone said, you will not have results if nutrition is not changed.

To help your immune system try high quality black cumin seed oil (it needs to be dense and dark). It strengthens the immunity while resolving autoimmune problems.
[Edited by cosmicweaver on 2017-11-20 08:37:50]
cosmicweaver 7 years ago
simone717 said Dear,
Did they ever tell you what medicines you were taking?

No I asked them to disclose the names of the medicines at the beginning of the treatment but the assistant over there was extremely relectint on disclosing anything.

Even after I discontinued the treatment with them I called the assistant this time a different one to disclose the names of all the medicines I have taken. The assistant told she will email me regarding it but it never happened.
[Edited by WitchIcono on 2017-11-20 11:27:49]
WitchIcono 7 years ago
simone717 said I really doubt that a homeopathic clinic is going to give non homeopathic medicine.

I now am worried, sceptical and scared of all the medicines l have taken and all the physical changes that have happened to me as now I look physically stronger and a little healthier.

One of the big reasons for which is I came across a thread on this forum that discusses about dr Rajesh Shah. It has many bad reviews and opinions about him specially at the end of that thread which says things like -

"he does not practice homeopathy"

"He is nothing but a hakim"

"he does only marketing" "Which I agree is very true"

"Patients at life force are all treated by assistants and all medicines are also prescribed by them".

In fact I was on that thread before starting treatment with them. How much I now regret I should have completed reading that thread and not gone there.

So is there a way you can assure me that the medicines taken by me were safe and nothing but homeopathy medicines.
WitchIcono 7 years ago
simone717 said If you get a good match to your state, the human body will not accept two similar things. The body reacts- it raises your life force to get rid of the
Remedy and then it also gets rid of the underlying problem.

What do you mean by this. Can you please explain it a little more in a simpler way.
WitchIcono 7 years ago
Example: child has a spasmodic dry cough, worse at night, and worse from m heat.
The remedy Drosera- matches those symptoms.
In other words, if you give drosera to a healthy person, they will produce those symptoms.

So, drosera remedy(remedies are highly diluted molecular copies of the substance) is given to the child. Even though remedy is diluted,
The body of the child recognizes that it is already dealing with a SIMILAR

The human body will not tolerate two of the same problems.The human bodyr
Reacts- by raising the life force to get rid of the remedy. As it does this it
Also targets the real Similar cough at the same time. Life force is raised
And cough disappears.

There was a child on here with this exact thing.
The parents used the Remedy Finder and saw
Drosera was the best SIMILAR. They bought
Drosera and gave one dose. However, the bottle
Due to government rules had to have "instructions"- the instructions said
3x a day. They gave one dose, child was rapidly improved . They gave
A second dose because of bottle instructions. child got worse, because it
Was too much - parents then were told not to give more and after 5 hours
The child got better. Reactions to remedies are always individual to the person.

You can google materia medica of any remedy- all the symptoms
Listed are from healthy people who had similar reactions to the diluted remedy. That is how homeopaths decide the best match to raise life force.

Of course, finding the match, deciding doses, potency, checking reactions
Is complicated. You can google drluc.comFaq to learn more.
simone717 7 years ago
WitchIcono said All of these symptoms have gone with those medicines.

I made a mistake by saying the above as I am still experiencing a few of the symptoms like -

1) A good amount of physical weekness,

2) Constant feverish feeling but on a milder side,

3) joint pains in the fingers,

4) lack of Sleep,

5) lack of appitite,

6) constant slight diherria,

7) anxiety,

8) depression,

9) stress,

10) slight difficulty in concentration and

11) brain fog.

There is also a slight white cote on my tounge.
[Edited by WitchIcono on 2017-11-20 21:11:09]
WitchIcono 7 years ago
You can also email drthoufeequebhms at gmail dot com
Or put his name in the search box in here.
Threads will show up- then click his name and see his profile,
Which lists WhatsApp number , facebook page and so on.

He is a very good prescriber, does not seem to be on here lately,
But if you want to do private online prescription
With him, you can.

You still need to work with candida diet to
Get things to change and maintain the change.
simone717 7 years ago
Have Dr Rajesh Shah's assistants made my health condition more complicated to cure.
[Edited by WitchIcono on 2017-11-24 10:51:36]
WitchIcono 7 years ago
simone717 7 years ago
simone717 said Try dr umalkar in Mumbai- you can consult online or go to the clinic .

Are you "CRAZY" "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU" I called him up today he is even more expensive than the biggest marketers of homeopathy in Mumbai.

He says he charges 1000 for consultation plus 4000 every month for the medicines. That is way "too expencive" than any homeopath I have ever called up and consulted.

His rates are even more than the ones who give you a five star experience.

And he sounded like he was in a hurry and he cut the phone on me.
[Edited by WitchIcono on 2017-11-30 17:23:45]
WitchIcono 7 years ago
Try dr thoufeeque, you can ask him to take your case on here for free.
simone717 7 years ago

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