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Sulphur: Professional Constitutional Kit #1: First Aid Kit:



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

antidote to sulphur

Hi .I hd taken sulphur 30 on 23.09.17. for itching after bathing
It works on 29 .09.17 I repeat one doze after 2 days red itchy hard pimples types boils appears on my forehead which later spread to heads skin ..feeling headache also, heads feels very heavy, laziness, pain in left knee,. Nose block and frequent stool.

So many symptoms appears , plz tell me some medicine to stop this ,. I never go to that doctor ,. My forehead became scary nd rough ,. ,Due to hard itchy pimples or boils ,,

Should I go to allopathic doctor or take some antidote..

Plz I m in great trouble ...suggest me something...
  pranshu on 2017-10-07
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Wait for some more days to see if the effects subside.

If not

https://abchomeopathy.com/forum2.php/17622 this procedure can be used to anti dote the adverse effects


you can use one/two doses of Nux V 30c in water giving 24 hours gap. After dissolving the dose in 200 ml of water and just take one drop as a dose. This is to minimise aggravation given your sensitivity.
maheeru 7 years ago
Thanks . I try it..
But I still wanna know that these acne disappear when I antidote it or have to take some medicine. As I fear bcoz my skin got acne marks very quickly..

Yesterday acne becomes shiny as small pus inside.
If they comes out surely they leave a mark ..puchered hole type..

I want to dissolve them insite the skin..

Suggest me any good remedy..
pranshu 7 years ago
If there is pus then don't follow earlier advice of NUX V.---a case needs to be taken with more details. However the anti doting using same medicine can be tried but with very gentle dosage.
maheeru 7 years ago
I will never take sulhur again. Even for antidote it ....

I started drinking coffee 3 times day.
Pulsatilla nd rhus tox also antidote sulphur...

Can I try these...

Last day I met a homeo doctor he adviced me that the effect of sulphur last for one month in system. He adviced me Bellodona 1m to cure acne on forehead...
pranshu 7 years ago
Sulphur is a great remedy. For any one taking the medicine for first time it can be overwhelming. But for this alone don't hate this medicine. It will come in handy in many situations.

Puls is worth a try. But do not go with high potencies like 1M in the beginning. With your sensitivity it can create a strong reaction.

Start with 6c. Use four to six doses and give a gap of two to three days between doses. Take doses from water bottle by dissolving them in 200ml water disposable cup/bottle.

Or like you said you can visit the homeopath who gave you sulph. and explain everything. If he is not sensitive to your plight then you can start trying on your own.
maheeru 7 years ago
The effects r now subsiding..

But 5 years ago I had sinus problem, headache problem...

It returned back in the same way...

Nose continuously running with flow of water...and headache as full head is blocked...

Full forehead where acne r present is itching.......

Plz suggest me some remedy....

And also so many thanks 4 giving me ur valuable time...
pranshu 7 years ago
Also cough come in mouth full day ....

Oh my god..

On 2 doze of sulphur 30c gives me headache...damaged my system...
pranshu 7 years ago
pranshu said But 5 years ago I had sinus problem, headache problem...

It returned back in the same way...

Nose continuously running with flow of water...and headache as full head is blocked...

Full forehead where acne r present is itching.......

You mean these were return of old symptoms you had at some point?

I may be slow. But since you say symptoms are subsiding it's not bad.
maheeru 7 years ago
Now headache is gone.

.bt right sinus is still blocked ,
cough is present .Stool is very loose ,4 times per day..

face skin become scary , rough, sick type look ....

Now plz suggest me some medicine ...

Thanks for ur valuable and kind support in needy time...
pranshu 7 years ago

Please take one dose of Calc. carb. 30c. Dissolve one pill/drop in a 150 ml disposable mineral water bottle, from this solution take one drop of medicinal solution as a dose. You can use a disposable dropper.

Take this dose early in the morning 40 minutes before brushing on a non-working day.

If you don't notice any effect in a couple of days do not worry. Wait for some more days to assess the effect.
maheeru 7 years ago

I m suffering from stomach infection
.doc.gave me zenflox oz twice ...I m feeling pain on liver portion..

I will take cal.carb.30 after few days..

Plz don't mind.

I will definitely report u...

But afraid also that if this one also increase d problm.......
pranshu 7 years ago
I m very much afraid before taking any homeopathic med.

Plz excuse me..try to understand me..

Can i ask..

Calc. Carb..30 one dose

May increase or aggravates some problem...

Or it reduces my problem....
pranshu 7 years ago
Yes i can understand your anxiety about medicines. Unlike many others i have seen people reacting adversely to medicines a lot and i do acknowledge this. A lot of people i help out are sensitive patients who will either react very badly like you or would develop accessory symptoms which may be called side-effects.

Calc. Carb is a medicine for abuse of sulphur i.e over dosage beyond one's tolerance. It's also a great complementary medicine to sulphur.

I have only advised one dose which is unlikely to aggravate, remember your second dose of sulph. aggravated and not the first one. Also to make it gentler than direct oral dose, i have also advised you to dilute the medicine to make it suitable for your consumption. The other method to make it less aggravating is to sniff the dose.
maheeru 7 years ago
One dr gave me sulphur 1m 3 times 10m 2 times nd cm potency one time. It's been 6-to 7 years.. Since then I am. Suffering proving from it 2-3 homeopath given me nux, puls camphor, ars, ruutox nd more but nothing working on me. One Dr tell me to take low dose of sulphur 6c . Nd I took it but it created more prob.. Could someone tell me how to antidot this.. I am very sad.. Can someone help me pls..
Pandey_dev 4 years ago
Pandey_dev// how r u now? Is ur proving problem solved?
Wiezoox 2 years ago
No, not at all.. All problems are running ..pls sir help me to comt out from this problem..
Pandey_dev 2 years ago
Pls 🙏🙏🙏 sir help me.. I have. Done almost every thing. But nothing is working.. I have taken advice 4-4 homeopath but nothing is worki
Pandey_dev 2 years ago
Pandey dev
Pls share ur email I will share my contact no.
Wiezoox 2 years ago
Hey wiezoox please help me dear i am also suffering from proving of homeopathy medicine such as acid phos 200 10 drops 2 times a day for 4 months staphysagaria 30 agnus cast 30 and selenium met 30; terebinthinia 30 and liver tonic syrup but i tried antidote it with lycopodium 200 10 drops for 14 days and kali phos 5 drops 2 times a day for 15 day not work and tried nux vom 200 1 dose 5 drops at every night for 2 months.tyen cauticum 200 2 drops for 3 months not helped and nux 30 for 2 months and last antidote Camphor 1 m 2 drops repeated in 15 days 3 times Nux 1m 2 drops 1 time only..and lachesis 200 alternate days 4 dose 4 drops...please help me nothing is working i am very bad condition please reply me...
Abhi3 8 months ago
Wiezoox said Pandey dev
Pls share ur email I will share my contact no.⚠Please tick why you are reporting this post:Duplicate postArgumentative / Attack on another memberContains explicit or inappropriate contentPrescriber requesting offline contactPost is trying to sell somethingPosted under a false (duplicate) user name.Off topic for this thread.   Report Post     ♡+Endorsing posts shows your approval of this forum member and this particular post. Click the red button to endorse.Endorse Post  

Hey can you help me to come out of of the drug proving of acid phos 200 Staphysagaria 30 selenium 30 agnus castus 30 terebinthinia 30.....please reply
Abhi3 8 months ago

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