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Posts about Eczema

Mr. Anuj follow up with my case + Eczema14 year old girl eczema3Graphites & Eczema2Eczema9dyshidrotic eczema4Scrotal Eczema65 months old baby severe eczema9Eczema4My 7 yr old son seems to have eczema7Toddler with very dry skin and eczema40


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

sehorheic eczema and joint pains


I kindly need some help in finding the correct remedy.

Male, 40 yo, dark hair (a lot of white hair for the age); tall; well built
for 10-15 years ,Head eczema(dandruff) affecting hairline, lateral parts and occiput; white scales adhered to scalp; recur immediately after washing hair; itching in occiput if not washing hair for 2-3 days; aggravated by warm and heat of the bed.
For last 3-4 years the eczema affected eyebrows, area in between, L and R side of the nose root, ears in and out.

last year ago pain in the R thumb area coming in spring; pain in ball of thumb; tendon feel to short; pain in the joint of thumb on pressure; vein in the ball of thumb enlarged, bluer
this year in spring pain appeared in L thumb + pain the sole of R leg (area before the fingers);

stinging pain in the exterior part of R knee aggravated by turning body to one side and keeping legs steady; pain moved to L knee with same intensity;
pain the sciatic nerve up to the right buttock and down to calf (was only in spring); occasional pain in lumbar region from over sitting;
pain in the calves R+L; tendons feels contracted; alternate side
wandering pain in finger joints alternating sides

headache alternating sides

patient hot, burning soles; take feet out of the cover; spread fingers apart; doesn't like tight close; desire pungent food(pepper, chili pepper,); canine hunger; craving tobacco (aggravates headaches); amelioration by the sea;likes water, swimming; fears snakes,

age of 10 victim of sexual abuse (not in the family)

he does not like to be fouled by other people; he wants to be in control; when it is fouled he feels powerless, that does not have weapons to fight, feels put to ground, dominated by the opponent

thus when feel threat he feel the urge to reply, to speak up; if the opponent reply back and is perceived as stronger he will abandon fight and go; will fear
if the opponent feels weaker he will say things to him and walk away without waiting for an answer

dreams of robbers entering his house; he afraid is to weak psychically to fight them; his main weapon are words

does not like intense sun light; brown spot in front of left eye; sensitive to slightest noise when asleep; needs dark in the room to be able to sleep;

red dots(needle like) on his skin;

i assume animal kindgom but i need your help in identifying the correct remedy.

Kind regards
  bayard on 2017-10-11
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Fill only those you not answered above.

I can consider your case but you need to give many answers, copy the questions list in notepad,
write answers in same way with questions and then paste in post reply, NO SHORT answers explain MAXIMUM you can.

1. Age,sex,weight,country,occupation.

2. Main complaints and other associated troubles.
a)Where is the trouble; The exact locality of the complaint like hands,legs etc; duration of trouble.
b)What exactly do you feel, Sensation as pain, how pain feels or burn etc.
c)What are the factors that causes this trouble according to you.
d)Condition under which the complaint is reduced or you feel better like,cold or hot application,cold or hot weather,position as standing,walking,rest etc.
e)Condition under which the complaint is increased like,cold or hot application,cold or hot weather,position as standing,walking,rest etc.
f)Any other complaint any where in the body.
g)Onset time of troubles in detail, i.e which came first, after that what problem and so on.
h)Treatment method adopted and its result.

3. History of diseases in family.

4. Personal History.
a)About childhood.
b)Academic performance.
c)Any major incidents in life and the effect of it on life.
d)How you are satisfied with your sex life, friends, family members, company etc.

5. Habits/Addiction.
a)Smoking, Alcohol,Sleeping pills, Laxative etc.
b)Masturbation and frequency.

6. How is your Appetite and Thirst.

7. Likes and Dislikes.
a)Alcohol Bread Butter Bitter Salt Sweet Sour Fats Milk Mud Chalk Egg Spicy food Meat Fish Fruits Fried Food
Warm food-drink Cold food-drink Ice Ice cream Chocolates Tea Coffee.
b)Anything else about like and dislike of any activity with you or surrounding.

8. Bowel movements.
a)Nature of stool, frequency, satisfactory or not.
b)Any discomforts associated with stool.

9. Urine.
a)Frequency, nature, volume.
b)Any discomfort before, during or after urination/odour

10. For men.
a)Any difference in erection/want of erection/weak erection/Ejaculation early/late.
b)Any other trouble in sex.

11. For Females.
a)Menses, Regular, Irregular,Early, Late.
b)Duration of menses.
c)Nature of flow, Scanty, Blood colour, Consistency, Odour, Staining, itching/ when and what makes it worse/better.

12. Sleep.
a)The quality of sleep, the quietness or restlessness of sleep,
position of sleep, times of waking and reasons for waking,
need for cover over various parts of the body,
whether the window must be open or closed etc.
common dreams, peculiar sounds or gestures during sleep, etc.

13. Sweat
a)How much, what parts, staining, Odour.

14. Weather
a)Tolerance to heat and cold, dryness, humidity, weather changes, sun,
foggy weather, wind drafts, closed rooms, etc.

15. Mental Status
a)The quality of the patient's life in relationship to loved ones, family, friends and colleagues. Overall quality of energy available to function in daily life, and under various circumstances.
b)Any mental/emotional shocks occurring in the patient's life-grief, major financial losses separation from loved ones, death, identity crisis and other stress in life.
c)Memory,ability to concentrate/comprehend.
d)Are you fearful of anything eg: Animals, people, being alone, darkness, death, disease, robbers, thunder, storm, high places.
e)Are you anxious about anything: if yes, give details.
f)Are you impatient.
g)Are you doubtful or suspicious.
h)Are you hurt easily (emotionally)how do you react. Does it cause hatred/revenge.
i)Does your pride get hurt easily.
j)Are you depressed, if so, reason/circumstances.
k)Do you like to share your problems.
l)Effect of consolation.
m)Do you ever become suicidal when? How.
n)Memory- quality if poor, for what ( eg. Names, places, people, what you read).
o)Do you weep easily, effect of weeping, ie, does it make you worse or better.
p)Are you easily irritated. What makes you angry, how do you express it.
q)Are you destructive.
r)How good are you in making decisions.
s)Do you like company or like to remain alone.
t)How seriously are you affected by disorder and uncleanness in your surroundings.
u)How does failure appear to you?
v)Are there any matters that you deeply dislike?
w)What activities you deeply like? How does it affect your mood?
x)Are you affectionate? How does others sorrow affect you?
y)Any present fears in your life or future.
z)Any present life or future life desires.

16.Tell your date, month, year of birth with birth place and timing for Medical Astrology

17.Describe PRAKRITI
by doing EVALUATION on visiting

NOTE-- if proper reporting will not be done by you, then i will close the case, you can take advice from others.

0antivirus0 7 years ago
1. Age,sex,weight,country,occupation.
ANS.40, male, 84, romania, manager

2. Main complaints and other associated troubles.
a)Where is the trouble; The exact locality of the complaint like hands,legs etc; duration of trouble.
ANS.seborheic dandruff; hairline, lateral and back of the head;white scales adheres to the scalp;hard to remove; resurface in coupe of hours after washing ; for 15-20 years i have this condition;
for the last 3-4 years the dandruff come to my eyebrows, the area in between the eyebrows, and corners of the nose;after washing the area remain red

2016 spring : pain in right thumb, ball of thumb on pressing only; pain in the articulation of thumb when pressing;when moving thumb is like tendon is to short;ball of thumb 25% enlarged than left; main vein is blues and more prominent
2017 spring:pain comes also in the left thumb; same sensation as the tendon is too short;pain only on pressing in the articulation of thumb or when grabbing things and touching the joint
wandering pain in the joints of fingers alternating left and right hand; extending to wrist and elbow
pain in the right knee, sharp pain in the outer part of the knee; when at rest no pain; pain comes when i climb stairs, when i carry my daughter on my shoulders, when pressing the knee down
pain irradiated to my right buttock and my calf
pain in the right sole, aggravated when stepping on something cold-like tiles in the kitchen
b)What exactly do you feel, Sensation as pain, how pain feels or burn etc.
ANS.thumbs:pressing pain
knee:sharp pain
fingers : pressing pain, dull pain, deep pain, comes in waves sometime(comes and goes)
c)What are the factors that causes this trouble according to you.
ANS.stress; too many things to solve;they pressing me down
d)Condition under which the complaint is reduced or you feel better like,cold or hot application,cold or hot weather,position as standing,walking,rest etc.
ANS.dandruff 90% ameliorated at the seaside
pain in joints and ameliorated by warm, covers; rest
e)Condition under which the complaint is increased like,cold or hot application,cold or hot weather,position as standing,walking,rest etc.
ANS.dandruff aggravated by stress; when i feel a form of revolt towards injustice
pain in joints aggravated by cold, air conditioned
f)Any other complaint any where in the body.
ANS. pain in left side on the body , above my pectoral; sometime hard to sleep on the left side because of the pain
headaches left or right
g)Onset time of troubles in detail, i.e which came first, after that what problem and so on.
h)Treatment method adopted and its result.
ANS. homeopathy; no results

3. History of diseases in family.
ANS.mother Rheumatoid arthritis with deformities; headaches
mother of mother :diabetes; stroke;paralisys

4. Personal History.
a)About childhood.
ANS.timid child; no breast feed at all (mother had no milk); frequent epitaxis
sexual abuse(not in the family) at the age of 10
started to smoke early; i got drunk at the age of 16
b)Academic performance.
ANS.highschool; university
c)Any incidents in life and the effect of it on life.
ANS.the sexual abuse; i was tricked and taken away from my school;i was raped; after that i was lying on my parents about the incident; i wanted to put it aside and carry on my life; i do not want to be fouled again; that is why i try to speak up as much as i can
d)How you are satisfied with your sex life, friends, family members, company etc.
ANS.high sex drive but not putted in practice after the birth of my daughter 5 years ago; very few intercourse

5. Habits/Addiction.
a)Smoking, Alcohol,Sleeping pills, Laxative etc.
ANS.like smocking: 8-10 cigarets/day
b)Masturbation and frequency.
ANS.masturbation from early age(arround 12-14 yo), after the incident; continued to present day; liked to watch porn a lot; in july 2017 i took Med 1m and the habbit reduced to one a week; i do not feel that desire to masturbate

6. How is your Appetite and Thirst.
ANS.canine hunger; i like to cook and to eat; i do not like to waste food; some time i overeat;
i drink a good amount of water daily

7. Likes and Dislikes.
a)Alcohol Bread Butter Bitter Salt Sweet Sour Fats Milk Mud Chalk Egg Spicy food Meat Fish Fruits Food
Warm food-drink Cold food-drink Ice Ice cream Chocolates Tea Coffee.
Likes: pungent food (onion, garlic), pepper, chilly pepper+++, spicy food, salty cheese+++
Dislikes:spinach, sugar( i try to avoid as much as possible sugar); i stopped to drink coffee a few years back;
b)Anything else about like and dislike of any activity with you or surrounding.
ANS.i like to do sport, to be outdoor but since my daughter was born my time is limited
I do not like attending events with people i do not know; i can bond with them but it is not a pleasure

8. Bowel movements.
a)Nature of stool, frequency, satisfactory or not.
ANS.good stool; sometime episodes of loose-diarheea
b)Any discomforts associated with stool.
ANS.i have have once some blood discharge; i was upset with another person; i couldn't "digest" that guy

9. Urine.
a)Frequency, nature, volume.
ANS.no problems
b)Any discomfort before, during or after urination/odour
ANS.no problems

10. For men.
a)Any difference in erection/want of erection/weak erection/Ejaculation early/late.
ANS.ejaculation quite early
b)Any other trouble in sex.
ANS.i have a lot of fantasies but not putted in practice i guess from timidity to ask my partner

11. For Females.
a)Menses, Regular, Irregular,Early, Late.
b)Duration of menses.
c)Nature of flow, Scanty, Blood colour, Consistency, Odour, Staining, itching/ when and what makes it worse/better.

12. Sleep.
a)The quality of sleep, the quietness or restlessness of sleep,
position of sleep, times of waking and reasons for waking,
need for cover over various parts of the body,
whether the window must be open or closed etc.
common dreams, peculiar sounds or gestures during sleep, etc.
ANS. i need perfect silence when i sleep; wake by little noises; i need a darker room, no light
i sleep with one feet straight and one foot in a triangle, or i cross my feet when sleeping on my back, or i curl
very hot soles; i have to take the feet out of the cover
sometimes i twitch my legs; if i curl and take a baby position it stoppes

13. Sweat
a)How much, what parts, staining, Odour.
ANS.occiput and sometime in summer on forehead; salty taste

14. Weather
a)Tolerance to heat and cold, dryness, humidity, weather changes, sun,
foggy weather, wind drafts, closed rooms, etc.
ANS.prefer warm weather in the mountain where is still cold air; can not stand sun for long ; i feel fatigued, drained out, i need to sit down

15. Mental Status
a)The quality of the patient's life in relationship to loved ones, family, friends and colleagues. Overall quality of energy available to function in daily life, and under various circumstances.
ANS. i love my family; i want to help my daughter to pass a issue with a cold and a mucus that comes periodically; she also have some moments when i feel she is not happy; i put a lot o energy in resolving her condition and i will not find rest untill done;
I feel not fully appreciatted by my wife although i bring "bread and butter" and support the entire household
b)Any mental/emotional shocks occurring in the patient's life-grief, major financial losses separation from loved ones, death, identity crisis and other in life.
c)Memory,ability to concentrate/comprehend.
ANS.very good
d)Are you fearful of anything eg: Animals, people, being alone, darkness, death, disease, robbers, thunder, storm, high places.
ANS.snakes, rats, frogs, worms, stray dogs
e)Are you anxious about anything: if yes, give details.
ANS.i often think that something bad will happen to my daughter
i also think that from smocking i can get caaancer or a hard attack
f)Are you impatient.
g)Are you doubtful or suspicious.
h)Are you hurt easily (emotionally)how do you react. Does it cause hatred/revenge.
ANS.i need to revenge with words; i sting like a scorpio
i)Does your pride get hurt easily.
j)Are you depressed, if so, reason/circumstances.
ANS.sad that i can not fix my daughter
k)Do you like to share your problems.
l)Effect of consolation.
m)Do you ever become suicidal when? How.
n)Memory- quality if poor, for what ( eg. Names, places, people, what you read).
ANS.good memory; i forget things like(if i turned off the stove, etc)
o)Do you weep easily, effect of weeping, ie, does it make you worse or better.
ANS.i tend to sulk
p)Are you easily irritated. What makes you angry, how do you express it.
ANS.when i'm contradicted without proper arguments when i see things done sloppy by others; when i see people try to foul me; i speak up
q)Are you destructive.
r)How good are you in making decisions.
ANS.very good
s)Do you like company or like to remain alone.
ANS.i rather be alone; i do things better when work alone
t)How seriously are you affected by disorder and uncleanness in your surroundings.
ANS.sometimes i can not rest until things are not in order; i like clean
u)How does failure appear to you?
ANS.that i'm down grading
v)Are there any matters that you deeply dislike?
ANS.things done just to please others
w)What activities you deeply like? How does it affect your mood?
ANS.creative activites
x)Are you affectionate? How does others sorrow affect you?
ANS.i'm a sensitive guy; i give sometime money to poor; i can scarcely cry on a funerar
y)Any present fears in your life or future.
ANS.the fear that i can not longer provide for my family
z)Any present life or future life desires.
ANS.a life with less stress; healthy family

16.Tell your date, month, year of birth with birth place and timing for Medical Astrology
ANS.18 nov 1977; morning time

17.Describe PRAKRITI
by doing EVALUATION on visiting
Vaa-36;Pitta 47; Kapha: 17; preponderent Pita and Vata

NOTE-- if proper reporting will not be done by you, then i will close the case, you can take advice from others.

bayard 7 years ago
take SULPHUR 30c liquid, 2 drops in a tablespoon water, 3 times a day for 2 days,

{if buying pills then 3 pills, 3 times 2 days, chew it, do not swallow with water}

do not eat or drink anything 30 minutes before and after medicine,


feeling calm=
good sleep=
proper energy level=
self control=
confidence level=
freshness on waking up=
love and affection with others=
mental freedom or freshness=
any other change you felt=

0antivirus0 7 years ago

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