The ABC Homeopathy Forum
suffering from excessive emission and nightfall... plzz help
Sir I am a 17 year of boy from uttar Pradesh. Nearly 48 kg of weight.. I was addicted in masturbation since childhood when I don't even know what the masturbation is... I just became skinny .. Everyone was making my fun but before 3 years . I was trapped in another bad habit .. Now i masturbate but didn't ejaculate... Means stop masturbating just before ejaculation...After doing this for nearly 3 months I revealed with a new problem .. Severe spermathorea... Then I visited this site and read some cases.. I had taken medicine like Lycopodium 200vand 1M... And selenium.. But I didn't worked.. Then I takenacid phos 30.. Yeah it worked.. But problem of nightfall is still there... I M taking acid phos regularly but nightfall is becoming frequent... I don't see any porn nude pics.. Don't even think about it... I M becoming weak .. Lost somewhere. Memory is getting weak. I was average student but I am becoming weak.. Everyone is torturing me.. That I am a fool.. I am crying while writing this... My nature has became shy .. I don't wanna talk to anyone accept my friend.. I had read about staphysagria and kali brom.. But there medicine are not available here...Plzz help me plzzzIenkiej on 2017-10-20
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Picric acid 30 twice daily for 7 days.
♡ akshaymohl 7 years ago
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