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Thuja Occidentalis:


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Thuja Constitution : slow comprehension?


I am Thuja constitution.

I understand things slowly in brain.
Example: If I am listening to songs, I cannot get to the lyrics as they are very fast. I just go with the music and soon fantacizing myself on stage. To understand lyrics, I have to read so many times.

the same pattern with studies.I cannot be as fast as others. they grasp very quickly. I have to go back and go very slowly and then only I can do something.

Any solution?

  Thuja on 2017-10-24
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Constitutional approach is an oversimplification of homeopathy.
Isn't it too much to classify people on the lines of homeopathic remedies and impart lifetime rigidity to such classification.
kadwa 7 years ago
Why do you think that you are in a Thuja constitution? Because of your "slowness"?

There are hundreds of remedies which have "thinking difficult" or "aversion to thinking" or for example the Kent Repertory (which is used by abc too) has in "DULLNESS, sluggishness, difficulty of thinking and comprehending" exactly 178 remedies!!!

What is a little bit more interesting is the "fantasizing on stage". Can you please describe it in more details?

Also tell us more about you in order to get a more complete picture.

Kadwa is right, constitutional approach is the old dogmatic oversimplification. In reality there are many layers which can be treated. When one dissolves you will already get a lot more energy and your mental energy will improve too.

(Be careful with Thuja, it's a very deep acting remedy)
Lamary 7 years ago
Dear Doctor Lamary,

Here is my condition:

1.Delusions of Criticism,insults and laughing at.
2.Excessive internal talking and singing.
3.Sensitive to manipulation and Rudeness of others.
4.Extreme desire for self-condidence.
5. High anxiety in mind
6. Intercourse leads to high anxiety and loss of self confidence.
7.Mental activity makes me tired out and I sleep.

1 and 3 above lead me to anger and finally out of control.I fear a lot about being out of control.

Thuja helped me in being control of myself. I dont loose control. All the ill effects of anger are removed by Thuja.

As I read its a constitutional remedy, I thought its my constitution.

"Fantasizing on stage" is an act of low self-confidence.

Thanks for letting me know that constitutional remedy limit homeopathic treatment.Its very crucial. Man evolves in stages. His remedy keeps changing.

Thanks once again.

Thuja 7 years ago

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