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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Acne on nose

This is in reference to my husband. He has had a long term problem of acne on back and nose with great itchiness.

He has taken sulphur 200c, calc sulph 30c and arsenicum album recently which I believed to be the last remedy.

However, the acne on nose did not resolve but back acne is finished. Also his body jerks during sleep at times. He also has itching scalp at times.

Please kindly give your advice. Thank you.

He is 30yr old, veg, non drinker or smoker with no chronic problems or allergies. A very jolly person and also hard working.
  Kiarj on 2017-10-28
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.

I only can take your case if you reply me in time REGULARLY (or as directed after every 2 days etc) otherwise your case will be closed in between .. and I will move to next one. if I'm not replying click my name and email me to remind .. a long with your case Page link ..

(save your case page link and refresh the page daily for updates / replies at the bottom . Login first then paste the link)
Patient name, age, profession, how long patient got married, if married how many children, patient daily routine , how long patient suffering from this problem, what kind of pain (symptoms, sensations) patient have ? When symptoms / suffering / pains etc aggravates and when ameliorates ? do you have swollen hands or feet , foul smelling gasses ? Any light sensitivity ? Sweaty hands or feet ? Do you feel pronounced weakness in body ??

What you like in food and what not ? Do you feel thirsty mostly or do you like water ? Or mostly thirst less ?? Do you feel cold in body or hot ? Do you like to be warped in a blanket even in summer ? Or feel hot in body mostly and dislike hot weather etc .. what you like in food The most = sweets or salts ? Do you have any other problem beside these ? Describe in details.
E-mail me any reports .. Click my name for email. Tell doctors opinion regarding your problem as well ..

What medicines you used in the past ? Name and potency ? Are you dibetic or suffering from high blood pressure ? Or any other chronic disease .. ??
healer21 7 years ago
Hello and thank you for your reply.

Main problem is persistent nose acne.

My husband is 30 y, computer engineer, married for 8 months, no children, symptoms from early teenage years, daily habits are to get ready and go to work and then come home to finish work and eat and watch tv or go for walk
He drinks water regularly and has no light sensitivity.
No sensations on nose, previously itching but not after arsenicum album . He likes to always be wrapped warmly. Nothing swollen, has not foul gas, he prefers salty fried foods and lots of tea. Other problem is jerking in sleep. All symptoms appear worse with stress from work. Also he has itching scalp and dandruff. I think I may have not given right doses, calc sulph 30, arsenicum album 200 and I started with sulphur 200.

Also no medicine and no chronic problem.

Thank you and I will reply to messages daily!
[Edited by Kiarj on 2017-10-28 14:04:07]
Kiarj 7 years ago
symptoms are not clear .. and a lot of negative energies around him ..

i usually do not prescribe in this type of cases .. symptoms are not clear. but lets see ..
try nat.phos200c (liquid form) 4 drops only. one dose only .. for one day only .. no more. in a disposable glass .. with some sips of water ..

do not eat or drink anything before or after 30 minutes of taking medicine. do not use coffee or mint .. do not place medicine near strong perfumes .. etc ..

Report after 2 days
healer21 7 years ago
It will take me a few days to get the medicine. And I practice reiki also and do meditation, I try to keep energy as positive as possible, can you feel negative energy or is that from his case symptoms?

Also he feels cold and I noticed the acne is still on his back and inflamed looking but only a small percentage of previous problem. He also had bleeding acne on back but now these do not bleed,
Kiarj 7 years ago
Would Natrum Phos 30c be sufficient, I cannot find 200c.
Kiarj 7 years ago
yes a lot of negativity all around your husband or family now. well i need a pic of those acne now .. where ever they are .. email me pics. click my name and email me.

30c will not work. after you send me pics i will decide ..

healer21 7 years ago
Email sent. Thanks
Kiarj 7 years ago

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