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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Irregular period

I'm suffering from irregular periods from starting age itself(13 years old).It came every month , but date varied. now I'm 25 unmarried. For last 4,5 years I have heavy hair fall. and my period was absent for 4,5 months. after that it became scanty and clotted. And I feel pain on my right side ( near hip). I feel worse in heat and summer. I like rainy or winter season. I'm very sensitive , emotional and my mood get changed very easily.frequent urination and hairgrowth on face and abdomen is also there.pls recommend remedies as there is no good homeo doctors in my area
[Edited by Rithima on 2017-12-20 15:52:08]
  Rithima on 2017-12-20
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Take pulsatilla 200 single dose then report me. At present when your date come
Nishat Parveen 7 years ago
My period is just over. And before 1 year I consulted a homeo doctor he gave sepia 200. And yesterday I took 1 dose of that( because I read that it is good for irregular period and hair fall). And some insect bited me today and I had apismel 30 for that. So when should I take pulsattilla 200?in November my period came on 5th. And in December it was on 17th.and I'm having Ayurveda treatment also.can I continue that?
[Edited by Rithima on 2017-12-21 09:13:22]
Rithima 7 years ago
Dr. Please reply
Rithima 7 years ago
You continue your treatment. Take pulsatilla 200 on 1st Jan then on 10jan & wait for period. Don't forget to give me feed back
Nishat Parveen 7 years ago
Okay Doctor
Rithima 7 years ago
My period came on 24th January. It remains thick
Rithima 7 years ago
Its good to hear. Now you take again pulsatilla 200, on 2nd Feb, 11 Feb &20 Feb then report me
Nishat Parveen 7 years ago
How's your other symptoms.
Nishat Parveen 7 years ago
I remained calm for the last month. But used to cry for little things. But before the onset of period I was upset, and angry. And hairfall is same as before . Though period was scanty , clots got reduced. Pain is more on right side.I have pulsatilla 1m in home. Should I try that?
[Edited by Rithima on 2018-01-29 01:32:40]
Rithima 7 years ago
Which medicine you take last time
Nishat Parveen 7 years ago
Pulsatilla 200 as you said
Rithima 7 years ago
This time you also take pulsatilla 200. Gradually we change the potency as needed
Nishat Parveen 7 years ago
Rithima 7 years ago
Will to get improvement or not
Nishat Parveen 6 years ago
Took medicine as you prescribed but my period didn't come till today.And somedays I felt little pain on right lower abdomen.
About my feelings/ emotions..I feel self pity. Little depression. Weeping nature. And mood swing
[Edited by Rithima on 2018-02-26 14:46:09]
Rithima 6 years ago
Just wait for 2-3 days it will definately come. you will report me when it come. Otherwise I will prescribe that.
Nishat Parveen 6 years ago
Should I take one more dose of pulsatilla 200
Rithima 6 years ago
Wait upto 3rd march, if at time date will not come then take a dose of pulsatilla
Nishat Parveen 6 years ago
Got my period today. There is little pain on lower abdomen (especially on right side) back and thighs. Thick clots(like meat) are also there. And my stomach is upset.and gastric problem too. It happens for always when I get my period.and structure of blood remains thick( don't get mix in water). Before 2,3 years it was almost like water. (like normal blood).
[Edited by Rithima on 2018-03-03 10:23:35]
Rithima 6 years ago
Good to hear this. Your pain is also decreases. Donot worry, sometimes there may be clotted blood or sometimes fresh blood. But you may give me information for each & everything as you are now giving. What about your hair problem. After 2-3 days I will prescribe you medicine, if any changes occur you will inform me. Now my last question is how you feel now a days.
Nishat Parveen 6 years ago
Hair loss and hair growth above lips almost remains the same. And my weeping over silly things also remains the same. But I think my mood swing is reduced.
Rithima 6 years ago
Ok good, means medicine is working.
Nishat Parveen 6 years ago
When should I take next dose?
Rithima 6 years ago
You take again pulsatilla 200 on 11 march & on 25 march, then wait & watch. For hair fall you use jaborandi hair oil. Then report me.
Nishat Parveen 6 years ago
K doctor. And somewhere on this site, I read that thuja is good for unwanted hair(hirsutism). Is that true?
Rithima 6 years ago

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