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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

URGENT HELP...Boils over head along with Eczema/Psoriasis .

Dr.Nawaz, Dr.Kadwa, Dr.Rishimbha, Dr.Akshay, Dr.Mehfooz or any other dear doctor please help me....

My father have eczema/psoriasis over head since last 4 years.. Not sure whether its eczema/psoriasis...White flakes falls off from head skin and on itching it pink skin appears and sometimes a little liquid comes from inside.

They do its home made treatment using coconut oil/shells etc. which gives relief in itching and control falls off of skin flakes also.

But since few months they are developing recurrent boils over head also.. The lifetime of boil is as:

As boil start very tiny Red in color,painful to touch....after 2-3 days it increases its size, pain increases and all the muscles/veins of head feels painful... after next 1-2 days pus filled to start inside boils and it continues for about 5-6 days... pain increases..after that boil gets matured and starts weeping of pus slowly for about 5-7 days slowly slowly... then it heels....

As it going to heal next 4-5 boils again starts on head... this process continues.... everytime 5-6 boils present over head. I am attaching the pics here of all views of their head.

They are taking following allopathic medicines from a physician:
GRINSOVIN-FP (2 tabs daily since last 1 month)and
LCZ+.. (taken only 5 days).
Using Neomycin, Surfaz and Betadine creams externaly.
got some relief in eczema but not any relief in boils..

Now please tell me what homeopathic treatment we should give him. He has anal fissure history 3 yrs before.. taken homeopathic treatment from Dr.Nawaz on this forum which cured it...I will be thankful to him my whole life.. Regarding their anal fissure treatment before 3 yrs. you can refer the link: http://abchomeopathy.com/forum2.php/498455/

Age: 60 yrs.
Weight: 70Kg.
Height: 5'.5"
Place: Delhi,India
Blood Sugar Level:
In year 2014 it was: Fasting:72, PP:110
In year 2017 it is: Fasting:99, PP:138
They have aggravation to SULPHUR-30 in anal fissure.

Nature: Childish nature, get Aggressive even on small points, clear heart, Argue and proves his point up whether its right or wrong,Do not like any bad habit like the unmanaged stuffs on tables or almirahs, dirt on households, unnecessary use of water/electricity etc.
Food Habits: Likes too much sweets.

Please tell me what is the reason for it?? Is it due to eczema/psoriasis or due to little increment in blood sugar level in recent 3years or any other reason that may be.
[Edited by ankit111 on 2017-12-29 19:14:51]

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  ankit111 on 2017-12-29
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Give him sulphur 1M 3pills only on waking

Once only..not daily

My mail: drthoufeequebhms at gmail.com
drthoufeequebhms 7 years ago
Dear sir first of all thank you for replying...

But I am afraid of Sulphur as they show aggravation to Sulphur 30.. Their anal fissure problem gets worse and refreshed from it..I have tried it three times.

I think its some genetically because once my Grandfather taken Sulphur in high potency from a homeopath for their chronic stomach problem and on taking Sulphur in high potency they got skin filled with pus on whole of their body and it took 6 months to recover from this... this period was most worse period of their life.

So i am afraid of Sulphur...So please guide me Is it safe to give him Sulphur 1M.

Thanks and Regards!!
ankit111 7 years ago
When he took sulphur 1m ?
See...after sulphur 1M ,patient will first get aggravation then speedy cure will take place without need of any other medicines.
drthoufeequebhms 7 years ago
Dear sir,

They have never taken Sulphur1M.. they took Sulphur30 when got aggravation in anal fissure.

I will give Sulphur1M to him... but if It got aggravated and anal fissure problem reappeared or any other aggravation is shown that become worsen and not tolerable.. In that case please list me the medicines to control that situation So that I can buy and put in my kit in advance because I have no homeopathic store near me..

Please list me all the medicines I will arrange them all... money is no concern for me in this case.

Thanks and Regards!!
ankit111 7 years ago

my email id: drthoufeequebhms at gmail.com
drthoufeequebhms 7 years ago

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