The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Anal Fistula
Dear All,I need your expert opinion and to suggest me some medicines for fistula.
My history
I have been fistula since 2013 but i was not aware and regularly ignore it. In 2017 the pain becomes worsen and check it by surgeon he diagnose it as fistula and advised me for surgery. I did surgery in April 2017, but fistula did not heal during the time i consult my surgeon regularly and he regularly prescribe antibiotics for four months. My condition was going worsen day by day.
Then i start homeopathic treatment (watched dr vikram videos on youtube) and bring the following medicines and use for four months but not a good result
1) Silicia 6x 4tab thrice a day
2) Calcaria flour 6x thrice a day
3) Hepar sulph 200 4 drops two times
4) Calcaria Sulph 200 4 drops two times
5) Graphites 200 4 drops in morning
6) Thuja 1M Weekly at bed time
After using these medicines i feel better and start going my office but my fistula did not heal fully.
Then i visit another homeopathic doctor and discuss my concerns, he prescribe me the following medicines which i used for two months
1) Silicia 6x 4tab
2) Gastric Ulcer syp
3) Skin Cure syp
When i stop the medicines pain and itching start again
Now i am using the following medicines since one month
1) Silicia 6x 2tab two times
2) Natphos 6x 2 tab two times
3) Ferrum Phose 6x 2 tab two times
4) Arnica 30 5 drops two times
Still i am feeling pain in anus and pus discharge (no smell, yellow color) regularly.
Please advise me
SALIK1 on 2018-01-17
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
take silicea 200c 3pills once in the morning daily.
and nux vomica 200 3pills every night
syphilinum 1m 3pills only once in morning,not daily.
natrum phos 6x 3tablets thrice daily
report changes after 5-7days here:
my email id : drthoufeequebhms at
and nux vomica 200 3pills every night
syphilinum 1m 3pills only once in morning,not daily.
natrum phos 6x 3tablets thrice daily
report changes after 5-7days here:
my email id : drthoufeequebhms at
♡ drthoufeequebhms 7 years ago
Dear Sir,
If the mentioned medicines not available in pills then should i take diluted (liquid form). Reply please
If the mentioned medicines not available in pills then should i take diluted (liquid form). Reply please
SALIK1 7 years ago
yes you can take 1drop in half glass water instead of 3pills.
MY EMAIL : drthoufeequebhms at
MY EMAIL : drthoufeequebhms at
♡ drthoufeequebhms 7 years ago
Thank you dear Sir for response. I have started the medicine and will report on coming Friday as per your kind direction.
SALIK1 7 years ago
Dear Dr,
I used the mentioned medicines as per direction and find good results. My fistula is almost 80% healed, pus still discharge and I feel wound near anus. Pus is not smelling and in color yellow.
Please advice medicines for further use.
Waiting for your valuable response
I used the mentioned medicines as per direction and find good results. My fistula is almost 80% healed, pus still discharge and I feel wound near anus. Pus is not smelling and in color yellow.
Please advice medicines for further use.
Waiting for your valuable response
SALIK1 7 years ago
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