The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Disconnected, confusion , mental prob
Sir, I am 35 unmarried male. I had anxiety attack in 2011 because of which my BP also raised which was controlled with allopathic medicine later. I left job then and came back home. Later I started taking homeopath IV medicine for anxiety , no and allergy.In 2015 June I don't know what happened to me all of sudden it started severe pain on both sides of beach, severe confusion and dizziness feeling, unable to read write though I was so good, severe anger, agitation, not able to enjoy things, and feel surrounding ..severe hopelessness and no desire for marriage and job. Moreover there was severe fatigue and weakness..I kept running for one doctor to another allopathic who used to say it's anxiety depression but there medicine did not help much. After all effort went in vain someone suggested to visit homeopath in kerakth named bahadur who diagnosed it as schezophrinia which when I read about I got shattered as most of the symptoms matched.
I did not take his medicine , currently I am under treatment of Unani ayurvedic hakim from Delhi ..I need to know is there any dose which I can take with Ayurveda which could help me in stabilizing and clearing mind and retain old power and sharpness ..
ahmedja on 2018-01-23
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
What is the feed back or progress after taking unani and Ayurveda?
My email id: Drthoufeequebhms at
My email id: Drthoufeequebhms at
♡ drthoufeequebhms 7 years ago
I have been taking ayurvedic Unani combine since 5 months and there are some improvement in cognitive function, but my hopelessness and depression are there though I push myself to do things. Also I don't know whether my chronic neck pain is becoz of this mental issue or vice versa. Moreover why I am not able to enjoy things and connect with surrounding and feel foggy and numb all time. There is no mental freshness and sleep is good and get 8 hrs sound daily ..
I loved reading and playing but now not able to do these things due to problem in assessing and grasping.
My diet is also normal and I am.mostly veg. I used to be so efficient and productive sharp minded 2 years ago..though I am able to do all the things now as well but those zeal and passion are lacking.
I have so many opportunities to go Dubai for job but not able to gather courage and remain confused.
I loved reading and playing but now not able to do these things due to problem in assessing and grasping.
My diet is also normal and I am.mostly veg. I used to be so efficient and productive sharp minded 2 years ago..though I am able to do all the things now as well but those zeal and passion are lacking.
I have so many opportunities to go Dubai for job but not able to gather courage and remain confused.
ahmedja 7 years ago
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