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need help on healing after surgery - 1.5 cms wide 3mm deep

Dear Doctor,

Day before yesterday I underwent surgery for infected CYST in the upper back. The doctors left it open for healing. I looked at the images after surgery. They scooped flush out and it left a hole and its about 1.5 cms wide and 3 mm deep. They didn't apply stitches and said it will heal on its own. Everyday I am asked to change dressing.

When asked, they said it might take about a month to heal completely.

I heard homeopathy can help heal it fast. Can you please suggest medicines for fast healing and also for some good sleep as I am not getting proper sleep out of pain as it's on the back.

Need following:

- Medicine for fast healing
- Medicine for pain control
- Medicine for sleep

Many Thanks.
  purohit on 2018-01-31
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please take the following remedies twice a day for a week..
Hepar Sulph 30
Staphysagria 30

One dose means 2 pills or drops each of both remedies at a time.
kadwa 7 years ago
thanks Doctor
purohit 7 years ago

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