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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Suffering from alopecia areata please help me

Dear Dr.
I am 27 years old .I am suffering from alopecia areata . Last 3 years.Hair lost form beard ,front side of head .l took lot of allopathic medicines , injection but not work.Patches are growing big. Please help.
[Edited by anu7 on 2018-02-09 18:06:17]
  anu7 on 2018-02-02
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.

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Homeopathic medicines are the safest medicines known.
Patient name, age, weight, from ? profession, how long patient got married, if married how many children, patient daily routine ? Any sleep disorders or foul breath now ? Any thick yellow discharges , boils , open infections .. now ? how long patient suffering from this problem ? Any fever or coughing now ? what kind of pain (symptoms, sensations) patient have ? Any cold or congestion feeling in head, watery discharges, Sun sensitivity or cold sores now ?? When symptoms / suffering / pains etc aggravates and when ameliorates ? do you have swollen hands or feet , foul smelling gasses ? Any light sensitivity ? Sweaty hands or feet ? Do you feel pronounced weakness in body ?? Thick yellow discharges, changing symptoms now ?

What you like in food and what not ? Do you feel thirsty mostly ?? or do you like water ? Choose one condition either thirsty or towards more thirst less ?? Any cramping, shooting pains, hiccough, spasms now ? Acne blackheads, greasy or brittle hairs ? Do you feel cold in body ? or hot ? Choose one condition .. Do you like to be warped in a blanket even in summer ? Or feel hot in body mostly and dislike hot weather etc .. no normal words etc .. what you like in food The most = sweets or salts ? Do you have any other problem beside these ? Describe in details. Do patient have any habit of tobacco or viskey etc or meat etc ?

Please select only one option from below "WHICH SUITS THE PATIENT MAXIMUM" how you, your family, friends see the patient :

1- indecisiveness .. 2- apathy .. 3- laziness ..
4- isolation .. 5- nervous tension .. 6- scary dreams .. 7- impulsiveness .. 8- shyness, hypersensitivity .. 10- depression ..
11- low self-esteem ... 12- depression from wet weather.

Furthermore please tell which condition is dominate mostly , from below: select only one option.
Anger - greed - sex - pride - fear ?
E-mail me any reports .. Click my name for email. Tell doctors opinion regarding your problem as well ..

What medicines you used in the past ? Name and potency ? Are you dibetic or suffering from high blood pressure ? Or any other chronic disease .. ??
healer21 7 years ago
4.Sex: Male
5.From: Bangladesh
6.Profession: Student
7.How long patient got married?
8.Patient daily routine ?
Actually I have no perfect daily routine but this things are doing in a day like wake up at 8/8.30am. Take Breakfast and go to university . Take lunch 2/2.30, come back home 4/4.30. Go to doing for tuition . Back home around 8.30 or 9 pm . Take dinner 10/10.30. After then do study, work, web browsing, facebook, watch tv , youtube . Then go to bed between 12.30 to 1.30. It's only university open then do this. But other days like holidays I don't follow the routine.
9.Any sleep disorders or foul breath now ?
10.Any thick yellow discharges , boils , open infections .. now ?
11.How long patient suffering from this problem?
Suffering from last 3 years.
12.Any fever or coughing now ?
13.What kind of pain (symptoms, sensations) patient have ?
Round patches hair fall but no pain , no other sensations.
14.Any cold or congestion feeling in head, watery discharges, Sun sensitivity or cold sores now ??
15.When symptoms / suffering / pains etc aggravates and when ameliorates ?
16.Do you have swollen hands or feet , foul smelling gasses ?
17.Any light sensitivity ?
18.Sweaty hands or feet ?
Yes some time.
19.Do you feel pronounced weakness in body ??
20.Thick yellow discharges, changing symptoms now ?
No but day day patches are growing big.
21.What you like in food and what not ?
I like spice, sweet foods but sour foods dislike.
22.Do you feel thirsty mostly ?
? or do you like water ?
23.When I feel thirsty ,I like water . Otherwise not.
24.Choose one condition either thirsty or towards more thirst less ??
Thirst less
25.Any cramping, shooting pains, hiccough, spasms now ?
26.Acne blackheads, greasy or brittle hairs ?
27.Do you feel cold in body ? or hot ?
Normal but in more hot weather feeling bothered.
28.Choose one condition .. Do you like to be warped in a blanket even in summer ?
I like but not in summer.
29.Or feel hot in body mostly and dislike hot weather etc .
No I don't feel hot in body mostly but I dislike more hot weather.
30.what you like in food The most = sweets or salts?
I like normal spicy and sweet foods. No to much sweets or salty foods. But I don't like sour food.

31.Do you have any other problem beside these?
Yes have dandruff problem . Have gastric problem. In cool weather my skin very dry. During hot weather I sweat a lot special my head. Masturbation habits but not to much but I do it.
32.Describe in details. Do patient have any habit of tobacco or viskey etc or meat etc ?
With out masturbation I have no bad habit . Even tea or coffee I don't take.
33.Please select only one option from below "WHICH SUITS THE PATIENT MAXIMUM" how you, your family, friends see the patient :
Not only one things It's little bit impulsiveness, nervous tension, laziness. But nowadays laziness suit maximum.
34.Furthermore please tell which condition is dominate mostly , from below: select only one option.
Anger - greed - sex - pride - fear ?
35.E-mail me any reports .. Click my name for email. Tell doctors opinion regarding your problem as well ..
I take suggestions from allopathic medicines doctor. It's alopecia areata .Take medicine it well be fine. it's work but fall again. Effects other side.
36.What medicines you used in the past ?
Allopathic medicines
37.Name and potency ?
Minoxidil 5%, vitamin E , last push injections
38.Are you dibetic or suffering from high blood pressure ?
39.any other chronic disease .. ??
Please help me . I am in trouble.sorry for late.
I also Email you send some images.
[Edited by anu7 on 2018-02-10 05:56:45]
anu7 7 years ago
Medorrhinum 1M .. 4 drops once only in life. In a separate disposable glass with some water in it.

No more no repeat.

Don't eat or drink anything 30 minutes before and after taking medicine etc. Don't use coffee or mint etc. Don't place medicine near strong perfumes etc.

Notice changes and improvements carefully and update after 10-15 days. If I'm not replying click my name below and email me as a reminder.
healer21 7 years ago
Thanks a lot sir for your prescription.

But take only once for a day?

Sir I also email you and send some images of the affected areas.
[Edited by anu7 on 2018-02-09 20:28:16]
anu7 7 years ago
NOT once a day .. it's only once in life. Don't you understand English ?
healer21 7 years ago
Ok sir
I understand.
Thanks you
anu7 7 years ago
Dear Dr.
I have completed the 15 days course as prescribed by you. Though there are no significant changes in my hair fall patterns.Hair is falling continuously
Please sir suggest the next course of action.
anu7 7 years ago

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