The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Oidgedgow on 2018-02-24
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
A few years ago I consulted a classical homeopath in the hope that I could avoid surgery to repair 2 hernias that I had. I worked with this homeopath for about a year but when one of my hernias became extremely painful and I was no longer able to reduce it I went to a hospital. Emergency surgery was preformed the same day to repair the hernia that was causing me the the problem. I still have another hernia that I expect will have to be repaired by surgery.
I have worked with a few homeopaths over many years hoping homeopathy would be able to help me with my health concerns. To date it has never helped me in fact the first treatment I received made my overall health worse. For some reason I still hope it will be able to help me but my experience so far has not been positive.
I have worked with a few homeopaths over many years hoping homeopathy would be able to help me with my health concerns. To date it has never helped me in fact the first treatment I received made my overall health worse. For some reason I still hope it will be able to help me but my experience so far has not been positive.
♡ JS123 7 years ago
It depends. In initial stages, medicines can help, but if it has progressed, operation is a good idea.
It depends. In initial stages, medicines can help, but if it has progressed, operation is a good idea.
♡ maheeru 7 years ago
I was not prescribed the typical remedies such as Nux or Lyc etc for the treatment of my hernias. I assume the remedies I was prescribed focused on other symptoms in addition to the hernias.
Dex 30C
Stron-m 30C
Bras-n 30C
Mag-S 30C
Stron-S 30C
Several years ago I had worked with the homeopath who prescribed these remedies before I had the hernias. This homeopath uses liquid remedies that are succussed and added to distilled water with a wait and watch approach. He recognizes that I am a sensitive individual and treats me accordingly. So far he has not been able to help me but he has never harmed me. Unfortunately the first homeopath I consulted treated me with repeated high potency dry remedies. It was not a pleasant experience but that is another story. As I said, I still hope that homeopathy may be able to help me regain my health and undo what the first homeopath did to me.
[Edited by JS123 on 2018-02-27 05:55:19]
I was not prescribed the typical remedies such as Nux or Lyc etc for the treatment of my hernias. I assume the remedies I was prescribed focused on other symptoms in addition to the hernias.
Dex 30C
Stron-m 30C
Bras-n 30C
Mag-S 30C
Stron-S 30C
Several years ago I had worked with the homeopath who prescribed these remedies before I had the hernias. This homeopath uses liquid remedies that are succussed and added to distilled water with a wait and watch approach. He recognizes that I am a sensitive individual and treats me accordingly. So far he has not been able to help me but he has never harmed me. Unfortunately the first homeopath I consulted treated me with repeated high potency dry remedies. It was not a pleasant experience but that is another story. As I said, I still hope that homeopathy may be able to help me regain my health and undo what the first homeopath did to me.
[Edited by JS123 on 2018-02-27 05:55:19]
♡ JS123 7 years ago
Ok thanks JS for your response.
Yes you have used different medicines. The most effective for this complaint do revolve around Nux, Sulph., Sulph. acid, Lyc., Cham., All. cepa., opium, Cocculus, veratrum, arnica, rhus., but the peculiar susceptibility to this complaint is met with Nux/Sulph. so constitutionally these would be required at some point. Medicines can be chosen based on pathalogical symptoms or constitutional or both put together----the ultimate aim is to give relief, cure---all the methods have given results proved by empirical evidence.
Except in strangulated hernia where circulation is cut off, people have taken internal medicines and have managed this problem without operation for a very long period of time.
You have found a good h'path ----he is trying to treat you as a whole person :)
Yes you have used different medicines. The most effective for this complaint do revolve around Nux, Sulph., Sulph. acid, Lyc., Cham., All. cepa., opium, Cocculus, veratrum, arnica, rhus., but the peculiar susceptibility to this complaint is met with Nux/Sulph. so constitutionally these would be required at some point. Medicines can be chosen based on pathalogical symptoms or constitutional or both put together----the ultimate aim is to give relief, cure---all the methods have given results proved by empirical evidence.
Except in strangulated hernia where circulation is cut off, people have taken internal medicines and have managed this problem without operation for a very long period of time.
You have found a good h'path ----he is trying to treat you as a whole person :)
♡ maheeru 7 years ago
Thank you for posting the information regarding the remedies used in the treatment of hernias. Don't worry I am not going to use this information to treat myself. In fact I have never treated myself.
Yes, I realize I am working with a good homeopath. Unfortunatly I am a extremely difficult case. I believe the high potency remedies prescribed by the first homeopath I consulted probably contributed to the complexity of my case and may have made me incurable. Due to the fact that I have not made any progress I have thought about looking for another homeopath but for me finding another homeopath with the skills to help me will be difficult. I prefer to work with a homeopath I can meet in person at least for the initial consultation and one who works with liquid remedies. I no longer feel well enough to travel therefore I limit myself to homeopaths where I live.
I may decide to give up on homeopathy and try another form of treatment or conventional medicine but for now I continue to hope that homeopathy may be able to help me with my problems.
Thank you for posting the information regarding the remedies used in the treatment of hernias. Don't worry I am not going to use this information to treat myself. In fact I have never treated myself.
Yes, I realize I am working with a good homeopath. Unfortunatly I am a extremely difficult case. I believe the high potency remedies prescribed by the first homeopath I consulted probably contributed to the complexity of my case and may have made me incurable. Due to the fact that I have not made any progress I have thought about looking for another homeopath but for me finding another homeopath with the skills to help me will be difficult. I prefer to work with a homeopath I can meet in person at least for the initial consultation and one who works with liquid remedies. I no longer feel well enough to travel therefore I limit myself to homeopaths where I live.
I may decide to give up on homeopathy and try another form of treatment or conventional medicine but for now I continue to hope that homeopathy may be able to help me with my problems.
♡ JS123 7 years ago
No problem JS. When one is not reckless and takes medicine after a careful study, there is not going to be any problem even if one wants to self-prescribe.
I agree with the difficulty in finding a h'path. A lot of people tell me that. It's hard to find a h'path who will stick to basics and will carry forward a case who will also be not rude, be transparent and not demand huge fee.
Please do not abandon h'pathy. You will be satisfied when you see the results.
I agree with the difficulty in finding a h'path. A lot of people tell me that. It's hard to find a h'path who will stick to basics and will carry forward a case who will also be not rude, be transparent and not demand huge fee.
Please do not abandon h'pathy. You will be satisfied when you see the results.
♡ maheeru 7 years ago
Thank you for your words of encouragement to not give up on homeopathy.
I live in North America where I have consulted a few well known and respected homeopaths including the first homeopath who treated me. At the time this required a fair amount of travel as I was unable to find what I considered a qualified homeopath where I live. Now there are a some qualified homeopaths where I live but I have no idea as to their skill level. That is why I went back to one of the homeopaths I worked with before. I now consult with him via Skype. Due to the lack of progress in my case he has suggested that I travel to Europe to consult a homeopath that he recommended but as I said I no longer feel well enough to travel especially overseas. Therefore I need to decide whether to continue with the homeopath I am currently working with, consult another homeopath or as I said give up on homeopathy. It has almost been 30 years since I was prescribed the first remedy. That is why I am considering giving up on homeopathy.
My experience in North America is the fees do add up and for me it has not been inexpensive. The remedies may be inexpensive but the consulting fees are not. I have checked on the internet and found there is quite a range in what homeopaths are charging. Most charge about the same amount but some are charging extremely high amounts. I can understand why people ask for help on websites like ABC Homeopathy.
Thank you for your words of encouragement to not give up on homeopathy.
I live in North America where I have consulted a few well known and respected homeopaths including the first homeopath who treated me. At the time this required a fair amount of travel as I was unable to find what I considered a qualified homeopath where I live. Now there are a some qualified homeopaths where I live but I have no idea as to their skill level. That is why I went back to one of the homeopaths I worked with before. I now consult with him via Skype. Due to the lack of progress in my case he has suggested that I travel to Europe to consult a homeopath that he recommended but as I said I no longer feel well enough to travel especially overseas. Therefore I need to decide whether to continue with the homeopath I am currently working with, consult another homeopath or as I said give up on homeopathy. It has almost been 30 years since I was prescribed the first remedy. That is why I am considering giving up on homeopathy.
My experience in North America is the fees do add up and for me it has not been inexpensive. The remedies may be inexpensive but the consulting fees are not. I have checked on the internet and found there is quite a range in what homeopaths are charging. Most charge about the same amount but some are charging extremely high amounts. I can understand why people ask for help on websites like ABC Homeopathy.
♡ JS123 7 years ago
30 years is a long time.
When you try to stop h'pathy, as a last resort you can give your case on this forum. There are some good people on here.
When you try to stop h'pathy, as a last resort you can give your case on this forum. There are some good people on here.
♡ maheeru 7 years ago
I must apologize for not explaining my treatment history clearly. I have not been under continuous homeopathic treatment for almost 30 years. It was about 30 years ago that I took the first remedy and then I worked for about 10 years with a few homeopaths mainly with the homeopath I am currently consulting. Realizing the treatment was not helping me I eventually stopped for about 16 years and learned to live with my conditions. About 2 1/2 years ago I had a set back and my main complaint along with some others deteriorated. Eventually I decided to give homeopathy another try. Still 10 years of treatment without any improvement was a long time.
Maybe I will ask Simone if she knows of a good homeopath where I live or maybe as a last resort I will post my case on this forum. I realize there are some very good homeopaths/practitioners volunteering their time here. Only time will tell.
Thank you for your advice. All the best.
[Edited by JS123 on 2018-03-08 00:18:06]
I must apologize for not explaining my treatment history clearly. I have not been under continuous homeopathic treatment for almost 30 years. It was about 30 years ago that I took the first remedy and then I worked for about 10 years with a few homeopaths mainly with the homeopath I am currently consulting. Realizing the treatment was not helping me I eventually stopped for about 16 years and learned to live with my conditions. About 2 1/2 years ago I had a set back and my main complaint along with some others deteriorated. Eventually I decided to give homeopathy another try. Still 10 years of treatment without any improvement was a long time.
Maybe I will ask Simone if she knows of a good homeopath where I live or maybe as a last resort I will post my case on this forum. I realize there are some very good homeopaths/practitioners volunteering their time here. Only time will tell.
Thank you for your advice. All the best.
[Edited by JS123 on 2018-03-08 00:18:06]
♡ JS123 7 years ago
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