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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Dr Kadwa - Osteoarthritis problem for my father

Dr Kadwa,

My father, age 75 years has osteoarthritis problem in both knees and also knee bending problem in left leg. Below are the detailed symptoms of the problem.

He is not able to bend left leg knee more than 90 degrees due to which he faces problem in climbing stairs etc and all the activities which require knee to be bent more than 90 degrees.

Right leg knee there is pain when knee is bend after being in static position. If it is bent long time after keeping in static position then pain is more. This kind of pain is lesser in left leg.

When he starts walking first starting 5 mins pain is more. After that pain reduces after some walking.

He cannot walk continuously for long distance. After walking for about 200 mts pain starts in legs and he has to sit for some time. After sitting he can again walk for about 200 mts.

Sometimes throbbing and pulsating pain is observed in right knee joint area. It is rarely observed in left leg.

Pain is observed mostly while walking and moving about. When he is resting or lying down normally pain is not there. Only throbbing pain is observed some times during rest.

When he bends his right leg cracking sound is observed sometimes as if bones are hitting against each other.

He has tried several remedies like hepar sulphur 30 and 200, arnica 30 (both dry and wet dose), bryonia 30, rhustox 30 etc but not much improvement. Only with hepar sulphur 200 he feels some relief at times.

Can you ease prescribe homeopathic remedy to reduce the pain, reduce pain during walking more and also improve knee bending angle for left leg?
[Edited by vjhos on 2018-03-03 15:02:06]
  vjhos on 2018-03-03
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Dr Kadwa, any update on this case?
vjhos 7 years ago
Please give him belladonna 30 and China 30 twice a day for 3 days and see how that affects over a week.
kadwa 6 years ago

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