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Serrapeptase , sillica and periods

Looking for some advice, have been taking sillica 30c 2 x a day and serrapeptase 80,000 iu 3 x a day. Just wondering can taking these make your period very very heavy? Or is it just heavy anyway? Should I stop taking the pills? Have tried to look online but can't see anything about heavy periods being a side effect of sillica and serrapeptase. Thanks
  1232 on 2018-03-09
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Serrapeptase can interfere with blood clotting so that a person bleeds more.
It is said not to take for more than 4 weeks.

If you are self prescribing silicea 30c 2x a day- one does not take remedies

If you are having problems post again and
Give details , an experienced person may be
Able to help you -
simone717 7 years ago
Thank you for your reply. I'm taking the serrapaptese/ sillica for a barthilions cyst. Have been taking them for 6 days.
1232 7 years ago
If me, and you are having heavy period that is not usual, I would stop
The serrapeptase.

If you want different advice on the cyst you can do a new post.
You could also call (google it) and talk to Lia Bello,
Nurse homeopath in New Mexico. She charges
$50 and includes follow up. Lia is a homeopathic teacher
And head of homeo USA nurse assoc.

Couple years ago a USA young woman wrote in with same thing,
And was in remote Australia on vacation
And in great pain. Lia helped her by phone
And situation resolved .
simone717 7 years ago

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