The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Sepia LM1 Aggravation?
I went to see a Naturopath in January for a bunch of different issues such as bad periods (extremely heavy, migraines,horrible cramps, left flank pain), social anxiety, extreme fatigue, and depression.I was prescribed Sepia LM1, 7 drops nightly for 21 days. I started the remedy on January 17, 2018. By January 20 I started feeling pretty awesome...more like my old self...good energy, felt like my spark for life came back. So then on January 24 I started feeling bad again...lethargic, depressed, no motivation at all. But the worst part is my left flank pain and extreme fatigue and brain fog...I feel like I can’t function at all anymore. I was having some flank pain here and there before I started the remedy, but it has been constant since. I’ve been to Urologists, Primary care Doctor, Urologist, Naturopath and they can’t seem to find anything wrong. This morning when I woke up it just hit me that I started getting so much worse after starting the Sepia and after looking through my journal confirmed it. This was my first visit to see a Naturopath and will admit I’m a bit ignorant in how homeopathy works. I’ve been reading a lot on the topic this morning when I came across this forum ( which is great by the way!) So my question is, do you think this ongoing flank pain and lethargia could be aggrevated from the Sepia? And if so, any advice to stop it would be greatly appreciated... thanks so much!PollyEster on 2018-03-20
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Many times naturopaths have very little training in homeopathy. They prescribe remedy dosing like they prescribe vitamins or supplements.
When you take a remedy, if you feel better- stop. If you have worsening
Of symptoms or new symptoms - stop. Everyone will have their own response. Feeling better means the remedy is acting - you stop and see how long that goes on for, before you take another dose and then see how long that lasts for. Hopefully each time between doses gets longer -
If symptoms worsen that is aggravation and you stop and let it wear off,
And see if then improvement begins- again you wait.
Getting new symptoms can mean you overdosed or potency was wrong,
And you wait again to see if they wear off and improvement begins.
There is no way to know in advance what will happen- reactions
Have to be monitored by someone who knows what they are doing. You can also look up materia medica of ... any remedy and see the many things it
Is given for, and find your “new” symptoms in there.
[Edited by simone717 on 2018-03-20 16:06:13]
When you take a remedy, if you feel better- stop. If you have worsening
Of symptoms or new symptoms - stop. Everyone will have their own response. Feeling better means the remedy is acting - you stop and see how long that goes on for, before you take another dose and then see how long that lasts for. Hopefully each time between doses gets longer -
If symptoms worsen that is aggravation and you stop and let it wear off,
And see if then improvement begins- again you wait.
Getting new symptoms can mean you overdosed or potency was wrong,
And you wait again to see if they wear off and improvement begins.
There is no way to know in advance what will happen- reactions
Have to be monitored by someone who knows what they are doing. You can also look up materia medica of ... any remedy and see the many things it
Is given for, and find your “new” symptoms in there.
[Edited by simone717 on 2018-03-20 16:06:13]
♡ simone717 6 years ago
Also, homeopathy works due to the fact the human body will not accept a second “similar” disease/imbalance. The body recognizes the highly diluted
Remedy match as a similar. The body reacts by increasing your life force to get rid of the remedy and at same time it targets the real matching imbalance. Your own life force is doing the work.
Homeopaths often monitor direction of the case thru “herings law of cure.”
You can google that. And LMdosing is often done when patients are sensitive and may need repeated dosing using the LM scale, And I have read that on LM dosing one stops the dosing when they have aggravation
Show up. Then wait and evaluate, and then if needed go up to the next LM
Level. I have no idea why the naturopath chose LM instead of a c potency
Using a water dose . But they should have told you to stop when
[Edited by simone717 on 2018-03-20 16:52:31]
Remedy match as a similar. The body reacts by increasing your life force to get rid of the remedy and at same time it targets the real matching imbalance. Your own life force is doing the work.
Homeopaths often monitor direction of the case thru “herings law of cure.”
You can google that. And LMdosing is often done when patients are sensitive and may need repeated dosing using the LM scale, And I have read that on LM dosing one stops the dosing when they have aggravation
Show up. Then wait and evaluate, and then if needed go up to the next LM
Level. I have no idea why the naturopath chose LM instead of a c potency
Using a water dose . But they should have told you to stop when
[Edited by simone717 on 2018-03-20 16:52:31]
♡ simone717 6 years ago
Thank you so much simone717 for the quick response!
I feel like I’m learning everything the hard way. Before taking the Sepia I did a search on possible side effects and nothing much came up. It makes so much since the way you describe it, and I can clearly see on day 3 of the treatment when I started feeling better he should have stopped the treatment...not day 21! I was sending him notes throughout the treatment on how I was feeling...this is so frustrating! I went to a Naturopath because I’m so frustrated with the conventional medical system...making me feel worse. But now after seeing a Naturopath who was not properly trained I feel worse than I have my entire life. Just want to get on with my life...not even able to work right now, just lay around all day...which i absolutely hate!
I’m sorry to ramble...thanks again for your help. So would the best advice for me right now be to just wait and see if these horrible symptoms stop?
I feel like I’m learning everything the hard way. Before taking the Sepia I did a search on possible side effects and nothing much came up. It makes so much since the way you describe it, and I can clearly see on day 3 of the treatment when I started feeling better he should have stopped the treatment...not day 21! I was sending him notes throughout the treatment on how I was feeling...this is so frustrating! I went to a Naturopath because I’m so frustrated with the conventional medical system...making me feel worse. But now after seeing a Naturopath who was not properly trained I feel worse than I have my entire life. Just want to get on with my life...not even able to work right now, just lay around all day...which i absolutely hate!
I’m sorry to ramble...thanks again for your help. So would the best advice for me right now be to just wait and see if these horrible symptoms stop?
PollyEster 6 years ago
Well actually, with LM dosing, as soon as you started feeling worse
He should have said stop. Lm ‘s work a bit differently than the other potencies.
Your choices are:
1. Wait with taking nothing to see if this subsides each day
Getting less and less.
2. Buy some rhus tox 30c- if you are USA it is in Whole Foods.
Take 2 pills of rhus tox under the tongue and dissolve. Wait 3 days
To see if it antidotes the sepia. If not there are
Other remedies to antidote.
3. If you have an authentic shiatsu massage person( not someone who took a 4 hour course) or a good acupressure massage person, tell them
You are having a drug reaction. Shiatsu works the spine( immune system)
You wear your clothes. This is very good at draining out( acupressure is similar)
Symptoms . You will notice a big difference.
[Edited by simone717 on 2018-03-20 19:50:03]
He should have said stop. Lm ‘s work a bit differently than the other potencies.
Your choices are:
1. Wait with taking nothing to see if this subsides each day
Getting less and less.
2. Buy some rhus tox 30c- if you are USA it is in Whole Foods.
Take 2 pills of rhus tox under the tongue and dissolve. Wait 3 days
To see if it antidotes the sepia. If not there are
Other remedies to antidote.
3. If you have an authentic shiatsu massage person( not someone who took a 4 hour course) or a good acupressure massage person, tell them
You are having a drug reaction. Shiatsu works the spine( immune system)
You wear your clothes. This is very good at draining out( acupressure is similar)
Symptoms . You will notice a big difference.
[Edited by simone717 on 2018-03-20 19:50:03]
♡ simone717 6 years ago
Also, when this subsides, go to a real homeopath
If you have one. Or I suggest, if USA, try calling Lia Bello, nurse homeopath, and teacher of homeopathy( also head of nurse homeo assoc USA)
She is in New Mexico, does phone consults -
(For acutes it is $50 plus follow up) for you
This is not an acute, she does chronic also.
Best to call her . I have other homeopaths I like who work by phone or Skype , I just “get” that Lia could be a good match for you.
If you have one. Or I suggest, if USA, try calling Lia Bello, nurse homeopath, and teacher of homeopathy( also head of nurse homeo assoc USA)
She is in New Mexico, does phone consults -
(For acutes it is $50 plus follow up) for you
This is not an acute, she does chronic also.
Best to call her . I have other homeopaths I like who work by phone or Skype , I just “get” that Lia could be a good match for you.
♡ simone717 6 years ago
Every one (school of thought) is doing their best. People only focus on homeopathy on the forum.
I think there is something wrong with your liver or stomach, or some disturbance in your sexual desires or life. You can go for tests as well to remove any doubts or for your satisfaction etc. You can look at mag.phos 200c .. medicine in materia medica if you have the same symptoms.
But you must have to contact lia as suggested by Simone717 in above post.
I think there is something wrong with your liver or stomach, or some disturbance in your sexual desires or life. You can go for tests as well to remove any doubts or for your satisfaction etc. You can look at mag.phos 200c .. medicine in materia medica if you have the same symptoms.
But you must have to contact lia as suggested by Simone717 in above post.
♡ healer21 6 years ago
Thanks again Simone715 for your helpful advice. I am going to try the rus tox ( currently in the middle of a snowstorm so unfortunately won’t be today) I’ll let you know how I feel afterwards! I did some research and found a really good Shiatsu therapist in the area so I thought I might give that a try as well! And thanks for the Homeopath recommendation... I will definitely be giving her a call too...awesome I can talk to her in the comfort of my home ð
Thank you healer21 for your advice as well. You may be on to something about the stomach or liver... it will be interesting to find out what’s going on. I didn’t mention that I have a severely atrophied left kidney, with about 12% function left, but the pain I’m currently having feels different than any kidney pain I’ve experienced in the past. I just hope this reaction I’m having isn’t causing any harm to my kidney. Generally, are most homeopathic remedies safe for the kidneys?
Thank you healer21 for your advice as well. You may be on to something about the stomach or liver... it will be interesting to find out what’s going on. I didn’t mention that I have a severely atrophied left kidney, with about 12% function left, but the pain I’m currently having feels different than any kidney pain I’ve experienced in the past. I just hope this reaction I’m having isn’t causing any harm to my kidney. Generally, are most homeopathic remedies safe for the kidneys?
PollyEster 6 years ago
Homeopathic remedies are highly diluted in most potencies, such as c potency LM potency- they are a molecular imprint
On water. The body is able to recognize this “imprint”, and if a good matchto your symptoms, your life force is raised to eliminate
The remedy and then also the underlying problem.
You do not have to worry about impact on your kidneys like you would taking real drugs or supplements.
On water. The body is able to recognize this “imprint”, and if a good matchto your symptoms, your life force is raised to eliminate
The remedy and then also the underlying problem.
You do not have to worry about impact on your kidneys like you would taking real drugs or supplements.
♡ simone717 6 years ago
I haven't seen (even any school of thought) having such a wonderful effects specially on urination (kidney) and sleep improvements more than homeopathic medicine.
One of the first good signs after a well selected homeopathic remedy are that a person performs a lot of urination, second he/she sleeps very deeply with a very refreshing weakup in the morning.
Means one of the first effects of homeopathic remedy is on kidneys .. eliminates a lot of toxins from the body through urination. and than sleep (nervous system etc) ..
I hope your kidney problem is not a border line case.
[Edited by healer21 on 2018-03-21 18:10:20]
One of the first good signs after a well selected homeopathic remedy are that a person performs a lot of urination, second he/she sleeps very deeply with a very refreshing weakup in the morning.
Means one of the first effects of homeopathic remedy is on kidneys .. eliminates a lot of toxins from the body through urination. and than sleep (nervous system etc) ..
I hope your kidney problem is not a border line case.
[Edited by healer21 on 2018-03-21 18:10:20]
♡ healer21 6 years ago
That is certainly a relief...thanks so much! The more I’m learning about homeopathy the more confident I am that it is going to help me so much on my journey to health.
PollyEster 6 years ago
Simone717...thanks so much again for your advice! This past Saturday I took 2 rhus tox like you suggested, and by Monday I started getting some relief! I’m still having some pain in my flank, but I can’t tell you how much better I feel compared to a week ago.
PollyEster 6 years ago
♡ simone717 6 years ago
Sunday afternoon my symptoms started coming back...pain in my back/flank area and fatigue. Felt bad yesterday and still feeling bad today. I would say symptoms aren’t as severe as they were a couple of weeks ago...but bad enough where I just want to lay around all day.
Sunday afternoon my symptoms started coming back...pain in my back/flank area and fatigue. Felt bad yesterday and still feeling bad today. I would say symptoms aren’t as severe as they were a couple of weeks ago...but bad enough where I just want to lay around all day.
PollyEster 6 years ago
Did you try calling Lia yet?
Because this sounds like old things returning ,
Not aggravation. Your case has to be retaken.
Because this sounds like old things returning ,
Not aggravation. Your case has to be retaken.
♡ simone717 6 years ago
I haven’t called Lia yet, I wanted to wait and see if this was an aggravation first...but I will call her soon. Thank you so much for all of your advice and your recommendation!
I haven’t called Lia yet, I wanted to wait and see if this was an aggravation first...but I will call her soon. Thank you so much for all of your advice and your recommendation!
PollyEster 6 years ago
Sepia side effects remedy fix please dont ignore
Dheeraj3 2 months ago
Dr Anuj dont reply .and Dr jitesh staff was not good they were actually ignoring my question of my sepia proving and doing my anxiety treatment wtf .. his doctors dont even know about proving and saying me to do bhms .. one stupid Dr telling me he has done 25 proving .. this doctors have 100 percent fraud degree.. dont give a stupid doctor contact next time iam already has suffered a lot due to this proving and they are asking all stuff outside of it .. I request this stupid people to take sepia first atleast in 1 m potency for 7 days then I will see what can they do next .. ..
Dheeraj3 2 months ago
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Information given in this forum is given by way of exchange of views only, and those views are not necessarily those of ABC Homeopathy. It is not to be treated as a medical diagnosis or prescription, and should not be used as a substitute for a consultation with a qualified homeopath or physician. It is possible that advice given here may be dangerous, and you should make your own checks that it is safe. If symptoms persist, seek professional medical attention. Bear in mind that even minor symptoms can be a sign of a more serious underlying condition, and a timely diagnosis by your doctor could save your life.