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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

lipoma cure

hello doctors,
I am a 24 year unmarried male. there is lipoma around my belly and hand and near hip. one is vey hard sometimes it felt hurt, all other are soft and small in size. many new are forming. I can realise that by touching.
please give some medicine so that new lipoma forming stops and existing numbers are cured.
  ghostas on 2018-04-24
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please take the following remedies;

Phosphorus 30c and Lapis albus 30c, twice a day for 15 days and see how you feel in a month.
Tui 6 years ago
thanks doctor I will give you feedback after taking medicine.
I have a query,
are they pills or liquid
ghostas 6 years ago
Take whichever is easy for you.

1 dose is 2 pills or 2 drops.
Tui 6 years ago
thanks for your quick response
ghostas 6 years ago
Dear sir,
Hope you are good. i am feeling good by following your medication.now i am seeking your medication for my skin disease that is visible only in my left leg. it doesn't hurt. But it loo's not good. so, i really in bad need to cure the skin problem. i have been to many allopathic doctors. they were unable to cure that.
So, please help me to cure the skin problem. i have attached some photos.
If you please give the mail address. i can send you some more pic as it doesn't support more file. or i am sending by several post.

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ghostas 6 years ago
another picture

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ghostas 6 years ago
also one more picture

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ghostas 6 years ago
You have been following Anuj so I'm not going to prescribe you more remedies.
[Edited by Tui on 2018-09-16 21:58:54]
Tui 6 years ago

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