The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Constipation Problem
I am suffering from constipation problem for a long time ( almost 40 years). Due to this, some problems like head ache, neck pain, mental instability arises. But if this problem (constipation) cures other problems (neck pain etc.) I think can be cured.I haven't any problem regarding digestion.
I have minute diabetes and cholesterol
but to some extent both are under control.
I just want to get rid from constipation.
♥ Athens1 on 2018-04-30
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Right now I'm 59 years old. This problem arise from my teenage. So, it is been near 40 years I'm suffering from this.
♡ Athens1 6 years ago
Nux vomica 30, be for a week & then report me
♡ Nishat Parveen 6 years ago
Rectum; constipation: NUX-V(4) ALUM(4) SEP(4) OP(4) SULPH(4) SIL(4) BRY(4) NAT-M(4) LYC(4) GRAPH(4) LACH(4) PLB(4) CALC(4) PLAT(4) MERC(4) THUJ(4) MAG-M(4) CAUST(4) IGN(4) ALOE(4) VERAT(4) COLL(4) KALI-C(4) HYDR(4) AMBR(4) PULS(4) CON(4) PHOS(4) NIT-AC(4) HEP(4) PODO(4) SEL(4) CARB-V(4) ANT-C(4) RHUS-T(4) BELL(4) STAPH(4) ZINC(4) PSOR(4) STANN(4) SANIC(4) COCC(4) CHIN(4) ANAC(4) APIS(4) CHEL(4) ARN(4) RUTA(4) MED(4) ARS(4) SARS(4) KALI-BI(4) NUX-M(4) LAC-D(4) SUL-AC(4) NAT-C(4) IOD(4) MEZ(4) CUPR(4) KREOS(4) ALUMN(4) AESC(4) CARD-M(4) AM-M(4) COLOC(4) PHYT(4) CAPS(4) TARENT(4) IRIS(4) NAT-P(4) RHEUM(4) COLCH(4) OLND(4) AM-C(4) CARB-AN(4) AGAR(4) MAG-C(4) NAT-S(4) GRAT(4) CANTH(4) LIL-T(4) SABAD(4) STRAM(4) CARB-AC(4) RAT(4) CHAM(4) MOSCH(4) CANN-S(4) MERC-C(4) RHOD(4) CALC-P(4) KALI-S(4) CYCL(4) LAUR(4) DULC(4) DOL(4) ACON(4) AETH(4) APOC(4) STRONT-C(4) NICC(4) VERB(4) RIC(4) BAC(4) COFF(4) CLEM(4) MENY(4) SENN(4) CARBN-S(4) M-ARCT(4) KALM(4) BAR-M(4) RHAM-F(4) LED(4) OENA(4) MORG(4) ALUM-SIL(4) RHAM-CATH(4) ZINC-P(4) JAL(4) NAT-L(4) STRY(4) FERR(3) BAR-C(3) TAB(3) PETR(3) SYPH(3) GELS(3) ALET(3) CARC(3) SPIG(3) AUR(3) DIG(3) CACT(3) HYOS(3) MAG-P(3) AGN(3) CROT-H(3) DIOS(3) PH-AC(3) FL-AC(3) ASAF(3) ARG-N(3) CALC-F(3) SEC(3) CASC(3) ASTER(3) BOV(3) MUR-AC(3) PYROG(3) MYRIC(3) HELL(3) GUAI(3) LACT(3) HAM(3) KALI-M(3) SABIN(3) MAND(3) TUB(3) ABIES-N(3) AUR-M-N(3) ABROT(3) CALAD(3) CAMPH(3) KALI-BR(3) TARAX(3) CALC-S(3) CARL(3) CIC(3) URAN-N(3) COCA(3) EUG(3) KALI-I(3) NYCT(3) PLB-ACET(3) LEPT(3) PHYS(3) THER(3) NAT-N(3) PARAF(3) SUL-I(3) CHIM(3) GAMB(3) HYPER(3) VIOL-O(3) LAC-C(3) CANN-I(3) KALI-P(3) OX-AC(3) RAD-BR(3) SENEC(3) CINA(3) CROC(3) JOAN(3) MANG(3) PIC-AC(3) VIB(3) COP(3) DAPH(3) FEL(3) PTEL(3) SOL-N(3) ANGO(3) BERB(3) FUC(3) MELI(3) SENEG(3) ACET-AC(3) AZA(3) BISM(3) COB(3) CIMIC(3) SPONG(3) TRIF-P(3) ALL-C(3) FORM(3) PALL(3) CUPR-ACET(3) HYDRC(3) FALCO-P(3) INDOL(3) KALI-SIL(3) TROM(3) WIES(3) ANT-S(3) ELAT(3) IP(3) JATR(3) MANC(3) TORUL(3) CROT-C(3) CUPR-AR(3) LEC(3) GERM(3) LAC-F(3) ANG(3) ELAPS(3) EUPHR(3) M-ART(3) BOL(3) MORG-G(3) POLYP-P(3) FERR-I(3) SOL-T-AE(3) SULO-AC(3) TERE-CH(3) FERR-S(3) RUMX(3) THYR(3) ARG(3) FUM(3) RHAM-P(3) AUR-S(3) AUR-M(3) CHEIR(3) FRANZ(3) LAPPA(3) SOL-M(3) ARS-I(3) CALC-AR(3) FERR-AR(3) KALI-CHL(3) LAC-AC(3) MANGI(3) TRICH-D(3) ARAL-H(3) GLYC(3) NAT-HCHLS(3) QUERC-R(3) SLAG(3) TER(3) VICHY-G(3) WYE(3) AMPH(3) ANAG(3) ARS-MET(3) BRUCEL(3) CANCH(3) GAERT(3) PROT(3) SIN-N(3) SOLID(3) ADEPS-S(3) CYPR(3) FOEN(3) Kali-ACET(3) LAP-A(3) NAT-SIL(3) SAMB(3) KALI-AR(3) NAT-AR(3) ANDER(3) GET(3) KAOL(3) MERC-I-F(3) PLAN-L(3) PULS-N(3) RAPH(3) SAP-SOD(3) kali-n(2) sang(2) aesc-g(2) ind(2) bapt(2) chin-s(2) sal-ac(2) gran(2) aran(2) morph(2) nabal(2) cinch-s(2) bor(2) lycps(2) prun(2) urt-u(2) adon(2) cadm(2) mag-s(2) oci-s(2) thymol(2) ammc(2) crat(2) fago(2) jug-r(2) squil(2) apoc-a(2) gins(2) sac-alb(2) stel(2) guat(2) mang-acet(2) calc-sil(2) croto-t(2) diox(2) plut-n(2) cich(2) salx-f(2) benz-ac(2) cadm-i(2) euon-a(2) gink(2) symph(2) tama(2) emer(2) euph(2) thea(2) chen-v(2) reser(2) thlaspi(2) haliae-lc(2) hoch(2) aur-i(2) ars-h(2) dict(2) lepro(2) maland(2) merl(2) c-di-o(2) morph-acet(2) musc-d(2) nico-r(2) parth(2) uran(2) aego-p(2) act-sp(2) bacch-a(2) cassi-s(2) cast(2) citl-l(2) guin(2) igf(2) mono(2) nad(2) pyre-p(2) scorp(2) sol-t(2) trachy-a(2) turq-l(2) acan-p(2) sia-c(2) agri(2) amet(2) bell-p(2) cand-p(2) card-b(2) care-a(2) cent-u(2) eup-c(2) geum(2) helx-t(2) irid(2) lac-drom(2) lac-leo(2) lava-e(2) lina(2) linu-u(2) mill(2) mor-n(2) muc-nas(2) niob(2) orig(2) plumbg-eu(2) pol-v(2) rib-ac(2) ros-ca(2) ros-g(2) samb-e(2) vince(2) viol-t(2) aq-mar ant-t gnaph sil-mar abies-c ol-j naja sumb cor-r ran-b all-s asc-t cimx glon par just bold bufo merc-d ol-an rob asc-c euon guare hura lyss malar polyg aphis atro cedr cod corn gymn lob-s mit tanac murx arist-cl cean dros erech helo indg m-aust thal allox asar chion lat-m onis til valer vanad visc electr apom dirc hom lob sabal tax xan cahin chelo cub hedeo jug-c kali-hp santin dys-co ferr-pic galph still tarent-c tep pop-c chlf eucal atist calc-i convo-s nit-m-ac tong tus-p vip pitu-a aegle alf calen cyrt-p cyt-l epig epip ferr-p hydr-ac kali-cy stict buni-o calc-acet cari cath-a cench chr-o ferr-m gast kiss lachn merc-v paeon plect ran-s sarr sym-r trinit ust vinc x-ray absin ail anath aran-ix brach chol chr-ac coc-c eup-pur euph-l eupi fil hir lim lycpr passi phel pip-n rham-cal saroth tub-m v-a-b vesp zinc-o alco helod-c melal-a aln bad cass caul cit-l ery-a euph-hy gall-ac helia hippoz jac-c mang-m moly musa oci paul-p ped peti pin-l pin-s plumbg sulfon syc-co tann-ac vario bar-s culx-p lat-h plac posit ros-ca-a term-c ulm-c abrom-aug aml-n arge-p atro-s bamb-a bar-i boerh cand-a chen-a choc culx curc goss herin hydrog lsd meli-a meteo-a oci-g phyl-a sam-m sapin spirae strept tax-br tela telo-s zinc-val adam alum-p androc androg-p aran-s ars-s-f astac calop-s cer-o cic-m cinnb elem ferr-sil fic-sp geoc-c ger hema-h hist kola kurch lac-eq lac-v lam lamp-c leon linu-c mag-acet magn-gr mygal nept-m olea oplo-h ozon pareir pier-b predl pront psil-c seq-g sin-a sop-m tour-w ven-m acal acon-ac agro aids alst-s ant-m anth aral arum-t asim aspart aur-ar ba-tn bani-c benz berb-a botul brom bros-g but-ac calc-chln calc-ox cassi-f cere-b chin-ar chin-m chir-f chlam-t chlorpr cinis-p cinnam clad-r corn-a corn-f cortiso cur cymb-c dor dubin emb enal-c eryth euph-a excr-can eys ferr-cy foll galeoc-c gall gar-c hall her-s hippo-k home hyosin ictod ingluv iris-t kali-ma kali-sula kres lac-del lac-h lipp lol lup macrin meph merc-cy morbill morpho-m naja-h nat-ch nat-f nelu neon nicc-s onc-t orni pen perl petros pimp pitu-gl plb-chr polyv ratt-n rhodi-o-n rhus-g sac-l scam sid-al sile-c skat spect stann-i stry-p terb-s term-a thio-ac tril trio typho unc-t verat-v vip-r xero zinc-i zinc-s abr acon-l agki-p alli-m ana-i andri-q apiol ard-h arg-s arund ba-sv blatta bos-s bung-f caesal-s calx-b carbn carn-g chlor chloram cler-i coff-t colchin convo-d cordy-a cot cund cupr-s cygn-c digin dpt echi-a echis-c eich-c elae erb euonin eup-per ferr-acet frax glyc-g granit-m hed hedy hydrin-m hydro-c interf iodof jab kali-fcy kali-l lact-s lampr-s latex leuc-c lith-c loxo-r lut-o mang-o mang-p mant-r marm-a merc-n methyl-p-h morph-m mut narcot nast nat-glt nat-ox nicot nit-s-d osm ovi-g-p paul-s peg-h phas-c phle phol-p polym polyst querc rhus-d rhus-v rumx-a salx-m salx-n sam-o sapo scol senec-j sinusin spira sulfa teg-a tell teucr thal-s thymin tril-c tyt-a ulm uv-lux verbe-o vero-o zinc-cy zinc-m zinc-pic zing
♡ anuj srivastava 6 years ago
Dr. Anju Srivastava
I am just an hobby homeopath. Not professional. This is just for clarification to improve my knowledge.
Rubrics for above case as i perceive:
Rectum, constipation;
Head, pain, constipated, while;
Mind, constipation, during, agg; [Nat-m/8, Nux-v/7, Aloe/6]
The patients word "If constipation is cured the other problems are also cured" is a probable indication to "Nux-V.
Is this correct.
With Regards.
[Edited by Srini3553 on 2018-05-07 12:08:53]
I am just an hobby homeopath. Not professional. This is just for clarification to improve my knowledge.
Rubrics for above case as i perceive:
Rectum, constipation;
Head, pain, constipated, while;
Mind, constipation, during, agg; [Nat-m/8, Nux-v/7, Aloe/6]
The patients word "If constipation is cured the other problems are also cured" is a probable indication to "Nux-V.
Is this correct.
With Regards.
[Edited by Srini3553 on 2018-05-07 12:08:53]
Srini3553 6 years ago
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