The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Pimples (puss filled)
Hello doctor..i m 19 yrs old..i hav a condition of pimples..they are red and itchy and puss filled..i have an oily skin..i have suffering it from around 5 to 6 years i hav taken a lot of homeopathic medicines but sometimes it gets normal otherwise they are always present there..i am really stressed out..they are all over my forehead(small in size) and later on they get bigger..the only way a pimple gets ok is that it gets big and get puss filled until the puss gets whole face gets a burning sensation..the palm of my hand and feets are always heating..i prefer cold things...i like cold weather..plz rply soon..warm regards.irfankhan1 on 2018-05-01
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Sulphur 200,early morning ones in three days.
Nat Mur 6x, five tabs three times a day every day,feed back after a week.
Nat Mur 6x, five tabs three times a day every day,feed back after a week.
♡ anuj srivastava 6 years ago
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