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Arnica Montana:


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Arnica Dosage for healing brain afetr brain Stroke and haemmorrage?

I read section from a blog posted on Internet site

" Whenever a person has been injured, not only the acute effects but even the chronic effects of this injury can be removed by Arnica, whatever its nature may be” (YEAR). Sankaran discusses a case where a man lost vision in his eye after an accident. Sankaran put the man on the following protocol, and the gentleman slowly regained his vision: Arnica 30C TID X 1 month; Arnica 200C QD X 5 months; Arnica 1M QD X 2 months (YEAR). A second case describes a 61-year-old woman who suffered a TBI from a scooter accident. She had been semi-comatose for 9 days and doctors were discussing brain surgery. Sankaran gave this woman Arnica 200C hourly for 48 hours, at which point she was 50% better. He continued Arnica 200C every hour for 2 more days. Lastly, he gave Arnica 1M hourly until it was discontinued on day 12, when her catheter was removed (YEAR).

I had the personal experience of speaking with a homeopath in India who told me of a case of a man with a TBI that he brought out of a coma with a simultaneous single dose of Arnica 200C and Natrum sulphuricum 200C."

My case and My Query is as below:
I had stroke 8 years back, After reading your article/Blog; i want to try Arnica but before that I need advice that;
1) If Arnica will help heal a brain stroke/haemorrhage due to blood vessel burst which happened 6 years back?
2) why dose of Arnica will be the best for my case;;

i am currently paralysed from lower body and left side predominantly since 6 years;
  khurana76 on 2018-05-08
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.

Head; brain; injuries, after: absin ACON(3) AETH(3) alum am-c am-caust ARN(4) ART-V(3)

Extremities; paralysis; left: acon alum ambr anac APIS(4) apoc aran ARG-N(3) arn

Extremities; paralysis; lower limbs: abel ABROT(3) absin ACON(3) adan aesc-g(2) aether AGAR(4) ALUM(4) alum-met ALUM-P(3) ambr anac ANG(3) apis apoc aran arg ARG-N(4) ARN(4) ARS(4)

Extremities; paralysis; lower limbs; left: alum aran arn butho-t cham CROT-H(3) eur-p glon hell ign mag-c nat-cac ol-an plb syph ter

Generalities; paralysis; lower part, paraplegia: abel ABROT(3) ANG(3) ANH(3) ANT-C(3) ant-o APIS(3) APOC(3) aran arg ARG-N(4) ARN(4)

Generalities; paralysis; injuries, after: apoc arn bell CALC(3) con cupr hydr-ac hyper(2) kali-p lath LED(3) OP(3) staph wild

Generalities; injuries, blows, falls and bruises: ARN(4) HYPER(4) CON(4) RUTA(4)
[Edited by anuj srivastava on 2018-05-08 15:02:35]
anuj srivastava 6 years ago
Wondering if this helped you? Do you have a follow up?

Also- would this help to prevent stroke if one was feeling vein weakness or too thick of blood?
HomeopathyMom1 5 years ago

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