The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Erectile Issue
Age 32Newly married
Issue: Not Proper Erection, low erection at time of intercourse it become zero.
Previously involve in masturbation and also use twice a time steroid while doing gym.
Pls advise proper medication so that proper cure will done and i enjoy my marriage life.
Currently someone recommed me to use R41 fortivirone, Damiaplant, Lycopodium 200 and yohimbinum q.
Please guide..
Gymlover on 2018-05-08
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Let me know your detailed ailments right now along with following:
Body weight?
If female, Last Menstrual Period, How long it stays.
When you wake at morning
When yo go to bed
What you do
What's your daily diet
How much water you drink everyday
Any Digestion issue
Any mood swing
Any issue with sleep
Any issue in gaining/losing weight.
Body weight?
If female, Last Menstrual Period, How long it stays.
When you wake at morning
When yo go to bed
What you do
What's your daily diet
How much water you drink everyday
Any Digestion issue
Any mood swing
Any issue with sleep
Any issue in gaining/losing weight.
♡ Dr R Basu 6 years ago
Country: pakistan
City: Karachi
Body weight 88KG
Sex male
Height 5'7"
Age 33
BP normal
If female, Last Menstrual Period, How long it stays.
When you wake at morning : 7am
When yo go to bed : 11.30pm
What you do: sales job
What's your daily diet: mostly from markwt B.BQ, routine curry.
How much water you drink everyday: 5glass
Any Digestion issue: i think no
Any mood swing: little bit
Any issue with sleep: not yet
Any issue in gaining/losing weight. As gymer weight stuck at 88kg even on following proper diet plan
City: Karachi
Body weight 88KG
Sex male
Height 5'7"
Age 33
BP normal
If female, Last Menstrual Period, How long it stays.
When you wake at morning : 7am
When yo go to bed : 11.30pm
What you do: sales job
What's your daily diet: mostly from markwt B.BQ, routine curry.
How much water you drink everyday: 5glass
Any Digestion issue: i think no
Any mood swing: little bit
Any issue with sleep: not yet
Any issue in gaining/losing weight. As gymer weight stuck at 88kg even on following proper diet plan
Gymlover 6 years ago
According to your height your weight is not normal. You are overweight.
Take a diet plan to keep your weight within 70 kg.
This is the first thing you need to do.
Now medicine.
Take Selenium 30 twice daily for 10 days.
Feedback thereafter.
One dose means 3 pills.
Take a diet plan to keep your weight within 70 kg.
This is the first thing you need to do.
Now medicine.
Take Selenium 30 twice daily for 10 days.
Feedback thereafter.
One dose means 3 pills.
♡ Dr R Basu 6 years ago
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