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Acne & oily face
hello!! I am male 32 suffering from from almost 7 years, face is extremely oily since my teenage years,mostly acne happens on my cheecks & chin. I live in india and have very humid climate. I've gone through many allopathy medicines regarding my acne but as long as treatment goes on my acnes are under control but haven't gets completely cured.My face sweat a lot and cant even bear the heat of the sun.I workout 4 days a week in gym,maintain proper hygein,drink 3 to 4 litres of water everyday. please look into my case.Thankyou[Edited by john_pt on 2018-05-26 18:30:30]
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john_pt on 2018-05-26
♡ homeo_helper 6 years ago
john_pt 6 years ago
john_pt 6 years ago
♡ homeo_helper 6 years ago
john_pt 6 years ago
It will take some time. The skin disease take longer time to cure.
homeo helper
♡ homeo_helper 6 years ago
my right side of the face is completely clear now, i hope it stays acnefree forever ð.
There are few acnes on the left side of my face,it is because i usually lie on left side when i sleep??
one more thing,I never use to get acne on my forehead but suddenly two bumps appeared on the forehead this morning and one in the left sideof my face.
About oilyness, my skin it still oily. still have to wash my face 3 times a day.
john_pt 6 years ago
Please avoid milk in pure form and milk products except curd and butter milk.
homeo helper
♡ homeo_helper 6 years ago
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