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Re: Nosal discharge Only for Dr. Basu Madam

Dr. Basu madam,
I wait your advise for nasal discharge. Please give me your valuable suggestion.
Pk yadav
[Edited by Pk yadav on 2018-06-12 17:23:16]
  Pk yadav on 2018-06-11
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Do you have sneezing issues?Any history of bronchial Asthma or Tuberculosis in your paternal and maternal side?
[Edited by Dr R Basu on 2018-06-11 07:57:08]
Dr R Basu 6 years ago
Madam ,
I have no tuberculosis nor asthma and not herdityical history. Sometimes sneezing and after water discharge. Sometimes increased eosinophilia.
[Edited by Pk yadav on 2018-06-12 17:24:21]
Pk yadav 6 years ago
1.arsenic alb 200 every alternate day 5 dose.
2.Natrum Sulph 6x 4 tab twice daiy
Feedback after 15 days.
Dr R Basu 6 years ago
And for your information I am not Sir But Madam.As it does not play any significant effect on treatment, I didn't pointed earlier.
Dr R Basu 6 years ago
Dr. R b madam,
Alternate day means medicine take one day gap?
Pk yadav 6 years ago
Dr R Basu 6 years ago
Dr. Basu madam,
I used both medicine as you suggested.i feel Watery discharge in nose some more increased.
Pk yadav 6 years ago
Take Natrum Sulph 200c 4 pills once in morning for 3 consecutive days.feedback on 7th day.
Dr R Basu 6 years ago
Dr. R basu madam
I take natrum sulph 200, 3 day in morning .no any positive effect visible.
I repeat main symptom once --nasal watery discharge when eating and teeth brushing in the morning. Spicy food much increased discharge.
Pk yadav 6 years ago

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