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Using classical homeopathy together with Joepathy and Bach flowers

Hi everyone,

I asked Dr. De Livera on joedelivera.com whether his wet dose arnica remedy can be used concurrently with homeopathics such as aurum metallicum and arsenicum acidum. He said I am wasting his time and should choose which method I use: Joepathy or classical homeopathy.

Does anyone here know whether Joepathy and classical homeopathy can be used together?

Also, can the two be used together with Bach flowers therapy?
[Edited by hahnemann1 on 2018-06-19 00:53:08]
  hahnemann1 on 2018-06-19
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Joepathy is a system that is complete by itself like Classical Homeopathy. Therefore one should not mix these two pathies together or with other pathies.
kadwa 6 years ago
Hi, joe( who is not a dr) never uses Bach flowers.
Some homeopaths, will have a person take a remedy , and after a few days advise Bach flowers to help until you report

Bach flowers are simply the essence of the flower in water- the
Effects do not last more than a day- and it can be impossible to tell
What the effects of them are vs what the remedy effects are. What
They are good for is they put an emotional overlay on a person, where
You feel and respond to things differently- so one has the ability to not
Have knee jerk reactions of fear, anxiety etc and
Gently lets you form new reactions.

Whatever you choose , I would do one method at a time, so you can be certain of what it is really doing.
simone717 6 years ago

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