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A Painless Bump About An Inch To The Right Of Anus That Doesnt Go Away!


I've got this painless bump like a pimple that is located 3 'o' clock to my anus and about an inch or so away. It's been there for nearly 8 mths now and every 2-3 weeks or so, it burst and excrete pus/blood/light brownish mixture. I've been to the GP and Hospital but there only prescribed me a weeks course of antibiotics which obviously didn't work. I also had a minor operation at the GP to remove pus build up once but that didn't do the trick either.

I suspect it is anal fistula because it keeps recurring? But i'm not suffering any pain from it. Just itching occasionally and annoying. It's robbed me from enjoying life you know...

I'm currently on milk thistle, probiotic, wild oregano oil, alkalizing supplements which i take daily.
  leftside on 2018-07-13
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please take Acid Nitricum-200 morning and evening and take Calc.Sulph-200 at noon. Five drops per dose and Keep the wound clean with Calendona-Q 3/4 times a day.
Report after one week.

dr. mahfooz
Mahfoozurrehman 6 years ago
Hi Dr Mahfooz,

Thank you for ur remedy.

I'm new to homeopathy so i'm not sure what to look for exactly. can you kindly provide me with a slightly more detailed description of the medication which i can then use to find them locally?

[Edited by leftside on 2018-07-13 06:38:23]
leftside 6 years ago
Please take
Acid Nitricum-200 morning five drops daily
Calceria Sulph-200 five drops at noon daily
Mahfoozurrehman 6 years ago
Thank you Dr Mah Fooz.

I will try get them from a local Homeopathy Clinic here.

and will update you on progress.

leftside 6 years ago

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