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Ecoli and Klebsiella Pneumoniae UTI 2Please please help Ecoli UTI from last one year 2


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Help with chronic Ecoli UTI Page 2 of 7

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Ok thank you! :)
Juniorcat 6 years ago
Hi Tui,

Urethral irritation, stinging, urgency is same as last time I reported to you so there is improvement over all but no change with 10 more days of treatment with remedies.

Urinalysis sticks look much better like before. Leukocytes are there on and off instead of all the time and much much lighter. Very pale. Good improvement

Nitrites are med/dark pink first AM urine

Speckled blood almost gone completely.

Still noticing that when there are nitrites on the sticks, there are no leuks or blood specks
When there are leuks & blood specks, there are no nitrites.

Lost more tonsil stones which is good! More clearing in the right ear so it is not as crackly.
Juniorcat 6 years ago
Thanks for the update.

So how are you feeling in general? How is your mood?

And how is your sleep?
Tui 6 years ago
Well, to be honest I am mentally tired and down in the dumps. Just worn out mentally and physically from all of this. I think my body is trying very hard to fight this and it is just not winning. I have a lot less anxiety but I am also down in the dumps because I have lost faith that this will ever go away and I am afraid that it will never go away. I am afraid of doctors because all they ever give is bad news. My sleep is wonderful. I fall asleep very quickly at bedtime and do not wake up in the night at all. I wake feeling refreshed but then I immediately (almost upon opening my eyes) feel dread because I know the sticks are going to show nitrites and that it will be another day of infection.
Juniorcat 6 years ago
Please start with the following remedies;

Colibacillinum 200c one dose every other day

Arsenicum alb 200c one dose in every 3 days

Echinacea tincture daily ( just follow the label)

Report back in 2 weeks or earlier if you see any changes.
Tui 6 years ago
Ok will do. I will have to order a couple of those so reporting back might be later than 2 wks. Thank you!!
Juniorcat 6 years ago
Hi Tui
While I am waiting for my remedies to arrive I thought I would pop in here to tell you that more tonsil stones are coming out which is great. I had no idea I had this many. For 2 days I had what felt like a flu or cold coming on. Felt very lethargic, weak, clammy on and off, a few hot flashes here and there and then that went away. Yesterday the right side of my throat, half way down the neck was very tender when I swallowed. It felt like something was stuck in my throat each time I swallowed. This morning when I woke up I felt a tonsil stone come loose from that tender area, had a very foul taste/smell (as they all do) and now that tender area is much less tender. I should also note that the right ear crackling and fullness is again less crackly/full. Should I wait for a while to see what else the previous remedies do before starting the new ones when I get them?
Juniorcat 6 years ago
Yes you can wait a while before starting the new remedy.
Tui 6 years ago
Hi Tui
Just thought I would pop in to let you know I am still around. I have been waiting out these last remedies. LOTS of tonsil stones and LOTS of clumps of who knows what coming from my sinuses. Do not have a cold or anything. Do you think this is just old yuck from decades of buildup?
I'll start the two remedies above when all of this calms down. I had no idea a throat could hold so many tonsil stones either!
Juniorcat 6 years ago
Hi Tui

Ok I did the two remedies above and no change in UTI.
Juniorcat 6 years ago
I had a heck of a response from the other ones though. Tons of tonsil stones out, right ear is just about crackle free, tons of chunks of I don't know what from my sinuses so I am noticing more air in through my nose. UTI though is still there. Symptoms did get worse for a bit with the UTI. Burning urethra, urgency, bladder felt hot, stinging etc but that settled down and now only mild irritated urethra. Still nitrites on sticks and most days leuks as well. Would appreciate your thoughts
Juniorcat 6 years ago
Hi Tui :)

I may have spoken too soon! Burning is gone, urgency is gone, hot bladder is gone. All thats left is mild irritated urethra and some irritation on the outside of the vagina. I have very light nitrites (they were always dark dark pink before) and leuks are also much much lighter so I think we are on the right track! This is amazing after all this time. What should I do now?
Juniorcat 6 years ago
Tui has not posted on the forum since December 29th.

Many times people volunteer time and then are not
On anymore because they are too busy.

Tui is a homeopath in NZ with a practice.
If you click his name , which you can do with
Anyone on here, you see all past posts and their email if they list it.

He does not list his email - however I have it.
You may want to write him and perhaps ask to
Continue as a private patient for a fee.I have
No idea why he stopped posting , but being too
Busy with a regular practice happens a lot.
[Edited by simone717 on 2019-02-05 15:54:59]
simone717 6 years ago
Thanks for letting me know Simone. Very disappointed to hear this but if you speak to him, tell him thank you from me. I don't want to bother him if he is busy. Would you know of any other person you trust that I could bring into this thread?
Juniorcat 6 years ago
If he is taking private patients, and you wish to do that, I am sure it would not bother him.

The only person on here right now that I would try
Is Dr. Reva. He is a homeopath in Arizona and has a long history on here. You could click his name and email him
To indicate your thread and user name and ask
If he has time-
simone717 6 years ago
Thank you Simone! I will do that. Fingers crossed :)
Juniorcat 6 years ago
Please buy Sarasaparill 30c and take two pills every morning.

In the night before you go to sleep (or some time after 9pm), take a pinch of turmeric powder. You can sip some water for convenience.

Please consider to buy the turmeric powder from any Indian grocery stores (Laxmi brand from India makes better one), as they are high likely genetically unmodified or non-hybrid types.

Please report every day in the first few days to make sure everything goes well, after this medicine. Then you can continue for some time.

Once you settle on this, will share some recommendation on cleaning up the house to supplement.
Reva V 6 years ago
Thank you Dr. Reva. I will have to order both items which may take some time since that brand of turmeric isn't available where I live. I will find it online and post as soon as I start taking both it and the remedy.
Juniorcat 6 years ago
I suggest banyan botanicals tumeric powder.
This is from a certified organic farm in India.
You can get it on Amazon. Many products coming
Into USA from India are rejected due to high levels
Of things due to polluted soil. And of course anything
From China -who knows what’s really in it -
This is a highly regarded company- I buy from them.
[Edited by simone717 on 2019-02-06 16:32:20]
simone717 6 years ago
I found some Laxmi brand so ordered it this morning. I hope it doesn't take long to get here but I guess we will see. Thanks for your suggestion Simone
Juniorcat 6 years ago
Dr. Reva, 12 days since I ordered that brand of tumeric and it still has not shipped. I just wanted to let you know. I am trying to get a refund from them and will order from another site.
Juniorcat 6 years ago
Please start Sarasaparilla 30c, while you are waiting for the turmeric powder.

Amazon sells Turmeric Powder (Laxmi) for ~$5 with guaranteed shipping time.
Reva V 6 years ago
Unfortunately they won't ship to Canada. None of the sites I found it on will ship to Canada except 2. One of them won't answer my emails and hasn't shipped it yet and the other just shipped the other day. I will start Sarsaparilla 30c today. Thanks!
Juniorcat 6 years ago
Thanks for the update.
Reva V 6 years ago
Hello Dr. Reva
I finally received the Laxmi Turmeric Powder today so I will start that tonight. I have been taking the sarasparilla 30C since last week. I notice the nitrites are a bit lighter in the morning and then gradually get darker on the urinalysis sticks. Leukosites still there as well but much much lighter. Urethra does not feel as irritated and less irritation on the outside of vagina.
Juniorcat 5 years ago
Please continue Sarsparilla 30. This is safe to repeat.
Start with turmeric at night after 9pm, with a pinch (smaller pinch is better).
Reva V 5 years ago

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