The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Homeopathy for Pregnancy
Hi all,I'm new to the forum as well as homeopathy.
I just discovered that I am pregnant and would like advice on the best homeopathic remedies to use throughout and after my pregnancy. I'm trying to avoid the typical penatals etc
I have been recommended the below by a friend:
Pulsatilla 200
Cal Phos 200
Cal Carbonicum 200
Because I am easily anemic:
Ferrum Phos 200
China 200
Please also I have an 18 month old boy that is still nursing and I need to wean him. I think I can manage to wean him off from daytime nursing but the thought of weaning from nursing to nap/sleep at night is already causing me anxiety.
Some info about me:
5 feet 5 inches tall
Of African Caribbean descent
Living in USA
GodFirst87 on 2018-10-17
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
There are many remedies that can support during pregnancy and birth but we need to know your current symptom.
Are you having morning sickness? constipation? or something else?
Please describe your current symptom in detail.
Are you having morning sickness? constipation? or something else?
Please describe your current symptom in detail.
♡ Tui 6 years ago
Ok, I understand.
Currently I'm in early days (5 weeks)
Extreme nausea / tiredness
Craving whole cow milk
Some anxiety
I hope this help? Generally, I just want a healthy pregnancy.
Currently I'm in early days (5 weeks)
Extreme nausea / tiredness
Craving whole cow milk
Some anxiety
I hope this help? Generally, I just want a healthy pregnancy.
GodFirst87 6 years ago
A few more questions about nausea and tiredness;
What sort of things make it WORSE ?
Any Specific time of the day? (e.g Early morning, noon, evening, after midnight etc,)
Any seasons / weather? (e. g cloudy, dump weather, cold rainy days, hot humid etc)
Having any type of foods / drinks?
Any specific posture? (e.g bending knees, lie on a back etc)
What sort of things make it BETTER ?
Any Specific time of the day? (e.g Early morning, noon, evening, after midnight etc)
Any seasons / weather? (e. g cloudy, dump weather, cold rainy days, hot humid etc)
Having any type of foods / drinks?
Any specific posture? (e.g bending knees, lie on back etc)
What sort of things make it WORSE ?
Any Specific time of the day? (e.g Early morning, noon, evening, after midnight etc,)
Any seasons / weather? (e. g cloudy, dump weather, cold rainy days, hot humid etc)
Having any type of foods / drinks?
Any specific posture? (e.g bending knees, lie on a back etc)
What sort of things make it BETTER ?
Any Specific time of the day? (e.g Early morning, noon, evening, after midnight etc)
Any seasons / weather? (e. g cloudy, dump weather, cold rainy days, hot humid etc)
Having any type of foods / drinks?
Any specific posture? (e.g bending knees, lie on back etc)
♡ Tui 6 years ago
Right now the fatigue is constant, especially in the morning and it progresses as day goes on.
My sleep is shallow and not good quality as my son nurses often at night so this is very tiring.
I feel the same despite any particular weather, but humidity makes me feel extra tired.
I don't know if as my particular foods make worse but I know I feel better if I drink lots of water and have fruits.
If I am on my feet too much it's worse. I think this symptom is definitely just due to pregnancy and having an active toddler.
My request is how can I ensure I stay optimal and growth a strong baby too whilst still nursing and chasing a 18 month old WITHOUT the usual store prenatal and multivitamin
My sleep is shallow and not good quality as my son nurses often at night so this is very tiring.
I feel the same despite any particular weather, but humidity makes me feel extra tired.
I don't know if as my particular foods make worse but I know I feel better if I drink lots of water and have fruits.
If I am on my feet too much it's worse. I think this symptom is definitely just due to pregnancy and having an active toddler.
My request is how can I ensure I stay optimal and growth a strong baby too whilst still nursing and chasing a 18 month old WITHOUT the usual store prenatal and multivitamin
GodFirst87 6 years ago
Have Nux vomica 30c three times a day for 4 -5 days and see how you feel after that.
1 dose is 2 pills.
Also you may try some of the cell salts during pregnancy.
Here is the link you can read;
Joette Calabrese is an american homeopath, and she is not so called 'classical homeopath' so if you like to follow one remedy at a time method, her method is not for you but there are lots of good article about cell salts so check it out.
1 dose is 2 pills.
Also you may try some of the cell salts during pregnancy.
Here is the link you can read;
Joette Calabrese is an american homeopath, and she is not so called 'classical homeopath' so if you like to follow one remedy at a time method, her method is not for you but there are lots of good article about cell salts so check it out.
♡ Tui 6 years ago
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Information given in this forum is given by way of exchange of views only, and those views are not necessarily those of ABC Homeopathy. It is not to be treated as a medical diagnosis or prescription, and should not be used as a substitute for a consultation with a qualified homeopath or physician. It is possible that advice given here may be dangerous, and you should make your own checks that it is safe. If symptoms persist, seek professional medical attention. Bear in mind that even minor symptoms can be a sign of a more serious underlying condition, and a timely diagnosis by your doctor could save your life.