The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Re: Anal fistula dr r basu plz help
I have anal fistula frm last 2-3 years on both sides of anal areaPlz help me to get out of this
I am female 23 year old unmarried
Saima2 on 2018-11-02
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Dear Madam,
Let me know your detailed ailments right now along with following:
3.Body weight?
7.Blood Pressure
8.Blood sugar level
9.When you wake at morning
10.When yo go to bed
11.What you do
12.What's your daily diet
13.How much water you drink everyday
14.Any Digestion issue
15.Any mood swing
16.Any issue with sleep
17.Any issue in gaining/losing weight.
18.How is your sex life? or any erotic hhabit?
Thanks & Regards
Let me know your detailed ailments right now along with following:
3.Body weight?
7.Blood Pressure
8.Blood sugar level
9.When you wake at morning
10.When yo go to bed
11.What you do
12.What's your daily diet
13.How much water you drink everyday
14.Any Digestion issue
15.Any mood swing
16.Any issue with sleep
17.Any issue in gaining/losing weight.
18.How is your sex life? or any erotic hhabit?
Thanks & Regards
♡ Dr R Basu 6 years ago
2.City: srinagar
3.Body weight:45
5.Height:5.5 feet
6.Age :23
7.Blood Pressure :always normal
8.Blood sugar level :normal
9.When you wake at morning
10.When yo go to bed
11.What you do :student
12.What's your daily diet :tea,rice,corn chapatti,veg+non veg
13.How much water you drink everyday: 6-7glasses a day
14.Any Digestion issue :yes,had ibs but cured now...but at times there isbloating,cramps,gases
15.Any mood swing :no
16.Any issue with sleep :no
17.Any issue in gaining/losing weight.:weight loss from 55kgs to 40
Sorry for being late...issue with internet suspenaion in kashmir
2.City: srinagar
3.Body weight:45
5.Height:5.5 feet
6.Age :23
7.Blood Pressure :always normal
8.Blood sugar level :normal
9.When you wake at morning
10.When yo go to bed
11.What you do :student
12.What's your daily diet :tea,rice,corn chapatti,veg+non veg
13.How much water you drink everyday: 6-7glasses a day
14.Any Digestion issue :yes,had ibs but cured now...but at times there isbloating,cramps,gases
15.Any mood swing :no
16.Any issue with sleep :no
17.Any issue in gaining/losing weight.:weight loss from 55kgs to 40
Sorry for being late...issue with internet suspenaion in kashmir
Saima2 6 years ago
Yes..whitish pus
After every bowel movement they swell alot and then drain ...after draining the pain decreases
After every bowel movement they swell alot and then drain ...after draining the pain decreases
Saima2 6 years ago
Dear Saima,
Please note following:-
1.Take at least 2 seasonal fruits daily.
2.Take at least 3.5 litres of fluid(water,fruit juice,tea)
3.Sleep 7 hours daily at night.
4.Do physical exercises for 30 min daily.
5.Calcarea Fluor 6x 3 tab daily at noon/evening/night for a month.
6.Merc Sol 30c 4 pills at morning daily for 7 days.
*Don't eat anything before/after 20 min of taking medicine.
**Don't drink Wine
***Don't engage yourself in sensual chatting.
##Feedback after 15 days.
Thanks &Regards
Please note following:-
1.Take at least 2 seasonal fruits daily.
2.Take at least 3.5 litres of fluid(water,fruit juice,tea)
3.Sleep 7 hours daily at night.
4.Do physical exercises for 30 min daily.
5.Calcarea Fluor 6x 3 tab daily at noon/evening/night for a month.
6.Merc Sol 30c 4 pills at morning daily for 7 days.
*Don't eat anything before/after 20 min of taking medicine.
**Don't drink Wine
***Don't engage yourself in sensual chatting.
##Feedback after 15 days.
Thanks &Regards
♡ Dr R Basu 6 years ago
Calcarea sulph 200ch i have
Can i take that mam
Sorry i am asking...because homeopathy medicines are not available in my area
Also if i order them they come in liquids...plz tell me the liquid dosage
Right now i have
Calcarea sulph 200ch
Myristica sebifera 200ch
Paeonia off 30ch
Acidum nitricum 200ch
I am not taking any one of them right now..
And if u find anyone usabe plz tell me...
Sorry if u did'nt like what i said
Can i take that mam
Sorry i am asking...because homeopathy medicines are not available in my area
Also if i order them they come in liquids...plz tell me the liquid dosage
Right now i have
Calcarea sulph 200ch
Myristica sebifera 200ch
Paeonia off 30ch
Acidum nitricum 200ch
I am not taking any one of them right now..
And if u find anyone usabe plz tell me...
Sorry if u did'nt like what i said
Saima2 6 years ago
Dear Saima,
Please note that:-
5.Calcarea Fluor 6x is a Biochemic Remedy and comes in Tablet form.
6.Merc Sol 30c 4 pills is equivalent to Two drops
Thanks &Regards
Please note that:-
5.Calcarea Fluor 6x is a Biochemic Remedy and comes in Tablet form.
6.Merc Sol 30c 4 pills is equivalent to Two drops
Thanks &Regards
♡ Dr R Basu 6 years ago
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Information given in this forum is given by way of exchange of views only, and those views are not necessarily those of ABC Homeopathy. It is not to be treated as a medical diagnosis or prescription, and should not be used as a substitute for a consultation with a qualified homeopath or physician. It is possible that advice given here may be dangerous, and you should make your own checks that it is safe. If symptoms persist, seek professional medical attention. Bear in mind that even minor symptoms can be a sign of a more serious underlying condition, and a timely diagnosis by your doctor could save your life.