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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

2 year old recurring fever, help please!

My 2 year old started having a slight fever last Friday, didn't go beyond 38, then the next 2 days her fever kept going up and down upto 39.7,i was giving her belladonna 200c to start with then increased to 1M and added oscillococcinum 1M as well as it seemed to be the flu. She was acting fine may more tired than usual, her eyes were red and looked tired and swollen, body warm but feet and hands cold. Her fever broke by Monday morning and Tuesday there was no sign of it so she went to nursery. She just had a bad cough which usually happens after a cold with her. Wednesday she woke up fine no fever, went to nursery, when she came back her fever had suddenly spiked up to 38.5 again, went up to 39.5, all she wanted to do was lay down most of the time. She ate a little and is drinking fluids. I added gelsemium 10M and Eupatorium Perfol 10M as she was moaning at times.

A new symptom i noticed is her right eye tearing up. Her eyes are still red and look smaller, and her hands and feet cold when the rest of her body warm, currently at 39.4 degrees. She started talking a bit in her sleep which isn't very common with her.

Anything i should be giving her that im missing?
[Edited by amalina on 2018-11-08 07:11:12]
  amalina on 2018-11-07
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
What time of the day does she run a fever? morning? afternoon? night or she has a fever all day?

Is she sweating during fever?

Is she feeling cold or chill?

Does she want to be covered?

Is she thristy?

Is she hungry ?

Is there any pain anywhere?

What makes her feel better / worse ? e. g cold application, warm drinks etc

How is her mood?
Tui 6 years ago
She has a fever all day, the only time it goes slightly down to 37.8 is at 4am but it picks up again by morning.

No sweating during fever.

Doesn't feel cold or chill, just cold hands and feet.

Doesnt care if she's covered or not.

Sometimes she.feels thirsty during evenings.

Very little appetite

She hasn't communicated any pain,

Cooler climate generally make her feel bettwe.

Not in the mood to play or move around
When she does move it's minimal activities
[Edited by amalina on 2018-11-08 07:08:10]
amalina 6 years ago
Pulsatilla 30c up to 4 times a day today and let me know how she is tomorrow.

1 dose is 2 pills or drops.
Tui 6 years ago

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