The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Hi,My name is TP, Age 43, weight: 97 KG, Height: 5.4.
1. I like to eat sweets a lot.
2. I feel good after eating food.
3. I like winter and wear very light clothes.
4. I Don't drink too much water.
I have Thyroid issues which started about 15 years ago. Initially when this was started the level of TSH was 22 and I started thyroidinum either 3x or 6x. unfortunately can’t remember now.
I had Thyroidinum for almost 1.5 years and I stopped taking after I was normal with TSH.
After that I checked for almost 3-4 years in every six months and I didn’t have any raised level of TSH.
But 7 years ago again I developed raised level of TSH again and this time started Allopathic medicine and my endocrinologist gave me thyronorm 100mg. I am on that dose still. In summer some time I get this reduce it to 75mg than again raise it to 100mg.
In between I had fatty liver (Raised SGPT /SGOT levels) for almost 4-5 years started sometime in 2011 with grade level of 3, which eventually reduced after taking R-7 (For almost 10-12 months) and feel ok now.
Current Issues:
1. My weight is gradually increasing over time and I find it difficult to reduce even after regular walking for 30-40 minute. Currently it is 97KG.
2. 27th November, I got my TSH level checked its coming as 6.82 (Ref. high Range 5.50)
3. I have difficulty in Concentration, person front.
4. I think too much on any issue and can’t come over it easily. Sort of Mild Mental Fog.
5. 3-4 bowel moments in a day with insufficient clearance.
6. With Mild level of Uric acid, today’s I got it checked and its 5.70.
7. After taking Berberis pentarkan, I feel lot better.
8. After taking thyronorm 100mg after one year I had to start BP medicine, previously my BP was always normal but now its 130/90 and pulse rate 80-90. I take Telmisartan 20mg.
9. I have mild insomnia.
10. Mild non pitiable swelling on both feets/Ankels which reduces in morning with pigmentation on both legs, which I feel developed after taking thyronorm.
Need your Help to switch over to Homeopathy completely and reduce my weight with all Thyroid issues.
Please suggest suitable medicines
pstejinder1 on 2018-11-29
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Thyroidinum 200C
Please take two doses. Just 2 doses. Not daily.
Get the remedy in liquid:
Put five drop of the remedy in 20 ml of mineral water, hit the bottle atleast 6 time (shaking the bottle is not enough). Take it before bedtime. That’s one dose.
Morning dose: Early morning as soon as you get up, wash your mouth with plain water (don't brush), take the remedy.
Night dose: 12 hrs after the first dose.
Don't drink water along with the medicine. Don't drink or eat any thing for 30 minutes before the medicine and after the medicine.
Note: don't eat or drink any thing before or after 30 minutes of taking remedy. Avoid Strong smell, Coffee, Raw Garlic, Raw Onion, Hing and Tobacco in any form.
Report back after 15 days with the changes observed during this period.
Please take two doses. Just 2 doses. Not daily.
Get the remedy in liquid:
Put five drop of the remedy in 20 ml of mineral water, hit the bottle atleast 6 time (shaking the bottle is not enough). Take it before bedtime. That’s one dose.
Morning dose: Early morning as soon as you get up, wash your mouth with plain water (don't brush), take the remedy.
Night dose: 12 hrs after the first dose.
Don't drink water along with the medicine. Don't drink or eat any thing for 30 minutes before the medicine and after the medicine.
Note: don't eat or drink any thing before or after 30 minutes of taking remedy. Avoid Strong smell, Coffee, Raw Garlic, Raw Onion, Hing and Tobacco in any form.
Report back after 15 days with the changes observed during this period.
♡ HealthyWorld 6 years ago
Hello Doctor (Healthy World):
Its almost 12 days since I took the Thyrodinium 200, Two Doses as suggested by you in 20 ml water 5 Drops (after hitting the mineral water bottle by 6+ times), 1st was early morning and second was before going to Bed after 12+ hours.
I haven't noticed any Major Changes, only I feel some pain in my legs have got reduced mildly.
Please suggest should I wait for some more time.
I am also continuing my thyronorm 75mg and telmisartan 20mg. Should I stop taking or reduce any thing.
Please suggest.
Its almost 12 days since I took the Thyrodinium 200, Two Doses as suggested by you in 20 ml water 5 Drops (after hitting the mineral water bottle by 6+ times), 1st was early morning and second was before going to Bed after 12+ hours.
I haven't noticed any Major Changes, only I feel some pain in my legs have got reduced mildly.
Please suggest should I wait for some more time.
I am also continuing my thyronorm 75mg and telmisartan 20mg. Should I stop taking or reduce any thing.
Please suggest.
pstejinder1 6 years ago
Continue Thyronorm and Telmisartan.
Take Thyronorm empty stomach daily as soon as you woke-up and don't take any thing after that for 30 minutes.
Continue taking a single dose (night) of Thyrodinium 200 fortnightly for 3 months.
Get your TSH level check monthly. Don't forget to update if you notice any changes in your TSH level.
Note: don't eat or drink any thing before or after 30 minutes of taking Thyrodinium. Avoid Strong smell, Coffee, Raw Garlic, Raw Onion, Hing and Tobacco in any form.
Take Thyronorm empty stomach daily as soon as you woke-up and don't take any thing after that for 30 minutes.
Continue taking a single dose (night) of Thyrodinium 200 fortnightly for 3 months.
Get your TSH level check monthly. Don't forget to update if you notice any changes in your TSH level.
Note: don't eat or drink any thing before or after 30 minutes of taking Thyrodinium. Avoid Strong smell, Coffee, Raw Garlic, Raw Onion, Hing and Tobacco in any form.
♡ HealthyWorld 6 years ago
Sure, Thank you.
1. I will do so as suggested and take Thyrodinium 200 (Night Dose) in every two weeks.
2. Also will get my TSH level checked.
3. And will report in case any change observed.
Will report back after three months.
1. I will do so as suggested and take Thyrodinium 200 (Night Dose) in every two weeks.
2. Also will get my TSH level checked.
3. And will report in case any change observed.
Will report back after three months.
pstejinder1 6 years ago
Hello Doctor (Healthy World),
Since last email, I am taking medicines one Nightly Dose in every two weeks.
As advised to check TSH I have got my TSH checked and in today's report it was reduced from earlier value of 6.82 to 6.16.
No major changes otherwise.
Last report was on 27th November 6.82.
Today, 31st Dec 6.16.
Thank you very much.
Since last email, I am taking medicines one Nightly Dose in every two weeks.
As advised to check TSH I have got my TSH checked and in today's report it was reduced from earlier value of 6.82 to 6.16.
No major changes otherwise.
Last report was on 27th November 6.82.
Today, 31st Dec 6.16.
Thank you very much.
pstejinder1 6 years ago
Thank you.
Sure will do so.
Also I will report after checking next month on my TSH value as advised earlier for three months.
Thank you very much once again.
Regards, Tejinder
Sure will do so.
Also I will report after checking next month on my TSH value as advised earlier for three months.
Thank you very much once again.
Regards, Tejinder
pstejinder1 6 years ago
Hello Doctor,
I have done my TSH test today after three months and it is showing raised level 7.38. Last Test was 31st December.
I am taking one nighly dose of Thyrodinium 200 as suggested in every two weeks without missing any.
Please suggest.
Regards Tejinder
I have done my TSH test today after three months and it is showing raised level 7.38. Last Test was 31st December.
I am taking one nighly dose of Thyrodinium 200 as suggested in every two weeks without missing any.
Please suggest.
Regards Tejinder
pstejinder1 5 years ago
Dear Doctor (Health World)
Please help , should I continue with same medicine or please suggest.
Should I increase my Thyronorm.
Waiting for your revert please.
Please help , should I continue with same medicine or please suggest.
Should I increase my Thyronorm.
Waiting for your revert please.
pstejinder1 5 years ago
Yes, I am in Delhi, I was taking 100mg Thyronorm till Mid July, 2018. From, July 2018 I reduced to 75mg as thyroid range was Ok.
But in November 2018, I posted this message to this forum and after your advise I started taking Thyrodinum 200 from November, 2018 along with Thyronorm 75mg and Telmisartan 20mg.
After I got my thyroid checked on 30th and it was increased to 7.38, I also got it checked with local physician in Delhi on Monday and he suggested to increase my dose of thyronorm by another 25mg.
So, since last two days I started taking 100mg of thyronorm.
Telmisartan dose is same , but when I see my BP is low in my regular daily checkup. (which is 110-120/75-80 I skip a dose for a day or two and start again.
Please suggest.
But in November 2018, I posted this message to this forum and after your advise I started taking Thyrodinum 200 from November, 2018 along with Thyronorm 75mg and Telmisartan 20mg.
After I got my thyroid checked on 30th and it was increased to 7.38, I also got it checked with local physician in Delhi on Monday and he suggested to increase my dose of thyronorm by another 25mg.
So, since last two days I started taking 100mg of thyronorm.
Telmisartan dose is same , but when I see my BP is low in my regular daily checkup. (which is 110-120/75-80 I skip a dose for a day or two and start again.
Please suggest.
pstejinder1 5 years ago
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