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The ABC Homeopathy Forum


I read about the book diabetic break through on the internet,does it really works if yes how can i down load this if i have no credit card
  drmohib on 2006-04-09
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
The breakthrough in Diabetes was mentioned a few months ago when stem cells were injected into the Islets of Langerhan in the Pancreas and they were reported to increase the output of Insulin. However this is still in the experimental stage and may take some time to be available to cure Diabetes.

In the meanwhile you may like to use a remedy that I discovered over a year ago which helps to control Diabetes. The remedy is Arnica 30c and you use it in the liquid dose, twice daily.

This is made up by inserting 3 pellets of Arnica 30c into a 500ml bottle of spring water which is shaken hard to create bubbles and a teaspoonful is sipped twice daily.

You are also advised to use 1/4 teaspoonful of Cinnamon powder twice daily as this also helps to control Diabetes.

It is important that you measure your BS level at least twice weekly to see how these remedies help you.
Joe De Livera last decade
Glucagon a harmone secreted by the alpha cells of islets of langerhans when the glucose concentration falls has multipule functions that are diametrically opposed to insulin most important of these is to increase blood glucose, an effect which is exactly opposite of insulin.
According to the law of simillimum if that harmone(glucagon)is used in potency will cetainly lower blood glucose levels. please consider this action and reply. thanks
drmohib last decade
I regret that I am not qualified in biology to reply to your question. I do find it very interesting and I hope that others more qualified than me will consider it in their research.

As I stated in my post above I have used Arnica 30c to help many Type I and Type II Diabetics to reduce their dependence on the drugs that they have been using and with the Cinnamon powder some of them have been able to stop the Metformin and change over to the alternate therapy that I recommended.

It is unfortunate that the media are not interested in even mentioning this new breakthrough in the treatment of Diabetes as I believe that the pharmaceutical giants will stand to lose Billions if this simple Homeopathic alternative is promoted in any way.

Another significant discovery that I made was that Nat Phos 6x which is a Biochemic salt used for gastric problems can also be used to reduce weight. Here too there was no response from the media in spite of many users throughout the world using it as a safe replacement for the various drugs that they use to control obesity. The minimum reduction of weight is 1pound per week but this can increase to over 2 pounds per week if the subject is overweight. I was recently informed that Nat Phos 6x is also being used in health farms to help control obesity.

It is unfortunate to record that only Money Talks today and although many users of these remedies have expressed their gratitude privately, there has been no effort to publicize these remedies as although I have announced these discoveries which are potential money spinners freely to the world, there has been no effort on the part of those who can promote them to the world to do so, as this would go directly against their vested interests.
Joe De Livera last decade
There are 3 ways you can treat blood sugar: suppress it, palliate or cure. Only classical homeopathy can cure diabetes in 6 months or a few years when the patient does not have gross pathology.
This is especially so for for patients below the age of 40.
All chronic diseases -including diabetes mellitus-are caused by the chronic miasms of Psora, Syphilis and Sycosis mentioned by Hahnemann. Any homeopath who doesn't know this had better re-study homeopathy. Read Hahnemann's organon of medicine! There are very good chances to cure juvenile onset diabetes through homeopathy admininstered by a competent homeopath with good miasmatic knowledge and who knows how to use high potencies such as 1M, 10M, 50M,CM,MM,DM and so on. All lower potencies can only palliate and cannot effect a deep-seated miasmatic cure. Please do not experiment on yourself with high potencies as it can cause severe aggravation of symptoms or may prove fatal in cases of advanced pathology or old age!
Only a competent homeopath will know how to antidote the active miasm causing your high blood-sugar,by slowly and progressively going up the scale of potencies in the span of several months or years.
jerryacu last decade

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