The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Dr.Kadwa -- Mild pain, mild tickle/itch sensation in penis and itchy/ticky in anal area
Male/45yo, overweight (96kgs), 6" height -- hypertensive (on Amlodipine 5mg for 10yrs), no sugar.Since about a week, I sense a significant and frequent itch in anal area, which I think I keep reasonably clean and maintain bodily hygiene. However, since last 3-4 days I've also noticed a strange somewhat tickle, somewhat mild pain in the shaft of penis, and some itch around the head (glans) of penis, so much so that several times in the day I feel the urge to press the penis.
I've had this strange, mild pain (which is there in brief 30 second bouts), happens once or twice every 2 weeks or so in the shaft of penis. This has been going on for about a year (or maybe more), but I never paid much attention. My urine flow is good, steady and in general no pain when passing urine, but I often need to wake up sometimes thrice in a night (about twice a week) to urinate, but most other days twice a night.
At the moment I don't have any other physiological issues, and I do maintain a somewhat active lifestyle (about 45-70mins brisk-walk/job every morning), do not over-eat and have a vegetarian diet.
Thanks in advance for your esteemed guidance. Kindly mention the dosage in small globules form as that is how I'm able to procure easily, but if dilution is a must, I will acquire it too.
falcon74 on 2018-12-11
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
falcon74 saidMale/45yo, overweight (96kgs), 6" height -- hypertensive (on Amlodipine 5mg for 10yrs), no sugar.
Since about a week, I sense a significant and frequent itch in anal area, which I think I keep reasonably clean and maintain bodily hygiene. However, since last 3-4 days I've also noticed a strange somewhat tickle, somewhat mild pain in the shaft of penis, and some itch around the head (glans) of penis, so much so that several times in the day I feel the urge to press the penis.
I've had this strange, mild pain (which is there in brief 30 second bouts), happens once or twice every 2 weeks or so in the shaft of penis. This has been going on for about a year (or maybe more), but I never paid much attention. My urine flow is good, steady and in general no pain when passing urine, but I often need to wake up sometimes thrice in a night (about twice a week) to urinate, but most other days twice a night.
At the moment I don't have any other physiological issues, and I do maintain a somewhat active lifestyle (about 45-70mins brisk-walk/job every morning), do not over-eat and have a vegetarian diet.
Thanks in advance for your esteemed guidance. Kindly mention the dosage in small globules form as that is how I'm able to procure easily, but if dilution is a must, I will acquire it too.
Forgot to mention that the urination may not be 100% okay, as I find that not 100% of bladder seems to empty in one go, and I need to wait for 10-20 seconds to create pressure again to empty bladder some more and then repeat 1-2 times for full satisfaction of empty bladder.
falcon74 6 years ago
Please take the following remedies in evening for 10 days and report back...
Staphysagria 30
Belladonna 30
Calcarea Carb 30
One dose means 2-4 pills each of all the remedies at a time.
Staphysagria 30
Belladonna 30
Calcarea Carb 30
One dose means 2-4 pills each of all the remedies at a time.
♡ kadwa 6 years ago
Thanks a lot Dr.Kadwa. Actually the pain and itch went away on their own 2-3 days after posting my query. However the observation about urination i.e. "not 100% of bladder seems to empty in one go, and I need to wait for 10-20 seconds to create pressure again to empty bladder some more and then repeat 1-2 times for full satisfaction of empty bladder", is still there. Would the above medication address that ? Or should I take some other medication ? Is an ultrasound scan needed or PSA test ?
falcon74 6 years ago
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