The ABC Homeopathy Forum
13-year old with chronically enlarged tonsils
I have a 13-year old girl whose tonsils have been enlarged for several years. First just one then the second one last year when she was diagnosed with strep and took strong antibiotics (1st time in her life) as one of them was developing an abscess and a few homeopathic remedies that were tried did not bring any result. She lost her voice this past year, and causticum 30 brought it back quickly. Her throat is feeling sore right now and gets that way at night sometimes but better during the day, and every morning she likes to blow hard on her nose as it gets stuffy (this is usual for her). No redness but the tonsils are large and have pockets and there are a couple lines in them that look like yellowish mucous (this is usually how they look). Any thoughts on a remedy that could reduce the size? One doctor is recommending removal if the size does not reduce. Thanks in advance for your suggestions!3tephmt on 2019-01-31
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please let me know in which country you live, so we can modulate the remedies according to the availability there.
What is the general climate looks like in your place, dry, wet, hot, cold. If you give the postal code (zip) we can look at the google
What is the general climate looks like in your place, dry, wet, hot, cold. If you give the postal code (zip) we can look at the google
♡ Reva V 6 years ago
It is winter and very cold in NY, USA
3tephmt 6 years ago
Hmm .. Nat.phos 6x or 3x .. 2 pills three times a day for one week only. Avoid milk, sugar, pastry and that kind of heavy things ++ sour thing. Update click my name after 5-7 days.
[Edited by Ibrahim3 on 2019-02-02 15:38:01]
[Edited by Ibrahim3 on 2019-02-02 15:38:01]
♡ Ibrahim3 6 years ago
Hi tephmt,
Please be aware that you have two responses from
Different people. You can only follow one person at a time.
Any member can give advice or comment and people do not collaborate.
You can click any user name and see past cases,
And how long they have been on the forum and
What their profile says about them. If you wish to follow Dr Reva,
Who has been on here for years and is a homeopath
With a practice in Arizona , please let him know.
Also as regards the low potencies not having
Much effect due to antibiotics, etc- I find that
Not to be true-and some illnesses respond
Better to repeated low potencies.
[Edited by simone717 on 2019-02-01 03:53:52]
Please be aware that you have two responses from
Different people. You can only follow one person at a time.
Any member can give advice or comment and people do not collaborate.
You can click any user name and see past cases,
And how long they have been on the forum and
What their profile says about them. If you wish to follow Dr Reva,
Who has been on here for years and is a homeopath
With a practice in Arizona , please let him know.
Also as regards the low potencies not having
Much effect due to antibiotics, etc- I find that
Not to be true-and some illnesses respond
Better to repeated low potencies.
[Edited by simone717 on 2019-02-01 03:53:52]
♡ simone717 6 years ago
I will follow you Reva V., thanks. Also, please consider the case of a 10-year old girl - she came home and vomited twice 2 days ago then slept the night and next day - started feeling better and had eaten a little rice and kept it down - ate a grapefruit in the evening then back to bed and woke up and vomited it up around midnight all over her bed. Went back to sleep and woke up coughing but little more energy. She said her stomach hurts when she coughs. She's been picking the skin off of her lips (she does this sometimes and says she's "bored" and can't stop herself). She's extremely sensitive to remedies which often make her worse and bring out the streak of anger in her personality where she reacts to everything (including attempts to help) as if it's a personal attack (but shows it only at home where she can get aggressive with mother and sister and call names and threaten injury).
3tephmt 6 years ago
For your 13 year old, please give Merc Sol 30, one dose (2 pills) in the morning, every 3rd day (2 days interval between doses). Continue this for a few weeks and report once a week.
Give her vegetables that grows well in winter only (like carrots), and avoid vegetables that are brought from outside state, where the weather conditions are different. (Any vegetables that grow well only on summer must be completely avoided)
To clarify, when it is summer, you should give vegetables that grows well on summer only
[Edited by Reva V on 2019-02-01 13:40:34]
Give her vegetables that grows well in winter only (like carrots), and avoid vegetables that are brought from outside state, where the weather conditions are different. (Any vegetables that grow well only on summer must be completely avoided)
To clarify, when it is summer, you should give vegetables that grows well on summer only
[Edited by Reva V on 2019-02-01 13:40:34]
♡ Reva V 6 years ago
For your 10 year old, since she is sensitive to medicines, give her Cumin seed (1 tea spoon to 2 cup of water) in boiled water and give her when it is warm. Repeat and this should take care of her to most part. Report later in the day.
♡ Reva V 6 years ago
Thanks - please let me know regarding the 10 year old. she is still very lethargic and her body feels sore.
3tephmt 6 years ago
Thanks for the cumin suggestion. I would love to address her constitutionally as well to address lip picking and other unhealthy habits. Please let me know if that's possible and what further info can I give.
3tephmt 6 years ago
Merc Cor would be a better choice in place of Merc Sol. It could be alternated with Hep S.
[Edited by surendrakr on 2019-02-01 15:00:24]
[Edited by surendrakr on 2019-02-01 15:00:24]
surendrakr 6 years ago
Just an update that 10 year old's lips are bleeding due to picking. Would Arum T be a good remedy? And if so, what potency? Other aspects of personality are shy at school and not great at taking risks - lots of anxiety when having to perform (becomes mean with family in those situations). Trouble with R sound. It takes a couple days to order that remedy where I am. Thank you.
3tephmt 6 years ago
For the ten year old, first focus on Getting well with her stomach. Constitutional ones later
Apply Vaseline or calendula if you have external on her lips.
Merc Sol is commonly available from Whole Foods, Vittamineshop and other natural grocers.
Apply Vaseline or calendula if you have external on her lips.
Merc Sol is commonly available from Whole Foods, Vittamineshop and other natural grocers.
♡ Reva V 6 years ago
To update you on the 10-year old, she has been keeping food down but has a cough that's pretty constant (almost rythmic over and over), and after being lethargic and nice for the past two days, she woke up raging at everyone about everything so her energy is back in that way. If you have suggestions, please share.
For the 13-year old, she had taken causticum 200 recently on another suggestion (causticum 30 had been very effective in a previous infection). Should I hold off on the merc sol to let the causticum run its course? She wakes up blowing her nose and has thick yellow mucous that she spit up.
For the 13-year old, she had taken causticum 200 recently on another suggestion (causticum 30 had been very effective in a previous infection). Should I hold off on the merc sol to let the causticum run its course? She wakes up blowing her nose and has thick yellow mucous that she spit up.
3tephmt 6 years ago
for the 13 year old, please give Merc Sol 30 as soon as you get it.
♡ Reva V 6 years ago
for 10 years old, please give Hepar Sulph 30 for cough. Repeat every 3 hours or so, based on the need
♡ Reva V 6 years ago
My 13-year old just woke up with pink eye on inside of right eye. Does merc sol still fit?
3tephmt 6 years ago
It depends on whether you have got Merc Sol (if you already have, then dont understand why have not given). If you are going to get later in the week, you can write after you get in hand.
♡ Reva V 6 years ago
She's had too many remedies in the past which have made her worse leading to the time she needed antibiotics, so I've been worried to give it, especially as she recently had causticum 200. And she seemed to be getting better - only occasionally coughing - constantly hungry (though fairly usual for her), but she woke up with the eye red which seems a little better now (no discharge and usual gets this when her body is run down). I have the remedy now, but can you confirm that it will not make her worse?
3tephmt 6 years ago
You can wait long for Causticum 200 to continue its benefit. You can decide when to start with Merc Sol
♡ Reva V 6 years ago
I gave the 10-yr old 2 doses of hepar sulph yesterday throughout the day. While it calmed her down for a couple hours emotionally both times, it did not affect the cough. And she is waking up with a barking repetitive cough.
3tephmt 6 years ago
Please give a dose of Spongia 30. It is safe to alternate Hepar Sulph 30 and Spongia 30. If this does not help quickly, then give
Drosera 30, followed by Nux Vomica 30 with 1 hour interval (each one dose).
Coughs are hard to manage through forum, especially acute ones. It is advisable to consult your doctor to manage it as necessary.
Drosera 30, followed by Nux Vomica 30 with 1 hour interval (each one dose).
Coughs are hard to manage through forum, especially acute ones. It is advisable to consult your doctor to manage it as necessary.
♡ Reva V 6 years ago
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