The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Burning of stool fissure
Hi m 28 yrs old suffering frim fissure last 2 years.currently burning of stool during stool passage.i had operation 8 months ago.but my burning still appears.I also suffer from minor bronchites.
Priya1991 on 2019-02-01
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I need a very deep and and detailed history/symptoms. In your own words. ++ answers below ones as well .........
A) constipation history. B) headache if any. C) must select one option, weakness or restlessness, which is more.
D) your detailed daily routine, like active or sadantry life style etc ... E) is there a continuous bleeding till today ? F) what kind of pain is it ? Like piercing, stinging, burning, tearing etc. When it aggressive and when ameliorate ?
A) constipation history. B) headache if any. C) must select one option, weakness or restlessness, which is more.
D) your detailed daily routine, like active or sadantry life style etc ... E) is there a continuous bleeding till today ? F) what kind of pain is it ? Like piercing, stinging, burning, tearing etc. When it aggressive and when ameliorate ?
♡ Ibrahim3 6 years ago
A) constipation history.yes i suffer from constipation since birth.but from last 10 years it is more.i have hard stool problem n stool not passed in one time.i have to go twice.n i had fissure 2 years ago.i had laser operation last year for fissure.but my burning during passage of.stool never gone.
B) headache if any. No
C) must select one option, weakness or restlessness, which is more.weekenss n one more thing when i play or do exercise due to short of breath i feel tiredness
D) your detailed daily routine, like active or sadantry life style etc ...i do exersize n walking.alot n housework
E) is there a continuous bleeding till today ? No not bleed nor itch
F) what kind of pain is it ? Like piercing, stinging, burning, tearing etc. When burning pain during passage of stool.n sometimes i feel tearing pain for.a second sometimes a day.
When i eat sweets or some juice or normal water in winter my bronchites problwm i dont have any cough problem but due to shortness of breath i feel feverish ..shivering and pain in chest
I m taking hydrastis 30 from 20 days.n feeling better for bronchites n stool problem..
I feel more burning in stool if i have ghee in diet or anything which is having hot potency or.anything sour.
B) headache if any. No
C) must select one option, weakness or restlessness, which is more.weekenss n one more thing when i play or do exercise due to short of breath i feel tiredness
D) your detailed daily routine, like active or sadantry life style etc ...i do exersize n walking.alot n housework
E) is there a continuous bleeding till today ? No not bleed nor itch
F) what kind of pain is it ? Like piercing, stinging, burning, tearing etc. When burning pain during passage of stool.n sometimes i feel tearing pain for.a second sometimes a day.
When i eat sweets or some juice or normal water in winter my bronchites problwm i dont have any cough problem but due to shortness of breath i feel feverish ..shivering and pain in chest
I m taking hydrastis 30 from 20 days.n feeling better for bronchites n stool problem..
I feel more burning in stool if i have ghee in diet or anything which is having hot potency or.anything sour.
Priya1991 6 years ago
Fissure is not healing but according to doctore it is only 5 percent left.but i dont know why i still feel d burning snesation during stool passage
Priya1991 6 years ago
Priya try Nat.mur 200c .. 4 drops every 4th day for 10-12 days only. In a separate disposable glass with some water.
10-11 am ..
If available only in 30c (Natrum.mur) take 2-4 drops in some water in a separate disposable glass ONCE daily 10-11am for 4-6 days only and observe burning etc. Fissure will not cure over the night. But it will disappear by the time. You can use boiled potatoes, smashed and mix in butter and apply on fissure leave it there over the night. Do it daily for a week maybe. Update click my name after 5-7 days.
10-11 am ..
If available only in 30c (Natrum.mur) take 2-4 drops in some water in a separate disposable glass ONCE daily 10-11am for 4-6 days only and observe burning etc. Fissure will not cure over the night. But it will disappear by the time. You can use boiled potatoes, smashed and mix in butter and apply on fissure leave it there over the night. Do it daily for a week maybe. Update click my name after 5-7 days.
♡ Ibrahim3 6 years ago
At d same tims can i continue hydrastis 30 in eve.
Priya1991 6 years ago
Hydrastis for what ? Better to start after some days if possible. If not you can. Update click my name after 5-7 days.
♡ Ibrahim3 6 years ago
♡ Ibrahim3 6 years ago
Priya1991 6 years ago
Priya .... I gave my suggestions. This is not about a competition. It's all up to you what you try first.
♡ Ibrahim3 6 years ago
Still choice is up to you. Don't confuse yourself by different remedies and suggestions. Whatever you take give it a full try ..
[Edited by Ibrahim3 on 2019-02-14 03:38:38]
[Edited by Ibrahim3 on 2019-02-14 03:38:38]
♡ Ibrahim3 6 years ago
Hello sir ibrahim3..i m currnetly taking peonia 30 and phosphorus 200..currently there is effect on burning..sometime i feel there is less burning.and sometime i feel burning.should i continue wih the above medicine.or change in has been 20 days
Priya1991 6 years ago
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