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Posts about Cold

Slow developing cold5Warm temperature but i feel cold3Acute sinus headache post fever and cold1Cold3Pain in left testicle due to cold1permanent whistling in right nostril and increased smell after cold3Sneezing hot and cold3Dry cough and feeling cold4Sneezing hot and cold1Suffering From Hoarseness Cough Cold1


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Mouth ulcers / cold sores/ cankers


Whenever I eat eggs, nuts, or anything that is ‘garram’ (hot) as they say in urdu/Hindi I get cold sores/ canker sores in my mouth. I eat avocado, black chic peas etc my lips swell like an allergic reaction and then after few days I get sores in my mouth.
What can I do?
Thanks in advance
  Am123 on 2019-02-04
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Nat.sulph 200c .. 4 drops in some water in a separate disposable glass. Early morning before breakfast. Update click my name after 5-7 days.
Ibrahim3 6 years ago
Would pill form be ok too?
Am123 6 years ago
Yes. 2-3 pills
Ibrahim3 6 years ago

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