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HELP ! : only from Professional Uniciste Homeopath !!!

Good evening,

I wish the help of a professional homeopath, uniciste only, who will help me and perhaps heal me of the indescribable state in which I find myself: since a prescription in scale of Pulsatilla (7ch, 9ch, 12ch, 15ch, 30ch, 1M), AFTER the same prescription in scale of Lycopodium, my life has become a nightmare: indescribable anxieties and attacks of panics to go crazy.

Since this prescription, I live the worst period of my life with unspeakable anxieties.

Several successive homeopaths have prescribed Arsenicum Album 10M, Aconitum Nappelus 10M.
Since then, I feel "extremely" tired, as if I have a mononucleosis. I am so tired that I could sleep day and night.

My last homeopath described my indescribable anguish and my panic attacks as a regression, because of Pulsatilla, as if I had just come out of my mother's womb, with the anxieties inherent in the birth ... so he prescribed me Lithium Carbonicum 200, I think it helps me a little but not enough ...

Is there a unicist professional homeopath, who can understand my situation? And who uses the periodic table and Sholten's method?
I am desperate, physically and morally exhausted ...

Pulsatilla created me abominable anxieties (I'm 40 years old and I came back to live with my parents, fearing to live alone, panic attack, etc.), Arsenicum Album 10M then Aconitum 10M exhausted me and provoked a Total burnout.

Physically exhausted, morally depressed, I am unfortunately in the wrong hands for ... three years ... for a consultation ... for a simple wrist eczema!

Thank you in advance to a professional homeopath, unicist, I insist, who will understand my situation

  Creapif on 2019-02-06
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.

According to my understanding, unicist simply means
That you are taking a single remedy and not a combo

And the entire scholten/ periodic table method
Is an unproven method- it is a hypothesis. Normal
Homeopathic prescribing is based on your symptoms
Matching !! Symptoms of the remedies in the materia
Medica( one can google any remedy in materia medica)and look at the list. All these remedies were given to a new healthy group of people
And the general symptoms they had after taking the remedy
Were recorded and then listed in materia medica.

Scholten and also Sankaran ( using periodic table)
Never did “ provings” - it is all a theory.

Homeopathy works because the human body
Will not accept a second similar disease -
The right remedy , is seen by the body as
Similar. The body reacts as if the highly diluted
Remedy is a second disease and the body
Increases life force to get rid of the diluted remedy
And at same time it targets the Real disease.
The real problem is released and often follows a path of release called
Herings law of cure-( google it)

With eczema it can take some time releasing
Depending on how often the eczema was suppressed
By creams and other medicines.

I am sorry you have had such strange prescriptions-
I have researched homeopaths for people, and
See that some have this method of going up a scale like you
Were told to do.
They have this idea that they are clearing tendencies
Or something. I find this ridiculous.

One takes a remedy and then sees how that dose
And potency effects- further dosing is based on
How you respond -

It sounds like whoever was treating you had some
Idea that they were trying to clear out everything from birth??
Instead of concentrating on your eczema symptoms
And matching them to materia medica and doing
Some low potency doses and monitoring your response.

You may need some antidoting with nux vomica
Etc and then your case has to be retaken.

There are only a couple real homeopaths on here-
You need to research a classical homeopath
Who has worked with eczema cases-
[Edited by simone717 on 2019-02-07 03:53:09]
simone717 6 years ago

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