The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Blood pressure variation - Severe Headaches and vision issues
Hi,2 issues. Sudden Chest pains and Headaches/Weakness/Stomach issues (Gastric i suppose)
10 days ago, it started with sudden sweating and left hand pains.
When i checked the BP last week, it was 130/90 and then 120/90
Today i was having severe headache over the head, forehead like really heavy head. All these 10 days am observing slight blurry vision issues.
When i checked BP today, it read 120/95. Diastolic seems above 80 and increasing.
Am also having other body pains these days along with left hand pain or heaviness (Intermittent only), and also sudden fatigue like drained out!
Below is my data:
Age: 34
S: Male
Weight: 89 Kg
Height: 5 ft 9 inch (Over weight i guess)
No Smoking or Drinking
Accustomed to Spicy or oily foods (Which i need to control)
One Coffee Daily
Also take decent fruit pieces daily
I am taking Belladona 200, but couldnt verify. People suggested Belladona 30 or Raulfiq mother tincture.
I dont want to be on Allopathic drugs. Please help as i need to be like other normal folks with energy and regular life. Am unable to be active and work.
warrior047 on 2019-02-27
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
The first thing to do is go to your general physician
And get a check up to find what is causing this-
Remedies can be specific
And target the correct diagnosis.
The second thing to know is that while homeopathic
Meds can help with high bp, erratic high bp levels
Will damage kidneys and once that happens you need a kidney transplant to stay alive.
I know of at least two people , who were not aware
Of what high bp does, and were using homeopathy
And herbs to manage their bp levels (levels never
Stayed without spikes) they had to get transplants.
[Edited by simone717 on 2019-02-27 16:02:56]
The first thing to do is go to your general physician
And get a check up to find what is causing this-
Remedies can be specific
And target the correct diagnosis.
The second thing to know is that while homeopathic
Meds can help with high bp, erratic high bp levels
Will damage kidneys and once that happens you need a kidney transplant to stay alive.
I know of at least two people , who were not aware
Of what high bp does, and were using homeopathy
And herbs to manage their bp levels (levels never
Stayed without spikes) they had to get transplants.
[Edited by simone717 on 2019-02-27 16:02:56]
♡ simone717 6 years ago
A month ago, i had severe chest pain in Jan 2019. I got 2D Echo, TMT for heart and they were ok per doctors.
Finally pain was relieved by 2 injections by an orthopedic doc.
Do you think i need to get this checked again? The heart?
Finally pain was relieved by 2 injections by an orthopedic doc.
Do you think i need to get this checked again? The heart?
warrior047 6 years ago
An orthopedic dr??
What was the medicine injected?
The tests you had do not show whether there is build up
In the arteries. There is a invasive angiogram
That does that, and in ER situations a CT angiogram
Where drs inject a substance and view the flow
On screen to determine if a person is having
A heart attack. And you can get a mri to check
Arteries and heart muscle also.
You need a physical check up, get blood tests,
Cholesterol levels etc to see the real cause.
Acid reflux can cause extreme chest pain that
Mimics heart problems as the acid comes into
The esophagus area and constricts the entire
You need a good general physician or internist
To diagnose.
An orthopedic dr??
What was the medicine injected?
The tests you had do not show whether there is build up
In the arteries. There is a invasive angiogram
That does that, and in ER situations a CT angiogram
Where drs inject a substance and view the flow
On screen to determine if a person is having
A heart attack. And you can get a mri to check
Arteries and heart muscle also.
You need a physical check up, get blood tests,
Cholesterol levels etc to see the real cause.
Acid reflux can cause extreme chest pain that
Mimics heart problems as the acid comes into
The esophagus area and constricts the entire
You need a good general physician or internist
To diagnose.
♡ simone717 6 years ago
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