The ABC Homeopathy Forum
large Uterine Fibroids
There are several threads for uterine fibroids but none of them seem to be a good match for my situation. I have several uterine fibroids that I was diagnosed with two years ago. I believe they are on the outside of the uterus. They have grown quite large and a hysterectomy has been suggested. I have spent the past two years trying natural remedies, but have had little success. I do not want surgery.The growth of the fibroids is really my only symptom. My periods are the same as they've always been, 5-7 days, moderately heavy on day one and two. I am generally a happy person with very little mood swings. I have no back pain. There has been some increase of pressure on my bladder with the the increase in size of fibroids.
I have had some problems with my feet over the past year, muscle pain from heel to ball and knots on pinky tow joints. Muscle pain seems to be improving.
I have had great success with homeopathy for other situations in the past and am looking forward to the same with this. Any suggestions as to the proper remedy would be great. Thank you.
mtranch on 2019-03-04
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I need a very deep and and detailed history/symptoms In your own words.
Answers below ones as well .........
A) constipation historxy. B) headache if any. C) must select one option, weakness or restlessness, which is more.
D) your detailed daily routine, like active or sadantry life style etc If possible hourly basis details required .. E) is it a reoccurring problems F) you were physically active or inactive just before this condition ? G) do you feel more thirsty or thirstless ? H) do you feel cold in body or hot mostly ? I) any foul smelling gases ? J) when your suffering or pain or symptoms aggressive and when and how ameliorate ? If I'm not replying you can click my name to give me a reminder.
I need a very deep and and detailed history/symptoms In your own words.
Answers below ones as well .........
A) constipation historxy. B) headache if any. C) must select one option, weakness or restlessness, which is more.
D) your detailed daily routine, like active or sadantry life style etc If possible hourly basis details required .. E) is it a reoccurring problems F) you were physically active or inactive just before this condition ? G) do you feel more thirsty or thirstless ? H) do you feel cold in body or hot mostly ? I) any foul smelling gases ? J) when your suffering or pain or symptoms aggressive and when and how ameliorate ? If I'm not replying you can click my name to give me a reminder.
♡ Ibrahim3 6 years ago
The history/symptoms I have already posted.
A. No constipation
B. No headaches
C. I know this says select one, but I do not suffer from either of these
D. On Monday I do computer work, run errands and bike ride 6 miles.
On Tuesday-Thursday I work in retail sales from 8am - 4pm come home and either lift weights or bike ride 6 miles and then spend time with my husband.
On Friday I do computer work and run errands.
Saturday and Sunday vary from week to week but almost always include a movie and bike ride of 6 miles.
E. Please read my previous post for problem.
F. I have always been somewhat active.
G. No change in thirst.
H. I generally run on the cold side.
I. No foul smelling gasses except for right before I have a bowel movement.
J. I have no pain.
A. No constipation
B. No headaches
C. I know this says select one, but I do not suffer from either of these
D. On Monday I do computer work, run errands and bike ride 6 miles.
On Tuesday-Thursday I work in retail sales from 8am - 4pm come home and either lift weights or bike ride 6 miles and then spend time with my husband.
On Friday I do computer work and run errands.
Saturday and Sunday vary from week to week but almost always include a movie and bike ride of 6 miles.
E. Please read my previous post for problem.
F. I have always been somewhat active.
G. No change in thirst.
H. I generally run on the cold side.
I. No foul smelling gasses except for right before I have a bowel movement.
J. I have no pain.
mtranch 6 years ago
I forgot to say there has been some weight increase that I have not been able to lose which is very uncommon for me. (Could be my age I guess. I'm 46.)
mtranch 6 years ago
Fraxinus americana Q .... 10 drops in some water in a separate disposable glass 2-3 times a day.
Calc.fluor 3x. 4 pills mixed in some water and take it. 4 times a day.
Don't eat or drink anything thirty minutes before and after taking the medicine. Don't use microwave oven, broiler chicken, old aluminium pots specially with the black dots at the bottom, don't use spoiled water use only mineral and filtered water, no spicy, or junk food etc.
Duration of treatment / medicine depends upon the size of uterine fibroids. If size is small it will be gone within 1-3 months if it is much bigger than 3-6 months you have to take the suggestions / remedy.
You can update me any time. If I'm not replying you can click my name below the post to give me a reminder.
[Edited by Ibrahim3 on 2019-03-05 23:34:29]
Calc.fluor 3x. 4 pills mixed in some water and take it. 4 times a day.
Don't eat or drink anything thirty minutes before and after taking the medicine. Don't use microwave oven, broiler chicken, old aluminium pots specially with the black dots at the bottom, don't use spoiled water use only mineral and filtered water, no spicy, or junk food etc.
Duration of treatment / medicine depends upon the size of uterine fibroids. If size is small it will be gone within 1-3 months if it is much bigger than 3-6 months you have to take the suggestions / remedy.
You can update me any time. If I'm not replying you can click my name below the post to give me a reminder.
[Edited by Ibrahim3 on 2019-03-05 23:34:29]
♡ Ibrahim3 6 years ago
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Information given in this forum is given by way of exchange of views only, and those views are not necessarily those of ABC Homeopathy. It is not to be treated as a medical diagnosis or prescription, and should not be used as a substitute for a consultation with a qualified homeopath or physician. It is possible that advice given here may be dangerous, and you should make your own checks that it is safe. If symptoms persist, seek professional medical attention. Bear in mind that even minor symptoms can be a sign of a more serious underlying condition, and a timely diagnosis by your doctor could save your life.