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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Adhd and zoning out

My 7 year old son has adhd combined. He is on meds but still has issue focusing. The medication helps his hyperactivity, but he while doing his homework starts staring at random things. For example he will start staring at a pencil, toy, paper, tree anything that’s in sight. When I ask him what he’s thinking he said nothing. Sometimes it takes him a while to respond. We got him tested for silent seizures but it came back clear.
Please advice. He is 7 but loves playing with toys that are appropriate for lower age group.

Please help
  Am123 on 2019-04-11
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
His age is 7 his peers are more matured and well behaved then him. He gets upset when he is told no he cries and throws fits. He wants to be cool and likes to make funny noises and faces almost like a class clown cuz he lacks the academics in school. I’m scared kids will start to make fun cuz no one else his age Acts like that. He’s always humming to himself. Always moving. Starting. He just wants to play all the time even if’s a baby toy he will be mesmerized. He gets angry very fast. Poor hand writing. Anxiety from thunder animals . Bad listening skills. When you call his name he doesn’t respond right away. He hears me but doesn’t respond his response is slow like slow processing speed. He hates trying new things gives up easily. If a task his challenging he won’t try he will say he gets it but doesn’t understand it. He doesn’t like sports just swimming . He focus is really really poor even one on one you have to keep telling him to finish his homework and to stop looking around.
Am123 5 years ago
Yes to hyper violent he will throw things and sometimes he push his brother very very hard. Used to Kick walls when in time out stomps feet when given time out starts writing bad things and drawing bad angry pictures when he’s in time out. Get jealous too very easily
Am123 5 years ago
He does not hurt himself yes he takes anxiety med
And adhd meds prescription
I will order the meds you suggested today I was waiting for you to confirm if to
Buy them
Am123 5 years ago
I ordered his meds you suggested hopefully will get soon. He takes sertraline for 20 mg/ml 1 ml every morning for anxiety. DEXMETHYLPHENIDATE ER 20MG CPfor adhd.
[Edited by Am123 on 2019-04-15 05:36:55]
Am123 5 years ago
I just received the medications today how do I administer them?
Am123 5 years ago
Avena Sativa I got in pallet form that’s the only form I could get
Am123 5 years ago
Sorry 200
Am123 5 years ago
Done everything was prescribed to him as you instructed today would be day two After he took the medication
What do I look for ?
Am123 5 years ago
I see no difference
Today he’s had none of his anxiety or adhd meds and it’s bad
Am123 5 years ago
My son recently developed phobia of butterflies. He thinks they will attack him and is always scared of going outside. Previously he was and still is scared of birds especially by beaches but has gone better.
Any remedy that will help his butterfly phobia please.
Am123 4 years ago

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