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Posts about Diabetes

Diabetes3Weight Loss Insulin Resistant T2 diabetes5Prediabetes3Hyperthyroidism + uncontrolled diabetes7OverWeight, Hair thining post hairfall,Trapped hair under chin,Diabetes1Diabetes2Sexual weakness- diabetes1Weight gain, hair loss, gastric, PCOS, diabetes5Diabetes19Diabetes3


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

diabetes & homoeopathic treatment

Homeopathic treatment does not target a disease, an organ, part of the body or a symptom, treatment is determined on the basis of an totality of all the symptoms, you should know that all the homeopathic medicines that are capable of controlling diabetes. We have to know how the patient feels and how he lives with in his stressful life after knowing his complete history then only we can help him .

Each sufferer of diabetes is experienced differently by symptoms, in which due to mental stress, pancreas increases the level of sugar in the blood .I'm sure every homeopath doctor will be able to get rid of diabetes if he understands the experience of the patient. I gave phosphoric acid in homeopathic by asking the traditional questions about fatigue, energy level, sleep, hunger, personality, nature of a patient. They reported more energy and inspiration after a few days. He was sleeping deep, feeling happy, and was feeling full of more energy. His insulin started coming out in a considerable amount and he was completely free from diabetes.

What is diabetes mellitus?
Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease caused by inherited and/or acquired deficiency in production of insulin by the pancreas, or by the ineffectiveness of the insulin produced. Such a deficiency results in increased concentrations of glucose in the blood, which in turn damage many of the body's systems, in particular the blood vessels and nerves.

Two type of Diabetes :

In most people with type 1 diabetes, the body's immune system, which usually fights with infection, destroys cells in the pancreas, which makes insulin. Consequently, your pancreas stops making insulin. Without insulin, glucose does not get your cells in the form of energy and your blood glucose increases above normal, people with type 1 diabetes need to take insulin everyday to survive.Type 1 (formerly known as insulin-dependent) in which the pancreas fails to produce the insulin which is essential for survival. This form develops most frequently in children and adolescents, but is being increasingly noted later in life.

Who is prone to type 1 diabetes?

Type 1 diabetes usually occurs in children and young adults, although it can occur at any age. If diabetes is for parents or brother then the possibility of developing type 1 diabetes can increase. About 5 percent of people with diabetes have type 1.

What are the symptoms of type 1 diabetes?
Symptoms of type 1 diabetes are severe and usually symptoms start showing in a few days. Symptoms may include:
Thirst and increase in urination
Increase in hunger
Blurred vision
Loss of weight
Occasionally the first symptom of type 1 diabetes is a dangerous condition called diabetic ketosididosis (DKA).
Some characteristics of DKA include:
The breath smells of fruit
Dry skin
stomach pain
Difficulty in breathing
Trouble getting confused or paying attention
DKA is serious and dangerous.

What is the cause of type 1 diabetes?
Experts believe that there are gene and environments in the causes of type 1 diabetes, such as viruses, which can trigger the disease, researchers have worked for the tests of the cause of type 1 diabetes.

Type 2 diabetes: Most of diabetics fall into this category. In type 2 diabetes, the body does not make enough insulin or its proper use of insulin supply. While many type 2 diabetes take medication to reduce their blood glucose, this type of diabetes can be managed with diet, exercise and weight loss where necessary.
Two major contributing factors for type 2 diabetes are obesity and age.
In both cases, the body becomes less efficient. When blood glucose grows above normal levels, people experience various symptoms.
The most common symptom is the reason for them.
With fatigue insufficient insulin production, cells do not get enough energy and can not work efficiently.
This causes:
Increased urination: All blood from the kidney is filtered. Extra glucose in the blood should also be filtered by the kidney, which can absorb and recycle glucose in normal quantities. However, when blood glucose is very high, it can be more than the capacity to absorb kidney capacity again. Extra glucose comes out in the urine, it is literally pulling water with it. This means urine production has increased and therefore increased urination.
Increased thirst: Thirst increases in increased urine.

Blurred vision: With high blood glucose, excess glucose can be in the eye lens. When this happens, the water moves again (because it passes through the kidney). When extra water enters the lens, then it changes its shape. The lens loses its ability to focus on the eyes, which is considered as a blurred vision.

Yeast Infections: Yeast keeps the vagina well in the environment (as well as under the holes of the penis). When blood glucose is high, there is also more glucose in the vagina, and the yeast creatures survive.

Weight loss: Loss of glucose through urine means losing calories.

Medications & Management :

Have you ever thought that number of medicines today can reduce the blood sugar homeopathic syrup, medication, needle, capsule, and Homoeopathic mother tinctures but the pancreas never get repaired To cure this disease, the right doctor needs proper first we understand what we have been doing to the patient with diabetes, how do we stop the disease rather than cure the disease.

Allopathic medications prescribed generally glimepiride (M.L.L.), glimepiride-piaglitazone (duactact), glimepiride-rosiglitazone (havandariel), gliclazide, glipizide (glucotrol), glipizide-metformin (metaglip), glybide (diabeta) , Glynense, micronez), glyburide-metformin (gluconceous) metformin, insulin etc. .Homoeopathic medicine What we give is Sygygium Jambolum Q , gymnima silvestre Q, insulin 30 ,Ars brom Q. <br>All medicines in Ayurvedic are considered as miracle & curative like bamboo, bitter gourd, cinnamon, cinnamon, gudmar , Flowers of mangoes, from amla, gram flour and wheat flour, neem, ashwagandha, pomegranate peel, shilajit, wheat jowar, curry leaves, bell, palash flowers, paneer flowers, hundi Water, Turmeric, giloy's etc. These all medicines can temporarily reduce the sugar in blood but cannot stop the destruction process.Only by giving proper medication we can not only stop the illness but also treat other manifested diseases, such as Diabetic retinopathy, Diabetic Dermopathy , Diabetic Neuropathy & Diabetic Nephropathy.

According to new research, the normal glucose regulation depends on the partnership between the pancreas, pancreatic islet cells, and insulin-producing cells of neuronal circuits in the hypothalamus and other brain areas, which are deeply involved in maintaining normal glucose levels.

Pancreatic blood circulation occurs in very small quantities, which is influenced by the brain's thoughts or nerves, if we taek stress or any emption pressure and no sleep, it affects the pancreas. And stop or decrease blood circulation will get hindrances in the action of pancreas and will continue to give different types of symptoms to your body and this is the first stage of diabetes. Diagnosis will be found on the stage of mind. If the patient is suffering from diabetes at the first stage, it is called psoric diabetes. On the second stage, the sugar control is not happening i.e. the disease is progressing towards pathological changes such as fibroid, pancreatic calculi, pancreatic diabetic it will be Sycosis, third stage Where the cell stops its work, it is tubercular miasm such as Diabetic Retinopathy, Diabetic Nephropathy
when the organism has been triggered Destruction (Destruction of cell) that run in the face of diabetes syphilis can be fourth stage like Diabetic Gangrene. So you first need to know which label the patient has given to you for treatment. There is a need for gross preference on this. Only knowledge and book knowledge will not work. Firstly, the doctor's job is to take the trait of symptoms from the patient, look at all the things, find the reason for having diabetes. And on what stage he found the disease. Write down all the symptom and change, and maintain a list of at least 10-15 medicines and determine the patient's nature
Then comes the Psora, syphilis, Sycosis ,Tuberculur and syphilis medicine which is covered by our all homeopathic medicines.After examining the patient, only one medicine will be selected called as SINGLE REMEDY remember there is no specific remedies are available for diabetes. You should never use a mother tincture. Do not withdraw allopathic medicine completely, when you start the treatment of any diabetic patient once you give homeopathic medicine kindly track his blood sugar levels then only taper his allopathic medications .

Do not withdraw allopathic medicines
Prescribe only on totality of symptoms based on miasm & thermal
Diet plan is very essential ( sugar free diet )
Regular exercises.

Conclusion :
Homoeopathy can be only effective when you follow proper rules of management and control . your selection should be only single remedy prescribing poly remedies can more complicate your treatment .Single remedy has to be selected based on complete picture of symptoms accordingly given by patient.

DR Jitesh Sharma
  drjitesh on 2019-05-11
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.

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