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Posts about ADHD, Depression, Fatigue, OCD

Long standing depression35Mental irritation, ed, inappropriate sexual thoughts and anxiety and depression214Child, dark circles under eye, fatigue1Adhd1Obsessive Compulsive Disorder with extr!eme depression17Depression2adhd3Adhd1Hemerrhoids + OCD5Asperger’s and adhd2


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

ADHD, Social Anxiety, OCD, Depression, Chronic fatigue syndrome, Insomnia

I am 28 years old male from India. I am suffering from the following symptoms from many years. I have taken anti-depressants for many years but now I have stopped now because of severe side-effects and I have not seen any benefits from these.
I am just taking lorazepam 2mg because it makes me calm and I can do my daily routine.
My major symptoms are:

Depression and sadness
Social Anxiety disorder
Extreme fatigue all the time
Cannot sleep
Fearful dreams
Panic attacks when I wake up in the morning
Nervousness while taking to anyone
Feeling of guilty
Fear of making mistakes
Lack of confidence
Cannot handle and face any social situation
Stress of future
Extreme shyness
Doubts in mind

I cannot go out in the day time because I think people are judging me and looking at me. My hands are trembling and body is shivering when I am in social situation
I first take lorazepam then can go outside

My life is ruining and I am hopeless and think that I cannot be cured.

Please anyone help me.
  Ivo on 2019-05-16
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Take Five phos 3x 4 grains 4 times, Silicia 12x 4 grains 2 times daily.

Do Pranayam for 15 mins daily.

You will be alright , let me know after a weeks time.
Vk804r 5 years ago
Sir I have brought a sleeping dilution from a homeopathy store. But I dont know its name.
Could you please tell me its name?
I have attached the photo with this message.
[Edited by Ivo on 2019-05-17 11:47:19]

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Ivo 5 years ago
No one would be able to tell you what this is.

Or, who made it, or what is really in it. You cannot add other
Medicine to what was prescribed. Some medicines
Antidote other medicines and some do not act well together.
simone717 5 years ago

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