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lease help to find the right remedy to heal the oozing breast tumor

- Please help to find the right remedy to heal the oozing tumor
- female 56 years, mother of 2 children
- tumor in right breast, size of a small lime
- no pain
- drops of puss of dirty smell or som days some blood oozes from the duct
- aversion from smell of food. feels hunger but often can not eat for more than 2-4 mouthful.
- nausea after eating
- extreme weakness
- difficult breathing like asthma
  Kiran Kumar3 on 2019-05-22
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.

You need to see a real MD in person for tests
To see what kind of tumor this is, right away.

This forum does not have any drs on here and
You cannot treat this online, you have to
Be examined.
simone717 5 years ago

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