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Brain affected by Stroke.

Lady,65 , not hypertensive .nor diabetic,suffered slight paralysis which damaged hearing ability.Rest of the body is safe.
Now she is under Neurologist care but I have much faith in Homeopathy miracle.
See if some one responses on my request and proposes best remedy in experience,
  mrbaig on 2019-07-12
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Give some more details.

If symptoms are not clear post stroke, then atleast give some details prior to stroke. Like her personality profile, general complaints, aggravating/worsening factors any peculiar things about her or her life.
maheeru 5 years ago
Post stroke condition:
She talks sometimes unidentified words.
Calls unknown names.
Discusses irrelevant topics,
Difficultly recognizes persons other than family members.
Very difficult to feed her as she resists .
mrbaig 5 years ago
Give her Hyoscyamus 30c. One pill/drop as a dose. Repeat a dose leaving 3 days in between without medicine.

Let me know a report after 5 to 6 doses.
maheeru 5 years ago

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