The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Abscess Near Rectum Area
Hi,I have an abscess close to the rectum about an inch or less away. I have constant pain more like sore area. Ehen I examined it, you cannot see anything, no redness, no swelling from outside. But when I feel it it tender/hurts and is hard and almost little more than an inch in size. I have fever /99.7deg F, the pain is worse on standing and walking, sitting in squatty position, getting in or out of a vehicle, whatever stretches the local area it hurts. I have some headache too. Very close to this abscess I have an old fistula which every rarely, once in fee months may leak a pinkish liquid and flatten out and then come back again. I have never done any thing about the fistula.
I have started taking advil and 2 antibiotics to contain the issue. I have a previous history of diverticulitis, once in few months recently. I have been taking probiotics. I am not constipated but used to be as a child. Currently I feel a slight constriction at the base while urinating, think the whole area is inflamed. It is all under the skin.
Please suggest something to heal this abscess. I don’t want surgery. I am during warm water compression/sit baths type.
Please assist urgently and let me know if you have any additional questions. I am 58yrs old male.
RajanTX1 on 2019-07-26
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please take following medicines:
1. Bell-30 (5drops 3times a day)
2. Heper sulph-30 (5drops 3times a day)
report after 4 days.
dr. mahfooz
1. Bell-30 (5drops 3times a day)
2. Heper sulph-30 (5drops 3times a day)
report after 4 days.
dr. mahfooz
♡ Mahfoozurrehman 5 years ago
Hello Dr.
Before I started the homeopathic medicine, I saw this morning a white top on the abscess. I did not peal or squeeze. I took Hepar Sulphur and then Bell after 2hrs and then had gone to sleep in the afternoon. When I woke up saw that the abscess had burst and was much better; from a tennis ball equivalent to like a ping pong ball. I have continued with wet warm heating, antibiotics and the homeopathic remedies you have suggested. I already had a total of 3 times abscess discharge on it’s own (without my interference). I am feeling much better.
The key agenda on my mind now is to completely clean and heal internally and that there is no reoccurrence.
Appreciate all your help and guidance. If I need to change to do anything different based on the above developments please let me know.
Thanks & Best Regards
Before I started the homeopathic medicine, I saw this morning a white top on the abscess. I did not peal or squeeze. I took Hepar Sulphur and then Bell after 2hrs and then had gone to sleep in the afternoon. When I woke up saw that the abscess had burst and was much better; from a tennis ball equivalent to like a ping pong ball. I have continued with wet warm heating, antibiotics and the homeopathic remedies you have suggested. I already had a total of 3 times abscess discharge on it’s own (without my interference). I am feeling much better.
The key agenda on my mind now is to completely clean and heal internally and that there is no reoccurrence.
Appreciate all your help and guidance. If I need to change to do anything different based on the above developments please let me know.
Thanks & Best Regards
RajanTX1 5 years ago
Hello Dr:
I have been continuing with all the measures listed before; warm moist packs, homeopathic medicines as suggested and antibiotics. The improvement has stalled, small 3/4”abscess is still there and not draining anymore, it is hard on touch. No improvement yesterday during day or in the night while sleeping, getting concerned now. Is this normal? Do I need to update the remedies being taken?
Overall with the previous drainage there is marked improvement, no pain on touch or otherwise and no fever. It’s just that the improvement has stopped.
Please assist / advise.
Thanks for all the help
[Edited by RajanTX1 on 2019-07-29 11:36:56]
I have been continuing with all the measures listed before; warm moist packs, homeopathic medicines as suggested and antibiotics. The improvement has stalled, small 3/4”abscess is still there and not draining anymore, it is hard on touch. No improvement yesterday during day or in the night while sleeping, getting concerned now. Is this normal? Do I need to update the remedies being taken?
Overall with the previous drainage there is marked improvement, no pain on touch or otherwise and no fever. It’s just that the improvement has stopped.
Please assist / advise.
Thanks for all the help
[Edited by RajanTX1 on 2019-07-29 11:36:56]
RajanTX1 5 years ago
Hi RajanTX1,
If you click user name of anyone you will see
Profile and past posts. Dr Mahfooz,in recent years
Comes on the forum every 6 months or so,
Offers a prescription and never follows up.
I suggest you send him an email, listed on
His profile , and if no reply, see if you can
Find a website for him in Pakistan and go private care.
Otherwise, post again for someone else to help you.
I would also suggest trying Lia Bello, head of
Homeo nurse USA homeopaths. She is in New
Mexico, she does acutes by phone for $50-
Some years back, a woman on vacation in
Rural Australia, had the same issue as you,
And I had her connect with Lia, and the situation
Was resolved in a few days.
[Edited by simone717 on 2019-07-29 15:17:10]
If you click user name of anyone you will see
Profile and past posts. Dr Mahfooz,in recent years
Comes on the forum every 6 months or so,
Offers a prescription and never follows up.
I suggest you send him an email, listed on
His profile , and if no reply, see if you can
Find a website for him in Pakistan and go private care.
Otherwise, post again for someone else to help you.
I would also suggest trying Lia Bello, head of
Homeo nurse USA homeopaths. She is in New
Mexico, she does acutes by phone for $50-
Some years back, a woman on vacation in
Rural Australia, had the same issue as you,
And I had her connect with Lia, and the situation
Was resolved in a few days.
[Edited by simone717 on 2019-07-29 15:17:10]
♡ simone717 5 years ago
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