The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Cat with FIP virus
we are looking for a kind homeopath who can help our cat, she is fighting feline infectious peritonitis, there is no help in veterinary medicine, she had belly full with fluid, few days ago we got her drain, she is very depressed, fatigued and under weigh. Please help with good anti viral and immunity booster remedy. ThankspinkyM on 2019-08-28
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Pl give her
1. Natrum Mur-200 (200C) 3 drops in one teasoon water twice a day
2. Apocynum-Q 10 drops in one teaspoon water twice a day.
Pl kepp 30-40 minutes gap between 1 and2
Pl give feedback after 10 days
homeo helper
1. Natrum Mur-200 (200C) 3 drops in one teasoon water twice a day
2. Apocynum-Q 10 drops in one teaspoon water twice a day.
Pl kepp 30-40 minutes gap between 1 and2
Pl give feedback after 10 days
homeo helper
♡ homeo_helper 5 years ago
Some cats with Feline Infectious Peritonitis live for weeks or even months after being diagnosed, but unfortunately, the outcome is always fatal.
So I'm wondering if you are looking for a complete cure or just needing help to make her as much as comfortable and relieve some symptoms?
If it is a latter case, I can suggest some remedies;
Baptisia 30c 3 - 4 times a day for a few days and if you started to see some improvement, you can reduce the dose to 1 - 2 times a day and repeat as necessary. Baptisia support the immune system and helps to improve over all general condition.
If Baptisia does not help at all, you may try Pyrogen 30c, give same way as Baptisia.
Also give FIP nosode 30c, twice daily. It is a remedy made from FIP virus. I don't know where you live, but you can buy it from Ainsworths UK
[Edited by Tui on 2019-08-29 01:42:23]
So I'm wondering if you are looking for a complete cure or just needing help to make her as much as comfortable and relieve some symptoms?
If it is a latter case, I can suggest some remedies;
Baptisia 30c 3 - 4 times a day for a few days and if you started to see some improvement, you can reduce the dose to 1 - 2 times a day and repeat as necessary. Baptisia support the immune system and helps to improve over all general condition.
If Baptisia does not help at all, you may try Pyrogen 30c, give same way as Baptisia.
Also give FIP nosode 30c, twice daily. It is a remedy made from FIP virus. I don't know where you live, but you can buy it from Ainsworths UK
[Edited by Tui on 2019-08-29 01:42:23]
♡ Tui 5 years ago
Thank you, I will do as you have prescribed, and will post you improvements. I live in California, will check for remedies around.Thank you again.
Could not see FIP nosnode, what will be other option? will any remedy will help the cat not get water filled again. if not please add a remedy for it.
[Edited by pinkyM on 2019-08-29 22:06:15]
Could not see FIP nosnode, what will be other option? will any remedy will help the cat not get water filled again. if not please add a remedy for it.
[Edited by pinkyM on 2019-08-29 22:06:15]
pinkyM 5 years ago
I'm suggesting the remedies for palliation and make her as comfortable as possible because I have never seen a cat who survived FIP.
As I said in my first post, and I'm very sorry to say this but the condition is almost always fatal.
However, homeo helper ( the other prescriber) has suggested other remedies and I don't know the reason behind his prescription.
He may think FIP is curable and may have experience helping those cats so you need to ask him to clarify that.
And I don't think you can find FIP nosode in the US. As far as I know, it is only available from Ainsworths, UK.
As I said in my first post, and I'm very sorry to say this but the condition is almost always fatal.
However, homeo helper ( the other prescriber) has suggested other remedies and I don't know the reason behind his prescription.
He may think FIP is curable and may have experience helping those cats so you need to ask him to clarify that.
And I don't think you can find FIP nosode in the US. As far as I know, it is only available from Ainsworths, UK.
♡ Tui 5 years ago
Tui, pinkyM
A past member here was a top vet. homeopath in US and goes by the name Irene de villiers and has a primer on how to treat FIP. She has helped hundreds of cats survive FIP.
Her advice borders on giving FIP nosode as prophylaxis, give indicated remedies along with supplements and protein and nutrients. Prominent remedies according to her are china, sulph. and Lyc but this is not an exhaustive list. She also warns that after FIP resolves, underlying acute disease can still kill the cat.
So proper case taking and timely remedy administration along with those supplements can help beat this unbeatable fatal condition.
One can search for her primer on internet.
A past member here was a top vet. homeopath in US and goes by the name Irene de villiers and has a primer on how to treat FIP. She has helped hundreds of cats survive FIP.
Her advice borders on giving FIP nosode as prophylaxis, give indicated remedies along with supplements and protein and nutrients. Prominent remedies according to her are china, sulph. and Lyc but this is not an exhaustive list. She also warns that after FIP resolves, underlying acute disease can still kill the cat.
So proper case taking and timely remedy administration along with those supplements can help beat this unbeatable fatal condition.
One can search for her primer on internet.
♡ maheeru 5 years ago
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