The ABC Homeopathy Forum
arsenicum album dosage in ongoing asthma remedy
I am 26 and have had asthma since i was 10. ..its mostly exercise induced but over the current years has gotten worse with more of a shortness of breath presenting. I was in past few years of using rescue inhaler almost every day..I had a severe panic when I couldnt get my breath, leading me to go to ER where i was given breathing treatment. Over the past couple years I saw a dr who prescribed a daily control inhaler which I gave up as it didnt really fix anything.., ..3 months ago as a last resort I tried 30x of arsenicum album twice over a 2 day span.. results were almost immediate, within a couple of days... I have stopped using the inhaler almost completely and only repeated the dose 2 times over the past 2 months when I felt a breathing difficulty recur slightly.. how often and at what dose do I continue this to hopefully affect a complete cure.? Should I continue to take the same 30x dosage just whenever I feel a flareup or do I need to use a one time stronger dose? It seems like I read somewhere that a repeated dose should be at a reduced strength..I cant find anything definite about this however and am wondering if I should choose a stronger dose one time......I also have a history of eczema and anxiety..After taking the remedy I did see a reversal of symptoms with the eczema flaring briefly and this sounded positive.The flare only lasted a day or so..Am I on the right tract or Do I need to add another remedy with this?[Edited by kimbercin on 2019-09-25 19:26:45]
kimbercin on 2019-09-25
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Yes, you are on the right track.
What order did your complaints start with?
Eczema, anxiety, asthma?
Are you taking any meds , creams, herbs for
Eczema - anxiety?
If no, was anything taken in the past?
You have a remedy and a potency that is
Working for you. Continue to take a dose
When you need it. You may find the gaps
Between needing it further and further apart.
Yes, you are on the right track.
What order did your complaints start with?
Eczema, anxiety, asthma?
Are you taking any meds , creams, herbs for
Eczema - anxiety?
If no, was anything taken in the past?
You have a remedy and a potency that is
Working for you. Continue to take a dose
When you need it. You may find the gaps
Between needing it further and further apart.
♡ simone717 5 years ago
You could continue with 30x for some more doses.
When you see good effects are reducing, then you could graduate to 6c and then to 30c.
When you see good effects are reducing, then you could graduate to 6c and then to 30c.
♡ maheeru 5 years ago
You know its so far back its hard to remember which came first the eczema or the asthma. I just remember the ped doctor saying she heard wheezing when she listened and that was where it was first noticed. Wasnt till years later it became a problem and more frequent. As far as suppressing the eczema, the usual skin creams were used from time to needed..The anxiety is hard to DX as I have always been fearful..I didnt realized when I tried this potency that it was actually not the 30c recommended..Not taking anything else now that I know better..Just vit c, magnesium..and black seed oil. I used to take various other supplements but have ceased taking them..I noticed the small setbacks usually when I get exposed to something like a cleaning product or my dog's hair and it is then I take a booster dose..I did notice when I googled it that something different is suggested for exercise induced asthma so wondered if I needed to take that as well since I do have an occasional need during that time.....Thanks for your feedback!
kimbercin 5 years ago
I was asking about the order/ timing of
Things because often when a person
Has eczema and uses creams,meds etc
Which suppress the eczema , the problem
Goes deeper into the body and the eczema
Seems better.. but then Allergies develop.
You are dosing correctly. I would caution you
To NOT take a booster dose before exercise,
Because if you do not need it, it can cause
Aggravation( worsening of old symptoms)
Keep doing what you are doing, and as Maheeru
Said, if you find the 30x is not working, move up
To 6c , etc.
I was asking about the order/ timing of
Things because often when a person
Has eczema and uses creams,meds etc
Which suppress the eczema , the problem
Goes deeper into the body and the eczema
Seems better.. but then Allergies develop.
You are dosing correctly. I would caution you
To NOT take a booster dose before exercise,
Because if you do not need it, it can cause
Aggravation( worsening of old symptoms)
Keep doing what you are doing, and as Maheeru
Said, if you find the 30x is not working, move up
To 6c , etc.
♡ simone717 5 years ago
I did understand about the order of things and was encouraged when the eczema flared up briefly during treatment..I only took a booster dose because I felt I needed it that one time. I do not take it proactively..I appreciate your confirming that I am on the right track. Its hard to get confirmation from anyone on the web and most sites wont tell you unless you pay for a consult.. This is all so exciting a discovery to me. Now I need to find an effective remedy for my old dogs various conditions..Bless her..
kimbercin 5 years ago
♡ anuj srivastava 4 years ago
Old thread resurrected :)
30x is the decimal dilution continuing on footsteps of 6x which is widely popular. 1x to 200x are available on this series.
Old thread resurrected :)
30x is the decimal dilution continuing on footsteps of 6x which is widely popular. 1x to 200x are available on this series.
♡ maheeru 4 years ago
I’ve come to truly believe that certain plants, when used properly, can offer real help for conditions like Herpes. The key is finding the right practitioner. My partner and I were both struggling with HSV-2, but after using Dr. Ifá Imonah’s herbal treatment, we’re both doing much better. Our tests are now negative, and we’ve been feeling great. I’m so thankful for his expertise. If you’re looking for alternatives, I’d recommend checking out his approach. You can learn more on his website: imonahsolutioncenter(dot)simdif(dot)com
heatherTurn last month
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