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Superficial gastric ulcer

Hi Team, i am suffering from the superficial gastric ulcer due to the h pylori bacteria.it's been a year and I tried rabeprazole and various antibiotics of no much use. Kindly suggest the best madicine in homeopathy to cure my problem.please see the attached report for more information.
[Edited by Illuri.krishna on 2019-10-13 17:38:05]
  Illuri.krishna on 2019-10-13
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
What are your symptoms? Please describe in detail.

How did it all start?

What seems to make it feel better or worse? Any type of food or drink affect you?

Are you taking any medications now?

Any other health problems?
Tui 5 years ago

From how long you have this problem ?

Do you have diabetes or blood pressure problem ?

What is your daily routine ? from morning till evening ? active or sedentary ?

do you feel marked weakness in body ?

Any constipation or foul smelling gases (abdomen) ?

do you feel more thirsty or less ?

feel cold in body or hot ?

Any other thing / symptoms you notice ?
Gentle1 5 years ago
What are your symptoms? Please describe in detail.
How did it all start?

I Have been suffering due to this problem from 1 year.Feeling like wound in my stomach. I got GERD initially later in endoscopy they found that i had h pylori through biopsy test and also had the ulcer. I am feeling gnawing pain in the stomach continuously and the pain will be little more in the morning with empty stomach.I am currently using Rabeprazole medicine.

What seems to make it feel better or worse? Any type of food or drink affect you?- spicy foods will create a little stomach pain.

Are you taking any medications now?- Rabeprazole

Any other health problems?-B12 deficiency


From how long you have this problem ?- 1year

Do you have or blood pressure problem ?-No

What is your daily routine ? from morning till evening ? active or sedentary ?- private job with little stress

do you feel marked weakness in body ?- little weakness and had B12 deficiency as well.

Any constipation or foul smelling gases (abdomen) ?- gnawing pain

do you feel more thirsty or less ?- No but when i drink water it feels like little painful.

feel cold in body or hot ?- Normal

Any other thing / symptoms you notice ?- pain will be little more in the morning with empty stomach
Illuri.krishna 5 years ago
Also some times little back pain and left leg hip pain comes. few years back i had back pain and cured by homeopathy.
Illuri.krishna 5 years ago
Kindly look at the attached endoscopy report for more information.
Illuri.krishna 5 years ago
I don't see the report here.
Can you upload it again?
[Edited by Tui on 2019-10-14 10:03:48]
Tui 5 years ago
try natrum mur 200c .. 4 drops once only. 4 drops once only. in some water in a separate disposable glass with some water in it. no more no repeat. wait and notice and changes in the next few days. (3-4) you can update after that.

do not use following things at any case.

broiler chicken, old aluminum pots specially with black dots at the bottom inside, contaminated water, microwave oven, fruits ripen from chemicals, salty, spicy, oily or junk foods, .. anything which worsen the symptoms. you can update after 4-5 days.
Gentle1 5 years ago
I would like to see your report before suggesting any remedies.
Tui 5 years ago
Please see the medical report from the link below.


Hi Team, Kindly suggest the medicine as per the endoscopy report. I am suffering due to this problem from 1 year. Please help me to come out of this problem.
[Edited by Illuri.krishna on 2019-10-18 15:23:51]
Illuri.krishna 5 years ago
Thank you for the report.

Please take Kali bichromicum 6c and Phosphorus 6c twice daily for a few weeks and see how you feel after that and report back if anything changes.

1 dose is 2 pills or 2 drops.
Tui 5 years ago
Thank you so much Tui, You are like a god for me to cure my health problem.I have been suffering a lot due to this gastric problem. I am feeling much better after using Kali bichromicum 6c and Phosphorus 6c. Feeling like dull pain in the morning when i don't use the medicine.As i had the back pain, I am getting back pain for some times due to the bike riding.Please see the medicine used in the below link.

Illuri.krishna 5 years ago
continue with the remedies for another month and report back.
Tui 5 years ago
Hi Tui,Thanks for the support.Feeling much better than earlier.70% of my symptoms gone. Please see the below occasional symptoms.
1.Dull pain when stomach is empty.
2.Sore throat in the morning time.
3.Feeling weak.
4.Left side buttock,joint and leg pain.

Kindly let me know that i should use any other medicine along with the current medicine.
Illuri.krishna 5 years ago
Please stop Kali bichromicum 6c for now.

And change the potency of Phosphorus 6c to 30c, take one dose a day up to 30 days.
Also, start with Arsenicum album 30c, one dose a day up to 30 days and report back if anything changes.

1 dose is 2 drops.
[Edited by Tui on 2020-02-13 08:38:44]
Tui 5 years ago
Hi Tui, I have tried phosphorus 30c, arsenicum album 30c for 1 month. I felt the kali bichromicum is little better than arsenicum album 30c. Please see the below changes for more information.

1.Observed the bloating on the empty stomach.
2.Dull stomach pain before going to stools/Motion.
3.Stools/Motion is not all ways the same(ribbon shape/loose/other shapes)
4.Soar throat in the morning due to GERD.
5.Burping and Gas in stomach.
5.Not feeling like more energitic.

Due to the above fears.Earlier, i had the CT scan as well and found only the ulcer spot in the stomach. Doctor suggested that i may have IBS as well.Please see the below link for the medicine prescribed.


Illuri.krishna 5 years ago
Stop phosphorus and arsenicum, and start with lycopodium 30c and Iris versicolor 200c, twice a day for a few weeks and report back.
Tui 4 years ago
Hi Tui. I have tried lycopodium 30c, Iris versicolor 200C for a month. There is no change. I am suffering from dull pain in left middle of my stomach, Indigestion and frequent motions. Could you please help me to permanently resolve this issue. Thanks.
Illuri.krishna 4 years ago
But i observed no soar throat/acid reflux while using this medicine.
Illuri.krishna 4 years ago
Please stop taking the remedy and wait and watch.

Report back in a few weeks.
Tui 4 years ago
Hi Tui, stopped taking medicine. Dull pain is still there.shall I use kalibichromium 30c. I felt some what better when taking kalibichromium 6c. Please suggest...
Illuri.krishna 4 years ago
Hi Team, Can any one suggest on this issue.
Illuri.krishna 4 years ago
Hi Team, Can you suggest me to proceed with Kali bichromium
Illuri.krishna 4 years ago
Hi Tui, Dull pain is still there.shall I use kalibichromium 30c. I felt some what better when taking kalibichromium 6c,Phosporous 6c. Please suggest...
Illuri.krishna 4 years ago

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Information given in this forum is given by way of exchange of views only, and those views are not necessarily those of ABC Homeopathy. It is not to be treated as a medical diagnosis or prescription, and should not be used as a substitute for a consultation with a qualified homeopath or physician. It is possible that advice given here may be dangerous, and you should make your own checks that it is safe. If symptoms persist, seek professional medical attention. Bear in mind that even minor symptoms can be a sign of a more serious underlying condition, and a timely diagnosis by your doctor could save your life.