The ABC Homeopathy Forum
cough with copd issue
Patient: Male 70yearsstopped smoking 6 years back and never smoked
Pure nux vomica patient.
every year he gets cough attack and it is severe.
3 months back his diabetis at 350 now after nux only one dose NUX200 per month.. his diabets at 90. All good.
But severe cough since 1 month.
cough symptoms: 80% cough just while laying to sleep. cough also in daytime. unable to throw phlegm inside. whooping cough when starts and sometimes ends with one or two sneezes.
I tried spongia failed then drosera 30 only one dose.. failed
nux also not gave any relief this time based on his morality.
sulphur one dose as previous medicines not shown any relief. but sulphur also failed.
finally gave medorrhinum200 as intercurrent (as most medicines failed gave this one).. but still no relief.
Tried rubrics then got Sepia and Lyco as first two ranking remedies. Shall I try them?
alapati on 2019-11-24
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Does he have chronic bronchitis or emphysema?
Does he cough up anything?
If yes;
How frequent?
How much ( quantity of sputum) and
What color and consistency is it?
What makes things better or worse?
What medications is he taking?
Does he cough up anything?
If yes;
How frequent?
How much ( quantity of sputum) and
What color and consistency is it?
What makes things better or worse?
What medications is he taking?
♡ Tui 5 years ago
He is a COPD patient.
Sputum less.. medium green
Frequency - once every 15mins
Nothing in specific to make better or worse
As of now given only MED 200 yesterday one dose. As all other remedies failed.(tried Hepar, spongia, Drosera, bacilinum, sulphur one dose previously)
He uses no other medicines even in Allopathy.
Sputum less.. medium green
Frequency - once every 15mins
Nothing in specific to make better or worse
As of now given only MED 200 yesterday one dose. As all other remedies failed.(tried Hepar, spongia, Drosera, bacilinum, sulphur one dose previously)
He uses no other medicines even in Allopathy.
alapati 5 years ago
Hi- wait for Tui to prescribe.
But green sputum means there is a bacterial
Infection- so you may want to get antibiotics
For this if nothing helps.
But green sputum means there is a bacterial
Infection- so you may want to get antibiotics
For this if nothing helps.
♡ simone717 5 years ago
use Arsenicum 200c twice a day for a few days.
If it doesn't help at all, look for other remedies;
Antimonium tartaricum (very irritable and can't get sputum out),
Antimonium arsenicosum (if he has emphysema) and
Lobellia inflata (emphysema from smoking + especially if he also have gastric symptoms like vomiting and coughing, similar to Ipecac)
use Coca or Carbo veg if he has difficulty breathing + shortness of breath.
He may need a dose of Psorinum 200 or 1M later..
If it doesn't help at all, look for other remedies;
Antimonium tartaricum (very irritable and can't get sputum out),
Antimonium arsenicosum (if he has emphysema) and
Lobellia inflata (emphysema from smoking + especially if he also have gastric symptoms like vomiting and coughing, similar to Ipecac)
use Coca or Carbo veg if he has difficulty breathing + shortness of breath.
He may need a dose of Psorinum 200 or 1M later..
♡ Tui 5 years ago
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